Saturday, August 31, 2013

Out of Body Situations

As we live our physical lives, most of everything we see is processed through our human eyes; but what about those who are “a little out of their mind”? For example, near death experiences. How can a person in a coma, near death, or even someone in surgery, knocked out by anesthesia, know things that are going on around them, down the hall, or even at some other location on Earth?

Now I know I repeat myself on certain topics, but only because it is pertinent to what I am trying to convey. First, know that the Soul that is using (your) body can see everything. That is, it is not limited to only what the physical eyes can see. For the sake of the experiences at hand, the Soul allows the limited vision of the body to be all that the brain processes. All things visual are funneled through the eyes. Unless someone is blind, then it is funneled through other senses; as blindness is something the Soul knew it would be experiencing. Therefore, feel sorry for no one who is blind. However, the Soul can see so much more that the brain is aware of. And even though the Soul can see all the way the “End” of a chosen reality, the Soul disengages Itself from the knowledge of the ending so that the experience can be enjoyed.

The comparison would be like a roller-coaster ride. As you board the roller-coaster, you are aware that there is an end point to it because you can see it before you even begin the ride (birth). But during the ride (life), you do not concern yourself with the ending (death) since you are already aware that everything in between the start and finish will work out fine. You know that at some point the ride will be over and you will be fine; instead, you simply enjoy the thrill of the ride; while at any point during the ride, you can look around and see the next drop, curve or climb – you can even see the ending where more people are only observing, or waiting for their turn.
This is the same with the Soul. While It is using a body, the Soul simply wants to enjoy the ride; but at any time, It can look around and see what is lined up for the next experience, and either go for it, or avoid it. Of course, some of the adventure has been on the Soul’s agenda even before coming into form. This is not something the human brain is aware of, so everything in life usually feels like a surprise.

But what does this have to do with near death, coma or any other out of mind or body experience? I am getting to that, but let me expand on a thing or two. Any time the mind stops processing things with the physical eyes, all data from that point on is being processed by the “eyes” of the Soul. Naturally, we know that the Soul isn’t using eyes, so I am referring to the all encompassing view of Consciousness that it has at its disposal. That is, when the body’s “cameras” are turned off, the Soul’s vision is all that is left; so it is at that point that even though the body may be in the hospital, unconscious; all that is going on is being seen through the eyes of the Soul; and now what is happening down the hospital corridor, half way across the world, or even at another point in “time and space” is what the Soul “sees”. And since all memories and experiences are kept with the Soul eternally, should the body awaken from a deepened sleep state (by choice of the Soul) the brain will now have data from what the Soul experienced while Its human eyes were out of commission.

This may be difficult to grasp since the human brain does not know how to comprehend the process of taking in all information At Once without restriction. But by using your imagination, or meditation, you may be able to pretend you do not have a body, and are not reduced visually by what the lenses of your eyes can incorporate. 

For a greater understanding, let me say it another way. People are under the impression that the Soul is INSIDE of the body. That is not the case. No Soul can be contained. And to say that the Soul is inside of any one particular thing would indicate separation from the Whole of it All, which can never occur. But because words fail to describe things as they really are, we have ended up with a limited understanding of the position of the Soul. To say it simply, the Soul ENCOMPASSES the body. Or try it this way. The body walks within the Soul. This is possible because the Soul has no size limit. You must forget what you have been told about the Soul. To get this, you must understand that (your) Soul is really just one part of one Whole Consciousness. 

Try this on for size. Think of Consciousness (God) as One Infinite Fog where everything is known and all creation takes place. This fog is complete because an infinite number of moisture droplets exist within it (we are the droplets); now these droplets appear to be separate, but for the fog to exist, every last droplet has to be there. Not even one droplet can leave the fog, or the fog will be incomplete. And since this Consciousness can never be incomplete, separation can never happen – there is only the expansion of everything that is already there. And all of these droplets move freely within the One Fog. And because there is no barrier between any of the droplets, all that is known within the Fog is known by all of the droplets.

Okay … with that as your basis – let us go back to out of body situations. The fog explanation is just a metaphor to help you visualize everything as a whole.

