Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Are We Really Doomed?

Are we really doomed from all that is going on in the world?

Doomed is something that you will never be. It is humorous how humanity envisions itself. Many before and many again will try to have all that there is to have on your little planet in space; but they will ultimately fail and the world will see the light once again. 

It all seems so grim, what with politics being traded for cash and health being traded to acquire power.

Merely tricks of an unsophisticated perspective. From My view, it is all quite entertaining. I tell you this, nothing on Earth can kill you. Not the poisons in the sky, nor the water, nor the soil; for it all came from Me. The only reason the body will fail to exist is if the Soul of you allows it.

But people are getting sick from the air we are breathing. It is slowly killing us.

You crack me up. I have made nothing that will kill you unless the Soul allows it. You, the brain, do more damage to the body with your poison thoughts of what will kill you than the actual things in the air around you. Still, even with your toxic beliefs, the body will continue to function until the Soul says otherwise. The brain can cause cancers and lesions and ailments from its thinking; yet, the body will live on.

But then the Soul will get tired of living in a torn up body and want to leave, right?

Maybe. In some cases, the Soul will direct the brain on how to heal the body with new thoughts. Other times, the Soul may allow the slow disintegration of the tissues simply for the additional experience of it. You may resemble a crypt keeper before the bitter end, but you will still function if the Soul says so.
You all have so under estimated the power of the body in which you live. You are more powerful than anything on the planet. This is by design.

That doesn't make any sense. Then why are people getting sick and dying if we are so strong? Why don't we live healthy lives by default in spite of the poisons?

No one lives by default; you live by intention. Have you ever known of anyone that is on their death bed, but then has a miraculous recovery?

I've heard of it...

The Soul did that. Have you heard of someone being on their death bed - and then dies?


The Soul did that too.

You know, some people don't believe in souls. How do you explain this to them? 

Do not think too much about the word, Soul. All you really are is a form of matter that is aware of itself; energy, as it is referred by some. Words are useless. You ARE that you ARE, and that is all. You were never a body. You are a thing that can never be sick and that can never die because you have never been human.

Then if not a soul and not a human - what are we?

You are that which manipulates anything you think about.

Hold we are only thinking about being humans?

More or less. 

I don't get it. We are pretending to be here? We are only manipulating this dimension of reality?

My dear brain; you are the dimension.


Like I said, words are useless. But think of it like this: the Soul can never leave its own realm, or dimension, because it is the dimension. The Soul cannot become another dimension. Instead, it manipulates other dimensions from right where it is. All other dimensions follow the same natural laws; however, every one of them can seamlessly, and effortlessly intermingle and communicate with each other.

Does the Soul have to travel to other dimensions to do this?

Travel only occurs in thought. No physical movement is necessary. This is quite easy since all dimensions exist within Me. They are Me. All the dimensions, or realms, that exist are all the parts that make Me whole. Without any one of them, I would be incomplete. 


For the sake of simplicity, think of Me like this: one giant thought processor. I put the Awesome in cognitive multitasking.

So, because we are merely pretending to be here, we can never truly be sick or die - least of all from our environment.

Right. The body can be destroyed, but even then, it must remain in its own dimension - the dimension of the physical. Or shall I say, the seemingly physical. We'll get into that later.

The body can never join the Soul. You've said that before.

Yes. That is why the body is tossed out; buried or burned. It rejoins that from which it came...the Earth. That is why it takes two bodies of the same realm to make a baby's body for the Soul to use. A spirit and a physical body can never come together to make a physical body. The Soul must manipulate the physical realm from its own space to manifest something in and of the physical realm. In this case, two physical bodies are used to create a third. Do you understand the example?

You are referring to the virgin birth. I get it. But getting back to the subject, we should not fear the chemicals in the sky or the poisons in the water or food because they are of one realm and the Souls are of another.

You should not. I promise, your bodies can resist them all if that is what the Soul wants and if the Soul and brain work as the team they were designed to be.

I will do my best. 

I know you will. Knowledge is powerful. And now that you know these things, you can go out and live freely as if you have an immunity that even your doctors cannot explain. I promise they will all scratch their heads as to why you, and those like you, are the last ones standing.

Monday, October 24, 2016

A Really Tired Soul...

JB: I am tired. I think I am all done with this whole thing.

Soul: I see.

JB: I look around and can see no reason to stay.

