Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pay Close Attention

I’ve been getting several emails about the Soul and receptiveness. People want to know how to “tune” into things the Soul wants to incorporate into its human experience. First, let me say that this is not something you will have to worry about. Nothing can stop the Soul from having its way – a pre-programmed mind may send you down different avenues along the way, but all roads ultimately lead to the Soul’s objective. Don’t you know that the Soul, with its 360 degree awareness, and its ability to see the path it is on to its completeness, already knew your thoughts would be skewed for a time? These skewed thoughts can only lead to one thing – self-discovery.

The experience of self-discovery is what the Soul has intended from before it came into physical form. It’s kind of like how movies portray a Prince or Princess escaping from the castle so they can experience life as someone else for a while. The Soul is no different in this regard. To think otherwise is just you not realizing the power of the Soul. 

Everything that you experience in the course of the day is already known by the Soul. What I would say to those who are wondering how to interpret what the Soul is doing so that you won’t feel like you are just guessing your way through your life, is to quiet your mind. Stop trying to figure it all out. Let go and let it flow. 

The Soul is not trying to keep secrets from the brain, but still, the Soul knows that only so much can be conceived of by the human mind, so the mystery of life can still be maintained. But you can feel just a little bit less lost if you simply tune into yourself. That first thought that appears in the consciousness is always the Soul speaking; the thoughts that follow the first gut reaction to something is only the human mind trying to compare it to what already lies in wait within the subconscious. That is the moment where you begin to second-guess yourself and make more human decisions. Stop doing that. Realize the initial thought and go with it because that is the Soul making decisions.

This method will take training on your part because you will not trust your first reaction for a while – that is, until you have re-trained your brain to do so. Pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings more than you ever have. This is the key that has remained elusive to millions. The mental images will absolutely be subtle and non-intrusive. These intuitions will not force themselves onto you as being important. Anyone not paying attention will certainly miss them. It is only the keen mind that will capture these messages from the Soul and be able to accept them.

Bear in mind that the Soul is leading the body, however, if the brain pays attention to these messages, the brain will feel like it is the one carving out the path the body is traveling on; that is because the Soul and human mind will be operating as an extension of the other, and the brain will have no questions as to why things are the way they are in your life. The brain will no longer be out of the loop of what the Soul Is Up To.
If you can do this one little thing, you will not be stressed about all of the little stuff in life – and believe me – I have it from a good Source that this entire “life thing” is the little stuff.

Be in peace – Go live who you are.
JB Lewis

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Choir of Angels (Meditation)

Meditation is the supreme way to overcome all of the things that enter a brain during the course of a day; and life in a single day can be overwhelming. And though you may not know exactly how to meditate, do not worry; there is no specific way to go about it. In short, simply find the best way to quiet your own mind.

Let me help you get started. When you are ready - find a quiet place, perhaps at bedtime. Lie flat on your back in a comfortable position - close your eyes and breathe calmly, as if you do not have a care in the world. At the very moment of meditation there is no need to consider anything outside of your physical body since there is nothing you can do to change anything while lying in bed anyway.

Just let all of life go.

I have included a link to some music to play softly in the background, if it will help transcend you. I recommend it. While listening to this music, imagine yourself gracefully ascending into a heavenly realm; however you view Heaven to be. There is no right or wrong image. The deeper into the realm you go, the more beautiful the colors become; the more peaceful your heart feels, and the more you feel yourself not missing your body.

As the music plays, imagine that the sound is coming from the voices of angels, and that this sound permeates all of this new realm you are in. You can see everyone who has gone before you, and they look beautiful. There are also new lights there that are happy to see you.

You notice now that you have become a being of light too; perhaps your light is in the shape of a body, but it moves at the speed of thought; and even though you recognize your own essence, all of heaven passes freely through you, blends with you, and you understand everything at once, effortlessly.

As the music continues to play, continue on with your meditation, allowing your imagination to move unrestricted throughout the Universe of Heaven. You may meditate for a short while, bringing yourself back to your body, or continue on until you fall asleep. The more you meditate, the more of a master you will become over your own mind and thoughts.
Remember, you have as much or as little power to control your mind as you allow yourself to.

Now go in peace and discover who you really are.

JB Lewis

A Choir of Angels Music

Live Out Loud!

Politicians that run the country and cities we live in think life is all about serving the next big political event, or whatever agenda they have on their list. They do whatever they can to serve their own purpose without considering the rest of us at all. Anyone who has spent five minutes watching C-Span knows this is true.
If we listen to politicians, all they think about is war, money, taxes, partisan or bi-partisan, or any other thing related to governing us. But who governs them?

Even the churches are in on what we can and cannot do; and they enforce their restrictions on us with lobbyists who help pass laws like, no alcohol on Sunday. What in the name of magic beans does that have to do with Spirituality?
We can't do this because of that, or we can't do that because of this, and on and on. With all of these restrictions, how do we even get from day to day?
What about doing something just for the sake of doing it? Can you imagine doing something just because it feels good to do it? How long has it been since that has happened in your life?

Simply enough, if you are not injuring yourself or others, what is the problem? Find your passion and just go for it. Is there a restriction or law against what you want to try? If I buy liquor on Sunday, will God explode? Will the economy fail. Will politicians spontaneously evaporate? (Wishful thinking)

You have no particular reason, and it may sound a little crazy for doing something; but the feeling of doing it simply must be experienced. Do you have something in mind? Is fear or a guilty conscience keeping you from living out loud? 