When a Soul “plugs-in” to the physical world (by using a body), It is using all of the physical properties of that world. Although the Soul knows inherently that It can never be injured, or lost, or destroyed, It has agreed to Itself to go through all of those physical experiences. However, if the body becomes unusable, for whatever reasons; the Soul will return to Its original perspective of things until the body becomes usable again. This is something the Soul controls 100%. Because time is not truly a factor in anything beyond the physical, the Soul can correct any injury to the body, and have it appear in the physical as if it never happened, or if as the body miraculously recovered. This could be tricky for those who are strict in their belief of linear reality to catch, but in the realm of the Absolute, there is no time – everything happens At Once. Any part of the At Once moment can be viewed or changed, and made as if it has always been that way. 

It is in this way that a person who is unconscious physically for only a short time can “see” so much going on all around them. Years of events can be seen instantaneously because all things are known all at once when not “plugged-in” to the body. In reality, years do not exist because it is part of the “time” paradigm. And since everything is always alive, family members that have let go of their physical bodies can also be “seen” while not “plugged-in” to the human brain.

This type of event is not isolated to unconscious bodies. Take, for example, an Alzheimer’s patient. They are up and seemingly alert. But there is a void in their physical memory that comes and goes. This happens when the Soul partially “disengages” Itself from the body, leaving the human mind alert, but functioning on its pre-programmed, redundant data. There are any number of reasons the Soul does this, so there is no one answer to a question of why. However, disengaging like this will cause the patient to appear confused since it is the Soul that the brain is used to getting direction from – but when that direction is not being given by the Soul, the brain will simply wander in a daze, using only its memory to navigate itself through the world. The patients can even forget the names of loved ones, or think that someone who has died is alive again. 

Remember that the brain is only a storehouse of information, but without a Source that has an agenda, the brain does not have any particular reason to pull up any particular piece of information in any particular order. So thoughts are scattered and make no logical sense. The brain just runs through the data that it has and tries to coordinate patterns based off previous occurrences. 

That is why Alzheimer’s patients have to be monitored – because they can end up someplace that the brain remembered from long ago, and then not know what to do when they get there. They just roam aimlessly because they are not receiving new ideas and agendas from the Soul. Then, when the Soul wholly “re-engages” the physical body, clarity seems to return to the patient, but they have no idea how they got to where they are. 

Out of body experiences seem like we may have left the body; but in truth, the Soul encompasses the body from all sides, including passing through it as easily as a breeze flowing through sheets on a line. So the Soul does not leave the body, It was merely focusing its intake through the body. This is like watching a 3-D movie through 3-D glasses; you are focused on the screen where the action is, but at any time you can simply turn your eyes in any other direction to see what is going on all around the screen as well. 
In other words, when the "screen of life" is turned off, the Soul merely uses its more expanded awareness, which is different than what the brain usually understands. And for lack of a better way to describe the event, humans say they left their body.

 The real treat of all of this is you do not have to have a near death, coma or unconscious event to see the infinity that surrounds you as the Soul can see it. You simply have to learn how to silence your mind and tune out all that you believe is real because what is really going on will blow you away. There is more to Who You Are than being a spirit, being born, living, dying and returning to spirit form. Your life here on Earth is like a quick trip to the market in the scheme of things. Earth is NOT the focal point of the Universe, and it is not the only place and way being physical can be experienced. Only the most limited of thinkers would believe so. This whole thing you call life is just one small aspect of your Consciousness within the Whole. There are many more things you have done and will be doing; and you will do these things eternally, never having done the same thing twice, if that is what is desired.

I know you must be wondering that if everything is inside of the spiritual realm, then what is outside of the spiritual realm. There is nothing outside of the spiritual realm; it is infinite. But this infinity is the result of one spiritual realm giving rise to another spiritual realm, and another and another; like birth - one inside of the other, never separating. But that is another story…

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Let Me Explain a Little Deeper

This is a message I received Friday, August 23, 2013 on my Facebook page regarding posts on my blog. The poster made sure that I could not respond and the Facebook page she has was blocked from me. So I am posting her message here for everyone to read. The only way to have a conversation is in this way, wide open and unedited. No response is a bad response. I will try to clarify at the end of her message so that those who hold her same or similar view may see better what I am saying in my blog posts. I did not even correct her grammar errors. Ready? 
  • Conversation started Friday
  • Elizabeth Johnson
    What the fuck kinda depressing ass views do you have ? I looked at your blog and you say everything we do is " what our soul wants ". So basically, we have no control of our life, and as people we have no choice, freedom, or free will, but merely are slaves to the predetermined decision of our "soul". So in theory if your correct, then there are no miracles, blessings, healings, freedom, choices, free will, or anything...but merely our lives...not just as you so cheaply and sheepishly put it as "our bodies" but OUR LIVES are merely puppet shows and we are in fact in spiritual bondage. That we cant achieve our dreams or have good lives but merely be tortured if thats what our souls wants and nothing we can do will help us have a good life. Every other spiritual person, even those who have crossed over have proclaimed you....not your spirit body predetermined before life, but you in the now have the ability to experience and enjoy your life however you please. But noooooo good ol Justin Brian Lewis, the jesus of the 90's proclaims we are allllllll in spiritual nooses to experiences things and we cant have freedom or dreams come true if its something we as people want in our liives...if it wasnt preplanned by your spirit. Ridiculous. Im sure your shaking your head now, one upping your self like you got the "inside knowledge" and have your "spiritual insight" and that others are lost. Your such a fucking joke.
Now allow me to hopefully make sense out of what obviously must make no sense to many. Here goes:

For the author of the above piece to understand the ideas set forth in my blog, she first has to know the role of a human physical body, a Soul, and how they relate to one another. From what I gathered from the post, she is operating under the idea that her human body is making all of the choices of her life, and that the Soul is overriding what the body wants for its own desires and agenda.  
This is what someone who Lives As A Body would think
The author did not seem to like the idea that the body is a "puppet" for the Soul. This indicates to me that she believes the body is superior to the Soul, and that the Soul is just along for the ride as either a spectator for the body's actions, or even as a source that plays no role at all in the experience of the body.

But let me explain a little deeper on the concept of Living As A Body vs Living As A Soul. In order to Live As A Body, a person goes through life as if the body alone is making decisions for itself, and that all experiences are desired by the body for its own good, or pleasure. However, decision making by the body or brain isn't all that it's cracked up to be since the brain is operating all of its day to day routines from redundant data. It is redundant because everything the brain "knows" has been transferred into it by parents, caregivers, the environment, and such. The brain only takes existing ideas and re-purposes them to appear as new ideas. All new ideas that a brain obtains always originates from an outside source.The only thing that was present in your human mind when you were born was the basic, rudimentary programming for survival that DNA gave you. 

This Is How We Know This:
If the brain could create a completely new idea on its own, then we could take a newborn baby, take it to an island, and give it no information about anything, expose it to only its caregivers, who would only nourish it so that it wouldn't die, and the baby should be able to naturally formulate postulations about math, reading, writing, building, religion and all of the other things people use to function in their lives. But since a baby has never done this autonomously, it is reasonable to believe that new ideas do not originate from the human brain. It has already been proven that without input from outside sources, the baby would grow up stunted in every way, especially mentally. This proves that All new ideas come from other sources.

Then there is the issue of Living As A Soul. How does a person do that? To live as a Soul, we have to accept a few things about the body.

One - can the body function without a Soul? It's reasonable to believe that most people believe a Soul is what gives life to a body of flesh. Otherwise, I suppose the body would resemble that of a zombie, like the movies suggest. And when the Soul is not using the body, the body falls down - this is what we call death. This means that the body cannot operate without a Soul; just like a car cannot operate without a body attending it. Is this acceptable so far?
Two - if the body "dies" can it then rise up from the morgue of its own volition and continue to live on? That is, if a Soul powers the flesh, and the Soul "leaves" the flesh, can the flesh still remain as it was before; living life and the like?
Three - if someone believes that the body and brain are the ones making all of the decisions and having all of the experiences, while the Soul is inanimate; then what do you need the Soul for? If the body is the one in charge, why, according to religion, is the Soul accountable for the actions of the body; that is to say, the Soul is either cast into Hell, or offered a home in Heaven? If the body and brain are making all of the choices, then perhaps they should be held accountable and the Soul left alone.

However, if the Soul is responsible for the actions of the body, then it is reasonable to accept that it is the Soul that is making all of the choices. It is the Soul that is living life through the body and mind.

So, to live as a Soul means that you accept that the flesh is temporal, and will never see the likes of Heaven or Hell or whatever afterlife is believed in because flesh is not eternal, and is not, of itself, gaining anything by being here. The body's only purpose is to serve the desires of the Soul. 
The body has no desires, hopes, dreams, free will, miracles or anything else. The body does not care any more about those things than a pillow would. The body does only what the nerve impulses from the brain tell it to; this is self-evident because the body cannot function without a brain located in the skull. Moreover, the brain only knows what is put into it by outside sources, including what the Soul puts through it. To live as a Soul means that you see yourself only as a "Spiritual Being" that is using a physical body.

Is everything making sense?