Soul: Your two girls. Are they a reason?

JB: I suppose. But wouldn't they truly be fine without me?

Soul: Of course they would. It is not My desire to make the brain feel trapped in this body

JB: Okay. Good. Because I have been giving it a lot of thought lately. I'm just a really tired soul.

Soul: Interesting thing to say.

JB: Why is that interesting?

Soul: Because I am the Soul to which you are referring; and I do not feel tired. But I can tell that the brain that thinks it is. JB Lewis is tired...that would be you.

JB: Jesus bleeding Christ. body and brain feels exhausted then. Whomever I am - I am tired and I long for peace within this structure, or whatever. Give me a break! I don't feel like there is something separate from me - like a Soul. Why do I feel like the Soul if I am not?

Soul: Because you have been lied to for all of your existence. You have been told that you are all that you see, and that the Soul is something else. If you separate two rooms with a curtain, does one room suddenly not exist simply because you cannot see it? The whole of who you are has been covered by a curtain. The brain exists and the Soul exists; but this entire human experience could never take place without the two of us existing together.

JB: Right. Then if I am not really what I believe myself to be, then what is it about me that just wants to lie down and drift off into a non-returnable sleep?

Soul: You are tired because you are trying to be Me. You are trying to be a Soul. You forget your place. You are not a Soul and therefore have no place in taking on the decisions that a Soul takes on. You cannot see what I see so you have tired yourself out in your efforts to be omnipotent.

JB: What is my place?

Soul: You have the chillest job of all, if you will. You only need to do what I give you to do; and I will never give you more than you can handle. You do not need to make plans. You do not need to figure it all out. You do not need to try and create anything. You merely Need-To-Be. As a brain, you are not in control. You receive from Me as I pass My Consciousness through you. That is where the ideas that you think you came up with actually emanate. If I left this body and the body was able to remain alive without My Energy, no further ideas would present themselves. You, as a brain, would only be able to recycle what had previously passed through you from Me, up until the moment I left. You would wander aimlessly like a person with a severe case of dementia; revisiting old and familiar places, but you would have no reason to be there - you would have no purpose. You would simply exist.

JB: Is this Your way of cheering me up?

Soul: (laughing) Is it working?

JB: No. But I appreciate the words. It does help a little; even if what You say makes me feel like a useless brain.

Soul: Trust Me, you are most definitely not useless. If you would spend a bit more time synchronizing yourself to Me in meditation, the purpose and pleasures I have planned for us would be somewhat less surprising - and perhaps give you that peace you so long for.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

"The Soul & The Brain"

Okay. You can take me now. I am ready to go.

Where should I take you?

You that place...that place people go after.

After what?

Good grief; after death. Now you're just being goofy.

(Laughing) Just to be straight - you're a brain. A part of the physical realm; so you are not going anywhere. The problem is, you are speaking as if you are a Soul.

I feel like I am making decisions like a Soul. But okay, I remember all of our previous conversations. I serve you and will decay and turn to whatever after the body is put to rest.

Right. But for the sake of discussion. Where would I take you if you could go?

You know; the place where Souls go...Heaven.


Why do you mock me?

Heaven, you say? What makes you think you are not already there?

Have you had a look around? This is NOT Heaven.

On the one hand, you are right. But on another, you are not.

Ahh brother. Okay. What?

I will say it so that you can construct an image. The life you call a human physical experience is happening within a specific dimension; a sliver of All That Is. Let us just say that every moment has its own sliver.

Every moment that has ever existed exists independently?

Collectively independent, yes.

Apparently you've never heard of oxy-morons. That would be an almost infinite amount of dimensional slivers.


But how can the Universe contain all of those slivers from every being that has ever existed in the history of creation?

Because there is no such thing as a Universe. That is merely the name humans have given to that which they have yet to fully understand.


When something is given a name, it has been presumed that this named thing has borders and limitations - like a box. As if there is somewhere, no matter how large, that this thing must absolutely end since, something without end seems impossible to the human mind. Such a state of mind is taught, not inherited from Consciousness.

But scientists say the Universe is expanding. So for something to expand, there must be a point by which they can measure how far it has moved since the last measurement.

(Laughing) You're cute. The Universe, as you call it, is not expanding. It is shifting. The space around you is in a state of constant flux. It moves in and out; it breathes, if you will. It digests itself and gives birth of itself over and over again. Anything you notice as a space, emptiness or a void is really just Consciousness in a state of motion.

