Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bumper Sticker Religion

Have you ever been driving and come to a stop behind a car that has bumper stickers on it? Have you then read the bumper stickers and found one or more messages that apply to your life? Well, rest assured, that is no accident. How can it be when there are no accidents, happenstances, coincidences or mistakes in all of the Universe. Nothing happens at random - randomness violates the natural laws that govern and organize the flow of the cosmos. Not even asteroids fly fortuitously through the Galaxy. Gravity, and other forces, say from Jupiter, keep millions of devastating rocks from entering the Earth's atmosphere; which is not luck. It is Design.

And so, having a car, with just the right expression printed across the back of it, land directly in front of you or pass beside you, when there are millions of car exchange possibilities driving all around you in the course of a day, end up just where you need it to be by shear randomness is - well - not random at all.

It has never failed that, when I have something on my mind that I need an outside opinion on, or need an answer to a quandary I've been having, a car littered with bumper stickers will come straight into my view and reveal its wisdom to me. Is it possible that the people writing bumper stickers are metaphysical and spiritual geniuses or are they people just like you and I? Is some higher force causing these bumper sticker companies to send out messages like probes to find its just right, intended target? I tend to say it is neither.

Instead, I think the sticker companies and their employees are behaving perfectly normal and in sync with the  intended purpose of the Universe. They are tools for us just as we are for them. Sure the messages on the sticker may seem arbitrary but since nothing happens in the Universe by accident or at random, if you see the message and it fits you, it must have been intended for you. Not all people notice what bumper stickers say - to some the clutter of stickers may appear to be a busy mess. And it may seem a farce to believe that a bumper sticker that was slapped onto the back of a Subaru might be a divine message for you - but how much more crazy is that than say, a preacher who gives the exact sermon you needed to hear at the precise time you needed it, when maybe you haven't even been to church in months? Or a song that you've heard a million times, that you've previously tuned out of your consciousness, comes on the radio and gives you comfort after a breakup. Or picking up a book and turning straight to a page that seems to miraculously contain the answer to a problem you've been having?

These are all On Purpose; which is to say, they are right On Track, serving their Intended Purpose. We will always receive messages to help guide us along our path. These messages may come in any of the forms I've mentioned above or in an even more unique way. The Source will give you the answer you seek in the most deliberate, rapid and sometimes most subtle way possible - but you Will get the message that is Intended for you; and you will see it when you are truly ready. How many bumper stickers have passed by you in your life that you never noticed? Well, the next time you have a pressing issue in your life, may I suggest, get into your car and go for a little drive. Don't worry too much about where you are going, just head out into the automobile jungle and see where the Bumper Stickers take you.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Universe Just Loves Loves Loves You

The Universe is trying to pour Itself all over you. It would be even more accurate to say that it IS pouring Itself all over you - It is making every effort to soak you with prosperity and love. The Universe Never works against you. Instead it is ever flowing in a progressive movement; creating every second of our lives. The problem seems to be that we are constantly working against it with our disbelief of it.

Because of our conditioning towards religion and the effects of our environmental upbringing we are trained to believe that the things we want are out of our reach and need extraordinary measures in order to obtain them. That is just not true. If we could only hear the Universe speak it would be telling us to let go and accept all that is available.

I know you've heard of people saying, 'It was when I just let go of the outcome that I got all that I wanted.'

That is because they stopped resisting the flow of the Universe. The Universe is trying to flow through us, but with all of the barriers we've established throughout our lives, we might as well have constructed Hoover Dam all around us; at least within our minds. If you are wondering why you do not have the things that you want, all you need to do is look within your own mind. That is where the blockage is. That is the only place the blockage can exist since everything exists within our minds. Sight, Sound, Touch, Emotion, Imagination, Taste, Experiences, Memories are all taking place within the mind -

So, to break it down - the Mind of the Universe is processed through the mind of the human body for your pure pleasure. And if you are not allowing the Mind of the Universe to flow through you because of blockage you have allowed to be programmed within your mind, you will miss all that the Universe can give you. Therefore, it is time to go into yourself and reevaluate what you have been trained to believe is true and possible. No one can change this train of thought for you - only you are the master of your mind.

Here's an idea to try: Go to bed tonight and pretend to forget about all that you think you Know. Do this by imagining you are an empty vessel with a consciousness; that is to say, you are aware of who you are but imagine that you have no opinion or predetermined thoughts about anything in the world. Say to yourself, with your mental voice, that you are ready to hear all that the Universe wants to tell you. Imagine that you can hear and feel the vibrations of the invisible energy field around you. Then, picture the Universal energy running through you, like the water of a stream, starting at your head and filling every square inch of your body and then effortlessly flowing back out into the Universe around you.

This flow is a cycle that never stops - imagine that this stream has no breaks while passing through you and that it leaves behind all the power, love, passion, peace, ideas and pleasure possible as only the Universe can contain. Continually breath in and out, long and slow breaths, feeling relaxed and at peace. Do not feel hurried or anxious when in this state of mind. Act as if nothing else in the world matters during this. Remember, it isn't a process, it is a feeling.

Do this every night - you can even do this every moment of the day that it crosses your mind. You will find that your day will improve; your attitude will improve; things will not bother you as they did before.