All of this talk of politicians and laws reminds me of John Cougar Mellencamp's tune: "The Authority Song," where he says, "I fight authority, authority always wins." Now, I am not trying to advocate law breaking; I am simply suggesting that we stop being reluctant to live our dreams just because someone else has determined that it is bad for us; when what they are really saying is, our dreams are bad for them.

Try it like this: If you live your dreams from the highest part of yourself, which is love; there is no possible way there can or should be a law to prohibit you. Although I know there probably is. 

I think what I really want to say is, let's all stop listening to the fearful rhetoric of our politicians, and neighbors, and co-workers, and family members. Stop allowing people to pass their fear of life onto you. That type of inheritance has gone on long enough. Let's start a new spiritual dowry; one of love, abundance and fearlessness.

When you leave your body and your Spirit Family asks you what you loved best, do you want your answer to be, "I never got around to what I really wanted to do because I was scared all of the time."

Live Out Loud - Live Fearlessly - Live Magnificently!

JB Lewis

Monday, August 12, 2013

You Are Powerful

You are 100% Energy in motion. Every cell that makes up the body was produced by Energy; and that same Energy is what resonates as your cellular being. Even your thoughts are nothing but Energy. 

The only thing about you that is permanent is the Conscious Energy you are made of. And your Conscious Energy is so powerful, it holds together these individual, pulsating, vibrating particles that appear as your body. This is the same Energy that holds galaxies together in their rotating patterns, even though it appears they should be flung apart and scattered throughout the Universe. 

Yes, you are that powerful. 

And I promise that if you let go of all of your fears about life, and change your mind about Who You Think You Are, you will not be flung apart and scattered across the Earth. In fact, you will be held together so tightly by the force that gave you life, you will know absolutely, and unconditionally that you are loved.

When you are loved unconditionally, the Universe doesn't seem like such a stranger any longer. You will know that your place in the Universe is The Place to Be, and you will attract people to you with ease. 

Despite what you may believe, or have been told; you are worthy of all that the Energy of the Universe has to offer. You are so worthy that no prayer, asking, or sacrifice is needed in order to have a glorious life. You simply have to know that this Energy that you are comprised of automatically attracts the riches of the Universe to Itself; this happens continuously and automatically whether you think you want it or not. 

To experience this magnificence, all you need to do is let it all flow through your pulsating, vibrating core. And as the Energy of all life permeates your cells, the brain can detect all that the Soul intends for Itself, and so making the brain believe that the Soul's thoughts are its thoughts. Thus, making the brain believe that it is manifesting all of its own desires with no delay or frustration tagged onto the desire.

So recognize yourself as a Being of Energy. Know yourself as a Being of Love. Believe that inside of you, is the Energy of the Universe Itself.

JB Lewis

Sunday, August 11, 2013

See Yourself As Complete

Religion attempts to offer people what they are missing; but why do people believe they were created incomplete? This can only happen because religion has declared, one by one, all of the things that are missing from our lives; even if they are not. That is how religions self-fulfill their own prophecies; it is written that something is so - then we believe it - and that is that. What is written appears to be true.
But when a person finally realizes that there is nothing missing from Who They Are, religion will no longer make sense for them.

Getting caught up in the enslaving circle of religion comes from the idea that any religious ideology can hold the answers to life. Religion ensures its own survival by teaching followers that their own shortcomings are the reasons they have not found what they are searching for. So, in turn, they keep searching in vain for answers that will never come because religion does not know the answers it claims to have. This is a relatively easy task because religions all over the world teach believers that they are less than they really are, and people believe it. People are born being told that they are corrupted and lowly and that an outside source is needed in order to be redeemed, yet redemption seems to be an ongoing process because we never quite reach worthiness. Moreover, it is instilled into the people that only the religious leaders have access to this outside source, making religion a true self-serving entity. 

I Tell You This:

There is absolutely nothing outside of your Soul that you need or that is available that will make you more complete than you already are - that is because you are not separate from what you seek. Remove the thought that you are "down here" and what you seek is "up there". If you must believe in separation for the comfort of your own understanding, simply know that there is but One Thought that "separates" you from All That Is; and you are in absolute control of whether or not you continue to entertain that thought as your version of reality. Making complete contact with everything you seek can be achieved as quickly as it takes for you to change your mind.

Once you see yourself as complete and that you need nothing in order to continue to be your true self, you will no longer feel the need to search for the Divine. You will know that there is nothing to be saved from because you will understand that you cannot Ever be separated from the Source that caused your part of the One Consciousness to become Aware - (this is God breathing out). Then after you relinquish your body, your part of Consciousness will be reabsorbed into the All of Everything where you will understand that you were never separate - (this is God breathing in).

This breathing in and out of God is eternal. And since you are the very breath of God, you shall become Aware, and reabsorbed, over and over for all eternity. There is nothing you can do to stop this process. All you can do is drink it all in and know that nothing in the Universe can ultimately stop you from being you. What I am telling you right now is already known by the Soul, but because your thoughts have been programmed since birth to believe otherwise, you may find yourself disagreeing right now. However, if you've read this far, then your Soul has intended for your brain to have these words implanted. This is the seed to a new understanding of Who You Are.

Sadly, there are no magic words I can say to implement this reality for you - this is a belief that comes with self-discovery. This does not mean the Soul is discovering Itself; it means the human brain is discovering and accepting the Soul as the source of its existence.
As you read these words, know that I am telling you that you are already complete. Live your life as if you are a Soul, and not as if you are flesh and bone. Know that you are renting that body of yours like a tuxedo or dress on prom night, and one day you shall return it. Live from that perspective and start Right Now because that is the moment you will realize your completeness and oneness. That is the moment you will truly be living as Who You Really Are.

- JB Lewis