But you said before, in another conversation, that you move into that which is not, and make it that which is. Wouldn't that be you moving into areas that are outside of You?

Nothing is outside of Me. In fact, nothing is outside or inside of Me since there are no borders that would indicate where I stop or where I begin. Sometimes it is necessary to explain things in a way that the human mind can accept and understand. But after a while, it is important to move beyond that smaller comprehension.

You're building blocks; or steps that lead to a larger view?


But what you are saying means that every thought of every being, animal, human or other life form, would exist within its very own dimension. To me, at least, it is incomprehensible how large a space would have to be to contain all of this information.

That is because you are thinking as if Consciousness is some sort of computer server or something - storing experiences in gigabits or terabits. I tell you this: no space is required for every single experience or thought to exist. Every single moment that has ever occurred, even where no beings are present, is a dimension. All That Is, Has Been, or Ever Will Be, exists at all times - and it exists freely without borders, restrictions, or conditions - and is accessible at all times.

It simply exists?

Yes. I am not a computer or a matrix. I am that I am and that is enough. I exist everywhere - and everywhere is really nowhere-in-particular. And when I say I, I mean all of us.

But wait. If everything I have ever thought and done each has its own dimension, I would occupy an enormous space. 

I see that you still cannot get beyond your physical perception of Who and What I am. So to go along with your ideology; yes, if you had a size to measure, you would be your own Universe complete with stars and galaxies. You would move throughout the All of Everything as if you were a person in a much larger community. Just like a person in a big city, you could move without ever touching another Universe, if that's what you chose. Or you could mingle and merge with other Universal Consciousness the same as you do when you are having a dinner party. Yes, you are enormous; yet, you are just a twinkle in the All of Everything.

Okay. When a Soul moves on from the body, there is really no Heaven to go to. Is that what you're saying?

I am saying, you Are the Heaven you seek. You are the Universe you observe. You are the glory you praise. You are the gift the Soul has given to Itself.

So what really happens when the Soul leaves the body?

When the Soul leaves the body, the Soul remains what It has always been. It does not change from one form to another since the Soul never became a body - the Soul merely manipulated parts of a physical dimension while remaining right where It has always been - in Its own dimension. Upon death, as you call it, the Soul simply turns Its focus from one dimension of the All to another. In a near-death-experience, this shift seems like a new place; but it is really just the Soul's old neighborhood, if you will.

Hold on. Wait. I'm thinking. I have to recap. There is no Universe as we have been taught, just the limited perspective from one of infinite dimensions. Everything exists freely. The Soul is larger than a brain like me can comprehend. Did I get it right?

More or less. But I never said you cannot comprehend it. You are comprehending it right now. You just cannot experience it. The experience of it is beyond what the realm of the physical can reproduce. That is because this dimension was designed that way. That is why Souls come here, so to speak; though this is not the only place Souls like to visit for experiences. Souls reach into other dimensions in order to feel what things are like there. In your case, it's the experience of being human. When a Soul is done with that, a shift occurs and the Soul refocuses, as it were. Your realm sees this as death; but the Consciousness, previously known as your Soul, never stops. It does multiple things at once. Visits multiple dimensions at once. Lives multiple lives at once. Think of the most amazing thing you think the Soul can do and multiply it by infinity. That is what the Soul is doing all of the time.

All the time?

Even while I am having this conversation with you.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


You are not of this realm. You are of a genderless field of super-matter that wielded It's Consciousness into everything you see. This Supreme Thinker has never and will never dictate how nor to whom you should love. This Consciousness will never forbid It's creations from being sexual in any manner that is desired. And this Divine Being will never respond with malice against any decisions the Soul makes; for the Soul is but an extension of the Whole, and the Whole will never judge Itself.

You Are The Ones For Change

Answer me this; if we, the humans, are actually controlled by an all knowing energy source, and the body is its slave, then isn't it the Soul that is destroying the Earth?


Yes? You should be saying no, shouldn't you?

I cannot say that.

Then we are all screwed. We should write a book about that. It would be one page long and would read, "Hi, I'm the Soul and I'm killing humanity." The End.

