Friday, April 25, 2014

What Does Energy Look Like?

Have you ever looked directly at a white light? If you could see (into) the light, and your eyes could separate the spectrum, you would see trillions of colors, if not an infinite amount.
Consider modern day televisions; they can display more than 32 trillion colors; of which, the human eye can only distinguish around 10 million. Can you imagine that; all of those colors displayed from three primaries (red, blue, and green)? And with that, a spectacle of illusion is created - most of which we cannot even see.
Still, even those three primary colors originate from a backing source of their own. As within the light of a white bulb, all possible colors are already present; that is what makes the light white in the first place. To see these colors within a field of white light, we can use a prism to separate them. In contrast, to make blackness, all the colors are removed. In the realm of light, black is not a color, but a description of what is missing.
Now imagine the other Source of Energy; the one that we call the Light of Life.
Just as television shows us all its glory from a singular source of manipulated light; such is true of everything else. This Source of Life Energy has no particular image, yet can be made into an infinite number of shapes, sounds, colors, and ideas. But even so, Energy cannot be seen until it is acted upon. Then, when acted upon, conforms to the initiating idea.
But let’s look at it another way:
I have written that there is only one source from which all things come. If this is true, how can a one-and-only source of unseen energy be acted upon if there is nothing else? That is because, anything that could act upon the Source of Energy already exists within It; all possibilities, (or colors), exist within the Whole.       
And these possibilities are in the form of Thought. And these Thoughts exist because the Energy is Conscious. And this Energy is Conscious because It is Intelligent. And together, make up the One Whole.
Think of it like this: the human body has many parts, but work in concert with the whole of itself to perform a multitude of functions and experiences. Nothing about YOU exists outside of YOU. Nerves within YOU spark movement within you and nowhere else.
For Example:
The esophagus is lined with smooth muscle, which is autonomic to a degree. That is to say, once the spark to swallow is initiated, the swallowing motion will not stop until the process is completed. In addition, you cannot begin a new swallow until the previous swallow is done. This is called peristalsis.
The same is true of Life Energy. Intelligent Thought within Itself, like nerves, initiates movement, and nothing can interrupt this movement until the process is complete. In other words, within the Whole of It, thought occurs and sparks movement that will become All That We Are, See, and Do; and none of it will end until every movement that has ever been made throughout the Collective Consciousness has been completed.
These incalculable events are the breathing out of God. When completion occurs, everything will contract; this is the breathing in of God. But that is still not the end, for God must breathe out again - and again and again, metaphorically speaking. This breathing is eternal since there are no actual lungs to breathe - only the Idea of breathing. And as long as the idea exists, God exists.
And since Light exists, we know that the idea of God still exists.
In short, All of Us is what Energy, (or God), looks like. From a formless, but highly plastic force, to what you see before you now, and back again. And the only point to this entire life is for you to come up with the best Idea of Who You Want To Be, and Think it all into being. You are truly the breath of God, expanding and retracting, projecting and receiving, to and from the All of It.
With Energy having no particular shape or identity, but having the ability to reflect anything that is impressed into it really means that all we wish to be, we can become. And all that we wish to have, we can absorb. Plus, we have all eternity in which to see our visions fulfilled.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Being Grateful

Being grateful for what you have is simply the brain acknowledging the fruits of the Soul. And the Soul is the harvester of All It Experiences. Being grateful in mind is the beginning of an open dialogue between the human mind and the Spirit; and in that way, makes the conscious mind privy to what the Spirit has in store for Itself down the line. Sort of like - glimpsing the future. First, the brain becomes conscious of the Soul's intentions; then, the intent comes to pass. Voila, the Law of Attraction fulfilled.

JB Lewis

Monday, April 21, 2014

Attraction (read at your own risk)

Contrary to what movies, gurus, and (certified) coaches will sell us; there is no Law of Attraction where we can (think) of something with the brain and then (release it) into the Universe so that we can wait for the Universe to manifest it.
The reason being;
The human brain is not on a journey of its own; the brain did not come into being for its own sake. The brain serves only at the pleasure of the Soul, and it is only the Soul's original Thought that will come to pass. Simply put, the Soul never has to wait for anything It desires. The Soul calls things into Its presence precisely when It intends to.
What people believe to be the Law of Attraction is actually the Soul whispering Its agenda to the brain, and then using the brain to have that agenda fulfilled. And on rare, unencumbered occasions when the mind is actually still, the brain will have a chance to notice, on a conscious level, the messages that the Soul is giving it - and have been giving it all along.
People who do not understand that the Soul is the Originator of Thought, will believe thoughts come only from the brain, therefore, making them believe that thinking a thought, and concentrating on a thought, makes that thought come to pass. But it does not, no matter how hard of an effort is made.
Why is this true? Because when the brain compiles a thought, it is only emulating how the Soul does it, because the brain can only reproduce what it has learned; it is a process of regurgitation. When a new situation in life is presented, the brain takes data that has been stored from an earlier time, and copies the thought building process from what it has learned from the Soul. For example, if the brain learns from a source that money is needed to make life easier - and then sees the lottery - the brain will reason that the lottery money needs to be acquired. This is reasonable for the brain to do since it has logically found a source of money to make life easier. Then, someone comes along and teaches the brain that all that is required to get the lottery money is to concentrate on it, and then release those thoughts into the Universe. The brain understands the concept and performs the function.
But the brain becomes so busy with concentrating that it cannot hear the true agenda of the Soul that the Soul has been sending to the brain all along. And winning the lottery, or being monetarily wealthy at all, may not be an experience the Soul wishes to have. Therefore, the lottery is never won and the concentrating believer feels let down and cries out, "This Law of Attraction thing doesn't work!"
That is because the brain does not serve itself and cannot attract anything, no matter how logical it may seem. But the Soul will always have Its way and will attract All things with ease. There is no concentration necessary. And until the brain understands this, there will always be a conflict of interest.
To get what I am saying, you must know this; nothing but nothing happens in your life without the say-so of the Soul. The brain creates nothing – it only repeats processes over and over again. The brain can take in sights and sounds and perform procedures based on rules that have been established, but it alone does not draw anything to itself.  So if you have found yourself concentrating and focusing on something to have, then that is the brain repeating what it has learned from those who call themselves Certified Attraction Coaches, Gurus or the like, for the Soul does not require concentration or focus to have all of Its desires instantly.
Law of Attraction gurus and others who hold expensive workshops will not tell you this - perhaps because they are not aware of it themselves. They are likely only repeating what they have heard. Possibly they are mentalists that have had thoughts come to pass, and believe those thoughts were products of the brain.
I tell you this because I wish the very best for you and want for you to know all that I know, if it serves you. The movie, The Secret, sells the attraction idea strictly from a mental perspective and completely negates the Soul; which does not make sense since all we are is Spirit in motion. We are not brain in motion - except when propelled by the Soul, since that is the only way the brain will ever move.
I tell you this:
If anyone ever wants money from you to teach you the law of attraction secrets - RUN. There are no secrets between mind and Soul because the Soul does not know how to keep a secret. The Soul is always, always forthcoming, for it would not serve the Soul to be otherwise. The Soul needs the brain to take It to all the places of physical experience It wishes to go. The Soul would never allow the brain to (guess) its way through this journey.
This Is Important To Know: if you have been doing a lot of guessing as of late - then you have not been listening to the Soul.
…and to hear, one has only to listen.