Friday, October 4, 2013
Lesson 2: Energy
As you know, the human body is
powered by energy. This is an elusive energy as far as medicine is
concerned since no one can say from where this energy originates.
Doctors can tell you that the mitochondria inside a cell is the powerhouse, giving the cells their power; but where does the spark for the powerhouse begin? They cannot tell you. At least, not until it is considered from a metaphysical perspective. That is because metaphysics deals with abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. All the things that cannot be seen under a microscope or heard through a stethoscope.
This is the area where We All Exist. This is our root - the place where we all begin and end - inside of this metaphysical space. And it is inside of this space that our energy exists. It is also the space where we can move this same energy around, from place to place, or being to being.
Think of our energy like this:
Within the oceans, there are many life forms; even some we have not yet discovered; that is how vast it is. Some of these creatures will never encounter one another. Some will live out their entire existence alone and in the dark. But what is the One Substance that connects them all? What is the One Thing that gives them all life and supplies them with everything they need?
This water source is constant as far as the sea life is concerned. The beings in the sea are not aware of anything outside of the ocean, so they believe that nothing else exists. To them, the ocean is the infinite Universe. And their Universe gives them all they will ever need - it has to since they cannot ever leave this field of life and survive in their current state. In order to leave all they believe to be real, they, like us, would have to change their state of being.
That is how it is for us as well; except our infinite Universe is one of pure energy. Just like the sea life, we live within this field of energy in multiple forms. It gives us all that we will ever need. And to us, all that we believe to be real, exists only within this One Field of Energy; it is our ocean.
In other words, we are all simply swimming through our ocean of energy, receiving our spark, our nourishment, our livelihood and all we could ever possibly receive. The ocean of energy surrounds us in every direction and it is inescapable. And within our ocean, the only way to live as something else, is to change our state of being from one aspect to another. Moreover, as evident, many oceans, or planes of existence, have taken shape inside of the Energy Field with us. This is possible because the Energy is unlimited in the things It can produce from Itself.
Now that you understand the Force that is giving your body power, you can move towards manipulating this Energy Field any way you see fit. All it takes is an understanding of what is really going on around you. Let me reaffirm that you are not some helpless victim being controlled by the Energy Field. Instead, you are the master of the Energy Field; it is your playground. But like anything, you cannot take advantage of what you are not aware of.
This brings us to the point. Moving Energy.
You may wonder what I mean by moving energy. What may be the purpose of it? This lesson ties in to the first lesson posted earlier about healing. And to better explain, I must expand the definition of Mind. In earlier writings I have used the word mind to describe the human brain. However, when I capitalize the word, I am talking about the Universal Mind; or God, as some refer.
For this explanation, I am going to refer to Ernest Holmes' definition of it:
Ernest is referring to God, Soul or Spirit as Mind. Mind is the Conscious and Subconscious part of everything. And since nothing moves but this One Conscious Mind, then everything that Mind has ever manifested from Itself, is connected. Thus, with this one mighty connection between everything, then everything we see, and do not see, can be manipulated from one single point, "anywhere" in the Universe. I highlighted the word anywhere because, if you are anywhere at all in the Universe, then you are really Everywhere since there is no separation between anything. Whatever you think at one point, is known everywhere at once. That is how communication between Souls can take place when the other body is half way around the world.
Are you lost yet? Let me make it more relate-able. Do you remember the agent in the movie, The Matrix? The one that was always after Neo? There could be an infinite number of agents located "anywhere" in the Matrix, and no matter what any one of them was doing, they all knew what the other was experiencing. That is because the Matrix was one computer system with all things inside of it connected at the core. Even though there seemed to be many agents, they all worked as one because they were merely replications of the Core System itself.
And believe it or not - all of us humans are working as one as well. The entire idea that we are all separate is a result of not realizing the connection to our own Matrix, if you will. Unlike the agents in the movie, we have the ability to not be aware of our connection if we choose. So ask yourself, do you want the red pill or the blue one? But don't think too much into this description; it's just an example.