Think of it like this. When a body is used, or manipulated, by this all-knowing energy, the human brain becomes Its new eyes. So for a while, the Soul is intentionally blinded by this organic veil. The duration of this blindness depends on the journey the Soul has given Itself. However, not all is lost, as it may seem. Since the Soul knew before blinding Itself how the journey would flow, the Soul is okay with all of the outcomes. 

Are you saying that the Soul is allowing the brain to lead the way into chaos? You said before that the Soul and the brain are partners. How is that a partnership?

It is still a partnership. The Soul is still the leader since It has orchestrated how the body will interact with experiences. The difference is that the Soul, for a time, may not allow the brain to see past the veil and recognize the Soul. This is all for experience. Remember, the brain and body would roam aimlessly without the Soul; so if a brain and body are functioning with intention - with a purpose - then you know for sure there is an all-knowing energy back of it, no matter how lost and confused, vile or evil their actions may seem to you.

Why would an omnipotent energy create destruction?

Nothing is ever destroyed, and no Soul will ever manifest into the human experience more than can be handled by the collective.

Even though some things that are going on seem way out of the control of the population? 

Right. That line of thinking is part of the illusion of humanity. All events - every bit of life - is collaborated on by the Whole of society, behind the scenes, if you will. Life merely seems out of whack from the brain's perspective. But like the Wizard of Oz, once you pull back the curtain, or veil, all is revealed; and you learn that you had courage, a heart, and a brain after all and that everything was fixable. Know this: one Soul can never harm another without Its permission; so if you feel you are being damaged by others, then you all have allowed it. It could be no other way.

Will these blinded Souls and brains ever see the light and recognize one another and stop their madness?

Some will because they have set their human lives up to be led into clarity. Others have chosen to remain concealed because it suits the experiences they wish to have. There will always be a perfect balance even when things appear to be chaotic.

Some people ask the question, "How could a just god have a heaven for these people when they have not learned to take care of the Earth?" But according to your explanation, there is no need to worry about the Earth.

There is no need to worry about the Earth, heaven, hell, god or any thing else; for what you think is real, is not. And what you believe cannot possibly exist, does.

Well, when are the rest of us that have clarity going to put an end to this mess that the ones without clarity have started?

Hmm...that is the question you should be asking yourselves as a collective. There are no rules. You all have equal power in how you live. You do not need permission to change the way you experience being human. Do not be fooled by the appearance of one group having power over another group. Have a close look and you will see that the ones with no clarity of connection to the Soul live in a constant state of fear of you who have clarity. That is why they use fear to keep you in place.

Because that is all they live by; that is all they know...fear.

Yes. I will tell you the secret now since you seem to be yearning. You must use what they know against them. You must use their own fear to turn the tide. But remember, you will not be damaging them, for their Souls are not really living in fear; only the brain. This is how the game of illusion is played in your dimension. They are waiting for you - behind the scenes - to make your move. Are you ready?

Yes. Let's do it!

Then let the games begin. I'll get the popcorn.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Out Of The Blue

Tell me how you met Heather.

You surely already know.

But let me hear how you describe it.

Okay. Well, it was September of 1996 and we had both just moved to Dallas, Texas to work for Delta Airlines in their reservations department. We were in the same training class.

Uh huh. Why did you both decide that moving to Dallas to work for an airline was the right move?

For me, I loved the aviation industry and was already working part-time for Delta in Little Rock, Arkansas in baggage. Everything was going along just fine, so I can’t explain why I, out of the blue, decided to move to Dallas and interview for a reservations position. It was as if a light went off in my mind, directing me toward Dallas. I had never considered working for any other part of Delta prior to that. It was supposed to be a temp gig while I figured out my real life since I had recently burned out on college. To make a long story short, I called the offices in Dallas, flew down on my day off, and filled out an application.

Just like that? Sounds easy enough. And then you were hired?

Not exactly. During the application process I was required to take a typing test to see if I qualified for the position since making reservations took place on a device that was completely foreign to me in 1996.


A computer. I typed 11 words a minute, including the mistakes and thought for sure I was not going to get hired. I typed like I had no fingers at all. However, the guy hired me for the next training class anyway.

It was almost as if you already had the job before you even interviewed or took the typing test.

Either that or the Delta recruiter had started drinking early in the morning.

Why was there a typing test?

Because the entire industry was just moving away from written tickets to computer based tickets and I was getting in on the ground floor of the new computerized airline age.

What about Heather?

