Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Illusion of Light

Consider This:
It is self-evident that the brain, which processes light, does so in complete darkness. Not one photon of light ever goes beyond the retina. In fact, only about 10% of all photons that arrive at the eye ever make it to the retina.

The photons are then absorbed by light absorbing pigments that chemically trigger signals that are transmitted to the optic nerve. A nerve carries data through the complete darkness of the brain, and then reassembles the information in the primary visual center of the brain, located in the occipital lobe at the back of the brain. The brain doesn't actually SEE anything. Only chemical and electrical impulses can SEE. And the question is, is everything being reconstructed properly?

So knowing this, ask yourself if what you see before you, is real, or a well processed illusion. Do you really see the way things are, or are we believing a distorted reality of another sort? Are our eyes trustworthy?

Everything that we all see, is actually taking place BEFORE our brains process it. That is, if a light flashes, it takes the brain one-tenth of a second to realize it has happened. There is a one-tenth of a second DELAY before we are aware of the light flash. So in essence, we are always seeing things one-tenth of a second in the past. That is about the length of time it takes for a normal eye to blink. Watch the cursor on your computer screen - every time you think you see it blink, you are already one full blink behind. That is, the cursor has already blinked again while you're just becoming aware of the first blink.

How easily can our minds be tricked?
Think of a 3-D movie; with only a pair of glasses that delivers different data to each eye, the brain thinks images are coming off the screen. Observe the light in the room, and how bright it is. All of that illumination you are seeing is taking place in the darkness of the brain via chemicals and electrical nerve signals. The brain's understanding of geometry and physics that has been trained into it has allowed the reconstruction of the room for you. Was it done correctly? 
The trickery of our vision has been taking place from birth - we call it our blind spot. The blind spot is the lack of light detection from the photoreceptor cells on the optic disc. This causes part of our visual area to not be perceived, so the brain extrapolates fill-in visuals from the areas that are illuminated, in order to make the picture complete. In other words, we see things that aren't really there on a regular basis. In fact, your brain adds, very substantially, to the report it gets from the eyes, so that a lot of what you see is actually "made up" by the brain.
The brain processes information from the eyes the same way it does when you dream. Except, one source contains a lens, rods, cones and nerves - while the other source, during sleep, comes from someplace else. Ask yourself this - are we really dreaming with our eyes open, and wide awake with our eyes closed? Do you believe everything you think you see?
It all comes down to seeing what we want to see. Since we do not actually know what is all around us, except for what chemicals, nerve signals and what the translation of it all by the brain tells us, we cannot say for sure what is real and what is illusion. Are you sure the wall in front of you is solid? Are you certain that you can see every possible color that exists? The eyes cannot process infrared light - that means that whatever else is taking place in that area of the light spectrum, you would never know about it, even if it took place right next to you. 
A human's visual light spectrum is only a fraction of what exists. How surprised you may be to find out that your dearly departed are merely inches from you as you read this; you just cannot see them because they are operating in a part of the light spectrum that your current body cannot absorb. They are not waaaaay out there. They simply require a different method of interpretation by the brain in order to be SEEN.
Let me say it like this: There's a whole lot more out there than meets the eye. 
The one thing I have noticed over the years is - hardly anything is as it APPEARS to be.  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where The Soul Lives

Just so you know; there are no hidden agendas or motives for your life. You can stop trying to figure it all out since everything you could ever wish to know is available to you right now.
But how does one access this bounty of information?

Do you remember the part in the bible that says, " still and know that I am God?" 

Well, the same is true for you. That is, you must be still, quiet and be able to not think too much, so that the most subtle of notions can be detected as they pass through you.

There is never a moment when the Soul neglects It's body, or hides data from it. It is simply that we are all too busy in our minds, most of the time, to determine what is being given to us.

Just be still and in utter calmness; allow peace to wash over you, for that is where the Soul lives; therefore, that is where the human mind must go to pay a visit.

Go there...soon.

JB Lewis

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Money cannot be the root of evil since money is an inanimate object. It does not have a consciousness and cannot make decisions. Evil is not a thing of itself; it is merely a description for a type of action or behavior. Therefore, to do (evil), a decision has to be made by an entity consciously able to do so. By this understanding, people are the only ones capable of being the root of any cause. Blaming corrupt or unfortunate happenings on rootless objects takes the responsibility of the (evil) deed from the perpetrator and leaves the circumstance un-improvable since money, or other objects, cannot learn lessons and make corrections. If people continue to believe that money has "torn" them apart, then no remedy can ever be found to change current or future outcomes until they have acknowledged that it was they that misused the money - the money did not misuse the people.

Since we are living in a money-market economy, money is the tool by which we trade one service or commodity for another and nothing more. There is no reason to avoid the making of money or to believe that money will corrupt you or turn you into someone that you are not since money is powerless except for the power we mentally give it.

Until we, the people, decide to use another type of economy to build our lives by, money will be the primary source by which material things are acquired. There is no reason to fear or despise this process; it is what it is - until it isn't.

But when we are ready to make a Divine shift in our thinking, money will no longer play a part because the value of seeing our neighbors and fellow world travelers fulfill their grandest visions will become more valuable than money ever was. We will be driven by the desire to better ourselves and all that come after us and money will not fit into that design because money is a self serving entity. That is because, the only way money can have value is if some people have it and others do not.

If everyone on the planet had an equal amount of money, then no money would be valued because there would not be the 'have and have not' paradigm. In other words, the 'haves' could not trade their money to the 'have nots' for services, thus, making all money worthless.

So really, money cannot be the answer to your prayers since money obtains all of its power from our desire to have it. And desires emanate from one place and one place only - Our Minds / (Soul). Therefore, if in your mind, you believe you need money to answer all of your prayers, then you shall not have it because you have displaced Your power into that of something that has absolutely no power.

But if you believe you are Power Itself, then everything that is required to fulfill that vision you have about yourself will come to you, including money, because money is the current tool by which power is expressed. If money did not exist, then the tool of power that was in use at the time would fall at your feet.

Remember, All Power comes from you. Not from inanimate objects. Those are simply the things we project our power onto; like a projector onto a screen. Its power is all an illusion.