Now let us ask the question, how do we move this Energy in ways that we desire? First I will say, that this Energy is always moving because we are all always in motion. And since nothing moves but Mind (Energy), then it is self-evident that the only way to manipulate this Energy is with thoughts. Remember, you are not a body, and you know this because your body is perishable. You, which is eternal, are actually Thought that has been expressed into form. You have taken one small part of the One Mind, and customized it into an identity. This is who you believe yourself to be. But your current identity is just one of many you have created over time.
And the Soul (your part of Consciousness) has been manipulating Energy forever, so it is quite easy for the Soul to do. You do it all the time already, but are not mentally aware of it. To move or "rearrange" energy for healing, or any other reason, you simply have to know that you can and are doing it. Now we just have to illuminate the human brain on the subject.
I am going to give you an exercise to practice just to get your brain wrapped around the idea. Since headaches are common in a world laden with stress, I will give you a technique to assist in changing the frequency of energy passing through the body at the time of a headache. Since you are physical, you will use your body simply as a tool of comfort during the exercises. Note, however, that your body is not needed ultimately - only thought. And know that the Soul does not have a headache. The body is merely reacting to either thoughts put into it, or something physical taken in by it - thereby changing the thoughts of the brain will cause the body to process everything about itself differently, making it feel better. Sound simple? It is.
When a partner has a headache: I will use the term, healer, for designation only.
1. Find a comfortable place to relax. Turn lights down. Extinguish all external stimulants. Be calm and at peace.
2. Sit or lie facing each other. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly, clearing your minds of everything. No stressful elements allowed.
3. Gently touch your foreheads together. Gentle touching and closeness brings the body great peace, so you will use this to your advantage.
4. The healer will gently caress the scalp and neck with their fingers. This is where the healer will use their thoughts.
5. Inside of the healer's mind, visualize waves of perfect energy passing from your inner self directly into the mind of the patient. With these resonating thoughts, you may think words such as: absolute peace fills you. Your body is completely relaxed. All of your worries are gone. Your Soul is perfect and radiating with perfect energy. Your Soul is happy and at peace. Your power is absolute because it comes from God. This same perfect power is passing through your mind and bringing you peace.
6. Encourage your partner to see these aspects of them. Gently tug on their hair, massage their neck and scalp with your fingertips, breathe together in sync. The healer will visualize these same healing waves of energy pulsing from their fingers and palms and flowing into every part of the patient that is touched. Do not tell the patient that you are healing them - you can only remind them that the Soul is already perfect. Saying that You are healing them gives you all the power and teaches the patient's brain that you are required to acquire healing. You are simply assisting the patient with your thought energy until their brain learns how to process thought in a healing way. The patient's body can process the ideas of healing coming from your essence as it passes through them, just as though the healing thoughts are coming from their own physical mind. The body just reads the energy - it does not matter from where it originates. Eventually, the patient's brain will accept the fact that the Soul is perfect and the body can copy this perfectness without you acting as a healer.
There is no need to be in a rush. Haste is a stress inducer. At the moment of treatment, imagine that there is nothing else on the Earth that you need to do. The healer will see the patient's perfect Spirit and imagine that their Spirit is being absorbed by every molecule in the body. Use your inner eye to see that the brain is in perfect condition. As the healer begins to massage the head with their palms, see hot energy radiating outward and into the skull of the patient.
Tell the patient that you are passing hot, therapeutic energy into the mind. Assure them that the headache is passing. Imagine the patient's mind free of pain. See your own perfect Soul releasing energy from your chest into the patient; see yourself trading perfect energy back and forth with the patient. If you are sitting upright - do this for thirty minutes. If you are lying down, it is easy to do this until the patient falls asleep.
All of this may sound rudimentary, and it is. This is one basic technique that anyone can use. But then, I wouldn't want to start you out at the master level until you have incorporated these principles into your psyche. This is a simple way to become aware of energy sharing on a human, conscious level. You may use this same methodology for other aches as well, until at some point, bodily aches will come and go rapidly simply from changing the way in which pain is perceived in the mind.
It is important to know that you are not sick. Your partner is not sick. The Spirit does not become sick. The body can reproduce any thought pattern that appears. This is why you feel pain. If you feel pain from the result of a drug, stop using the drug and then use your own energy to correct what the drug has caused the body to do. Everything is correctable. If people tell themselves that they are sick or don't feel good, then the human brain believes it and makes the body correspond. Stop telling yourself that you feel bad.