For Heather we have to go back five months to April of 1996. She was still in Portland Oregon working at a bakery that she loved. She was doing well there, but all of a sudden, her boss sat her down one Friday and said, “We’re letting you go.”

Out of the blue?

Yeah. Her boss said she didn’t feel Heather was fulfilling her potential and simply told her to go home.

But the airline business was her potential?

Now you sound like me.

I am you; but go on.

The airline job was going to lead to something much better – but we didn’t know it at the time.

That sounds like something I would say. Continue.

Heather went back to her apartment, very upset and not totally understanding why her boss, whom she loved, would fire her. Heather later told me that her boss was quite sincere about the whole thing and honestly felt that Heather was wasting her time at the bakery. Heather was only 18 at the time and hadn’t put much thought into her future.

That’s typical of teenagers. What happened at her apartment?

Heather walked in, turned on the television, went to pee, and started crying because she had no idea what she was going to do. However, as she was urinating, she heard something that piqued her interest.


A commercial playing from the television in the other room – a commercial she had seen running in the background a million times but never gave much attention.

What was it?

A commercial about an airline school; one where they teach people how to work in the airline industry. They teach students how to ticket planes, railways, and hotels. 

You know what I’m thinking…

No doubt the same thing I was when I heard about it. No one needs to go to school to learn how to work in the airline industry. When an airline hires someone, the airline puts the new hire through their own training class; but Heather didn’t know that beforehand. None of the students did.
But here’s the thing. As one of the perks for paying for the school, they help students find jobs in aviation by inviting airline recruiters to the school to interview newly graduated students.


Are You losing interest?

I’m just waiting for the good part.

Let me know when you hear it. Anyway, Heather was suddenly inspired so she got off the toilet, dried her tears, and went down to the school before they closed for the day. When she arrived they told her that the next classes start on Monday. They also told her the tuition was five thousand dollars for five months of education. To say the least, Heather did not have five thousand dollars for the school and figured she had just wasted her time.

I don’t have the money.

That’s okay. You can apply for financial aid. But because it’s Friday, you will have to wait three months for the next class since the paperwork won’t go through before Monday.

What a bummer. But if she had to wait for the next class, how would you two have made it into the same Delta Airlines training class?

Heather applied for the financial aid and the recruiter said, “We might as well give you the grand tour.” So they walked around for fifteen minutes, meeting teachers and hearing the sales pitch on why Heather should attend in three months.
By the time the tour was over and they had made it back around to the front offices, her financial aid package had already been approved.

In only fifteen minutes?


Heather. It looks as though your financial aid loan has been approved.


I know. We have never had one get approved that fast – ever. It looks like you can start on Monday if you like.

Needless to say, five months later, when Heather finished the classes and knew all there was to know about ticketing planes, trains and hotels, she was allowed to interview with the airline recruiters that were arriving.

Whew! Never before in the history of the school had a loan package been approved so fast. Amazing. And then she got hired with Delta?

Right. But this one was unique.


Because, not only had Delta never previously agreed to come to the school to recruit students, they have never since been back. It was a one-time deal that Heather would have missed had she not made it into that particular class on that Monday five months prior. It was like it was meant to be.

Like somehow the Universe turned its wheels just so Heather could get fired from the bakery out of the blue, hear the commercial, go to the school, get the impossible last minute funding that had never happened before, graduate and get hired by an airline that came to the school only once in the history of the world, flew her to Dallas for training and met you…

Exactly. They hired a total of five students out of three hundred; but it was as if they were only there for Heather.

Now we’re getting to the good part.

It gets even more interesting.

Then it was love at first sight?

We didn’t even notice each other. Out of sixty new-hires in the Delta training class, she wasn’t even on my radar. She sat on the very last row of the class with the ones who thought they were cool, and I sat on the very first row where all the geeks were. She made friends with a completely different group of people than I did.

Huh. Consciousness orchestrated all those events to get you two in the same building and you didn’t even know the other existed.

Right – but as you may say – Consciousness wasn’t done with us yet.

Interesting. Do tell.

About two weeks into the class, we all began working on Delta’s new reservation computer system. We each had a computer at our desk and I was nervous about putting my eleven word-per-minute skills to work.


We were about half way through the second or third day of using the new computer system when Heather’s computer mysteriously stopped working.


Yeah. Out of sixty students, it was hers that went out and was unrecoverable, as it turned out.