There is a saying that is popular: It goes, "We are spiritual beings having physical experiences." But that is a little misleading. It would be more accurate to say, "We are having Soulful experiences through physical bodies." 
This is because no experiences are for the benefit of the body. All experiences are solely for the benefit, pleasure and purpose of the Soul. Since the body is unable to make its own decisions, and the brain only knows what is given to it, they cannot have their own agenda, therefore, experiences would serve no purpose for the body. The body is simply a "transmitter" for the pleasure of the Soul. 

How is this coming along so far? 

The poster also said, by my reasoning, "...that we can't achieve our dreams or have good lives, but merely be tortured if that's what our souls want, and nothing we can do will help us have a good life."

When she uses the word "we", she is suggesting that it is the body that has hopes and dreams and wants a good life. She does not understand that it is the Soul that is using its physical counterpart, the body, in order to "live" in a way that it cannot as a being of Light Consciousness. 

She also said, "...Every other spiritual person, even those who have crossed over have proclaimed you....not your spirit body predetermined before life, but you in the now have the ability to experience and enjoy your life however you please." 

She once again spoke of a body that could operate outside of the pleasure or realm of the Soul. This is not possible. If something is happening in your life, it is because you, (The Soul), is living just how it pleases. 

But what do I know? I type everything you read on my blog just as my Source gives it to me. And when I say, me, I mean (my) Soul. I simply let my fingers do the talking as I type. I do not even know what the next word will be until it is typed. But still, I trust it with all that I am.

But really, I cannot convince anyone's human mind that what I am writing here is true. But I don't worry about that since it is the Soul that will understand.

These are all things I have discovered within myself; and the only way for all of you to know if what I say is true is to discover it for yourselves. I can only share my experiences, and conversations I've had with the Source, then you have to carry on from there. 

But know this: 
If this is not a truth that has manifested in your life, then it is the Soul that has decided to exclude it, not the body or brain. Know for sure that if your experiences have not included Living As A Soul, it is because the Soul does not want that experience yet. Everything in this life is about what the Soul wants because YOU are a SOUL. YOU are not a body. Yes, you have a body, and it feels like it's who you are. But without the Soul, the body is useless and has no meaning of its own. This is the truth of you even if you do not believe it and continue the rest of your days simply existing as only a Body. But if you read my blog, or read what I post on Facebook, then your Soul has directed Itself to it, via the body you see in the mirror. The body that people think is in charge of life cannot ever contradict or forbid the Soul from controlling it. To think otherwise is just the ego of the brain regurgitating what other limited thinkers have implanted into it. That's why you can completely trust that wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, is precisely where you are supposed to be, and no one is never, ever lost.  

As far as her calling me The Jesus of the 90's, I cannot respond to that since it is no longer the 90's. I suppose in her anger, she forgot which decade we were in.

* I welcome all comments. I enjoy all interaction. If you have a question about something I have written - I will do my best to explain why I wrote it and what it means if you would like a deeper explanation. I am here for you all.

JB Lewis                 

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Soul Never Forgets

The Soul has always been; no beginning and no end. That is the way of it, otherwise the Soul could not be called eternal. You, being a Soul, have always existed. You were not created the day that your body was born.

So why don't you have a memory of living or doing anything before this life?

Because the body you are using now is not eternal like the Soul, and was not implanted with any of your Soul's previous memories or existences as it exited from your mother's womb; so how could the brain hold any of that data? As far as your current physical brain is aware, the body you see before you in the mirror is the absolute extent of who you are. If the brain was eternal, it would be fully aware of all that the Soul has ever done. 

There is a belief floating around out there that I have heard that we forget who we are and we forget being in the spiritual realm once we are born. But that is not true - you have not forgotten who you really are, or where you come from - it is simply that your current physical self has never known you (the Soul) before the day of your birth. The Soul never forgets.

The Soul is aware of its eternal nature, and is thus, not attached to its body; but the human brain cleaves to the body simply because it doesn't know any better. That is, until the Soul finds away to inform the brain of certain facts. After this knowledge sharing takes place, the brain and Soul expand as one, making your physical experience resemble that of Heaven on Earth.

Still, at the end of this chapter of your Soul's adventure, the body will be laid down, and everything that was ever programmed into the brain will turn to dust and be as if it never existed. But all of the memories that were created during this lifetime will remain eternal, with the Soul, for all of the Universal bodies to share in. That is, until one day when the Soul decides to have another adventure, along with a new body and a new brain.

JB Lewis