If you do not believe in the power of your own thoughts, then I cannot help you since I cannot thwart the will of any Spirit. No one can. You must be aware of your own power.
Doctors can tell you that the mitochondria inside a cell is the powerhouse, giving the cells their power; but where does the spark for the powerhouse begin? They cannot tell you. At least, not until it is considered from a metaphysical perspective. That is because metaphysics deals with abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. All the things that cannot be seen under a microscope or heard through a stethoscope.
This is the area where We All Exist. This is our root - the place where we all begin and end - inside of this metaphysical space. And it is inside of this space that our energy exists. It is also the space where we can move this same energy around, from place to place, or being to being.
Think of our energy like this:
Within the oceans, there are many life forms; even some we have not yet discovered; that is how vast it is. Some of these creatures will never encounter one another. Some will live out their entire existence alone and in the dark. But what is the One Substance that connects them all? What is the One Thing that gives them all life and supplies them with everything they need?
This water source is constant as far as the sea life is concerned. The beings in the sea are not aware of anything outside of the ocean, so they believe that nothing else exists. To them, the ocean is the infinite Universe. And their Universe gives them all they will ever need - it has to since they cannot ever leave this field of life and survive in their current state. In order to leave all they believe to be real, they, like us, would have to change their state of being.
That is how it is for us as well; except our infinite Universe is one of pure energy. Just like the sea life, we live within this field of energy in multiple forms. It gives us all that we will ever need. And to us, all that we believe to be real, exists only within this One Field of Energy; it is our ocean.
In other words, we are all simply swimming through our ocean of energy, receiving our spark, our nourishment, our livelihood and all we could ever possibly receive. The ocean of energy surrounds us in every direction and it is inescapable. And within our ocean, the only way to live as something else, is to change our state of being from one aspect to another. Moreover, as evident, many oceans, or planes of existence, have taken shape inside of the Energy Field with us. This is possible because the Energy is unlimited in the things It can produce from Itself.
Now that you understand the Force that is giving your body power, you can move towards manipulating this Energy Field any way you see fit. All it takes is an understanding of what is really going on around you. Let me reaffirm that you are not some helpless victim being controlled by the Energy Field. Instead, you are the master of the Energy Field; it is your playground. But like anything, you cannot take advantage of what you are not aware of.
This brings us to the point. Moving Energy.
You may wonder what I mean by moving energy. What may be the purpose of it? This lesson ties in to the first lesson posted earlier about healing. And to better explain, I must expand the definition of Mind. In earlier writings I have used the word mind to describe the human brain. However, when I capitalize the word, I am talking about the Universal Mind; or God, as some refer.
For this explanation, I am going to refer to Ernest Holmes' definition of it:
one has ever seen Mind or Spirit. The only proof we have of Mind is
that we can think, but we are perfectly justified in believing that we
have a mind. Actually, there is no such thing as your mind and my mind, his mind, her mind, and God's mind. There is just Mind, in which we live, move and have our being...nothing moves but Mind."
- Ernest Holmes
Ernest is referring to God, Soul or Spirit as Mind. Mind is the Conscious and Subconscious part of everything. And since nothing moves but this One Conscious Mind, then everything that Mind has ever manifested from Itself, is connected. Thus, with this one mighty connection between everything, then everything we see, and do not see, can be manipulated from one single point, "anywhere" in the Universe. I highlighted the word anywhere because, if you are anywhere at all in the Universe, then you are really Everywhere since there is no separation between anything. Whatever you think at one point, is known everywhere at once. That is how communication between Souls can take place when the other body is half way around the world.
Are you lost yet? Let me make it more relate-able. Do you remember the agent in the movie, The Matrix? The one that was always after Neo? There could be an infinite number of agents located "anywhere" in the Matrix, and no matter what any one of them was doing, they all knew what the other was experiencing. That is because the Matrix was one computer system with all things inside of it connected at the core. Even though there seemed to be many agents, they all worked as one because they were merely replications of the Core System itself.