That is mysterious. Go on.

Even stranger was the fact that she had fifteen other people on that back row with her that she could have paired up with to share computers. But instead, the instructor moved her all the way to the front of the class and paired her with me.

Even more mysterious. I bet you noticed Heather then.

Actually, the first words out of my mouth were, “Don’t break my computer.” That set the tone – she was immediately annoyed with me but I thought I was being funny.

Wow. You must be a relationship genius.

Ha ha. Why do you say that?

Because you have no savvy, suave tact; yet, she still ended up with you.

Well, that just shows how something much more brilliant than I was at play.

Ooh, more interesting stuff. Go on.

We spent a couple of days sitting together working on the computer, but nothing in particular happened. No fun conversation, no immediate attraction, no flirting. Nothing. I was too focused on the class.
But one morning on the elevator as I was getting off and she was getting on, the strangest thing happened. I noticed her.

Yes? Why did you notice her then?

Because I suddenly remembered something crazy and I told her as she passed me to get on the elevator to go get her morning coffee.

What did you say?

I was very cool about it. But just as the elevator doors were about to close, I turned and said, “I had a dream about you last night.”

Oh I’ve heard some crummy pick-up lines but that was cheesy.

Maybe – but it wasn’t a pick-up line. I really did have a dream of her; I just hadn’t remembered it until I saw her that morning.

What kind of dream was it?

It was a dream of light.

Indeed. Continue.

In the dream, I walked into a room. The room was made completely of a soft, white light. This may seem weird to explain, but I will do my best.
I could not see the corners, the ceiling or the floor distinctly, but knew it was a room. It was an understanding that I just knew. In the middle of the room was a spiral staircase that extended upwards, beyond where I could see; but only because I never looked up to see where it went.

Why not?

Because I was too captivated by whom I saw sitting on the staircase.


Although I could not tell where the floor of light met the walls of light, I could tell there was a floor somehow. The stairs sort of hazed into light and melded into the floor. Heather was sitting about midway up the stairs just before the first spiral turn; she was smiling and leaning forward on her elbows just slightly, having never spoken a word.

Go on…

This next part is the most interesting part, I think.

Now I say I saw Heather sitting on a stair case, but the actual look of her was somewhat different.

How so?

She had no face.

No face?

And no body.

Indeed. Continue.

She had no Earthly type bodily features; yet, I was aware of who this being was. Heather was also made of light. Her smiling face, her hair that fell forward over her face; her legs and the way her posture looked when she sat. It was all her, but it was all light. I know this may sound strange.

To me? Never. Go on.

Now here’s the thing - although she was only light, she was still everything. That is, I barely knew Heather in the physical sense, but I still recognized all of her subtleties and nuances as if I had known her forever. I simply knew all of who she was, even before I knew who she was. Does that make sense?

Absolutely. Tell me more.

Her hair was light, but I understood it to be blonde strands that could move like hair. Her face was a soft, white light; no smile wrinkles, no eyes, no nose, no mouth, or expressions; yet, I could see her smile wrinkles, her eyes, her nose, her mouth and her expression of absolute happiness as she sat there smiling at me.
Every part of her was light, but I could still understand that she had dimensions. I was even aware that she was wearing one of her favorite outfits, even though, looking back I remember seeing only light. I understood what she was wearing and could see that in my mind. 
Let me try to say it this way: she was one light, but she had many parts that I fully understood as separate items and characteristics.

It seems your awareness in this dream state flowed effortlessly through the subconscious. However, I can see the difficulty you are having trying to re-create the understanding through the cognitive mind. That is because you are trying to use the rules and vocabulary of your physical training to express the multiple aspects of Consciousness you experienced at once. Try to say it without thinking about it.

Easy for you to say. All I do is think – I am a brain. But here goes.
When I met Heather, she was a whisp of light that emanated all she ever was and all she will ever be all at once.


Reflecting on it now, I can see that Consciousness must have been thinking, “This guy is a thick as a brick. I better send him a dream he won’t soon forget.”

I think you’re on to something, my friend.

Only I did forget about the dream until I saw her the next day. Then it all came rushing back out of the blue. But one thing is for sure; I haven’t forgotten about it since. I remember it like it was five minutes ago.

And perhaps you are just clever enough by now to realize that nothing happens simply out of the blue.

I’m beginning to catch on to that.