And believe it or not - all of us humans are working as one as well. The entire idea that we are all separate is a result of not realizing the connection to our own Matrix, if you will. Unlike the agents in the movie, we have the ability to not be aware of our connection if we choose. So ask yourself, do you want the red pill or the blue one? But don't think too much into this description; it's just an example.
Now let us ask the question, how do we move this Energy in ways that we desire? First I will say, that this Energy is always moving because we are all always in motion. And since nothing moves but Mind (Energy), then it is self-evident that the only way to manipulate this Energy is with thoughts. Remember, you are not a body, and you know this because your body is perishable. You, which is eternal, are actually Thought that has been expressed into form. You have taken one small part of the One Mind, and customized it into an identity. This is who you believe yourself to be. But your current identity is just one of many you have created over time.
And the Soul (your part of Consciousness) has been manipulating Energy forever, so it is quite easy for the Soul to do. You do it all the time already, but are not mentally aware of it. To move or "rearrange" energy for healing, or any other reason, you simply have to know that you can and are doing it. Now we just have to illuminate the human brain on the subject.
I am going to give you an exercise to practice just to get your brain wrapped around the idea. Since headaches are common in a world laden with stress, I will give you a technique to assist in changing the frequency of energy passing through the body at the time of a headache. Since you are physical, you will use your body simply as a tool of comfort during the exercises. Note, however, that your body is not needed ultimately - only thought. And know that the Soul does not have a headache. The body is merely reacting to either thoughts put into it, or something physical taken in by it - thereby changing the thoughts of the brain will cause the body to process everything about itself differently, making it feel better. Sound simple? It is.
When a partner has a headache: I will use the term, healer, for designation only.
1. Find a comfortable place to relax. Turn lights down. Extinguish all external stimulants. Be calm and at peace.
2. Sit or lie facing each other. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly, clearing your minds of everything. No stressful elements allowed.
3. Gently touch your foreheads together. Gentle touching and closeness brings the body great peace, so you will use this to your advantage.
4. The healer will gently caress the scalp and neck with their fingers. This is where the healer will use their thoughts.
5. Inside of the healer's mind, visualize waves of perfect energy passing from your inner self directly into the mind of the patient. With these resonating thoughts, you may think words such as: absolute peace fills you. Your body is completely relaxed. All of your worries are gone. Your Soul is perfect and radiating with perfect energy. Your Soul is happy and at peace. Your power is absolute because it comes from God. This same perfect power is passing through your mind and bringing you peace.
6. Encourage your partner to see these aspects of them. Gently tug on their hair, massage their neck and scalp with your fingertips, breathe together in sync. The healer will visualize these same healing waves of energy pulsing from their fingers and palms and flowing into every part of the patient that is touched. Do not tell the patient that you are healing them - you can only remind them that the Soul is already perfect. Saying that You are healing them gives you all the power and teaches the patient's brain that you are required to acquire healing. You are simply assisting the patient with your thought energy until their brain learns how to process thought in a healing way. The patient's body can process the ideas of healing coming from your essence as it passes through them, just as though the healing thoughts are coming from their own physical mind. The body just reads the energy - it does not matter from where it originates. Eventually, the patient's brain will accept the fact that the Soul is perfect and the body can copy this perfectness without you acting as a healer.
There is no need to be in a rush. Haste is a stress inducer. At the moment of treatment, imagine that there is nothing else on the Earth that you need to do. The healer will see the patient's perfect Spirit and imagine that their Spirit is being absorbed by every molecule in the body. Use your inner eye to see that the brain is in perfect condition. As the healer begins to massage the head with their palms, see hot energy radiating outward and into the skull of the patient.
Tell the patient that you are passing hot, therapeutic energy into the mind. Assure them that the headache is passing. Imagine the patient's mind free of pain. See your own perfect Soul releasing energy from your chest into the patient; see yourself trading perfect energy back and forth with the patient. If you are sitting upright - do this for thirty minutes. If you are lying down, it is easy to do this until the patient falls asleep.
All of this may sound rudimentary, and it is. This is one basic technique that anyone can use. But then, I wouldn't want to start you out at the master level until you have incorporated these principles into your psyche. This is a simple way to become aware of energy sharing on a human, conscious level. You may use this same methodology for other aches as well, until at some point, bodily aches will come and go rapidly simply from changing the way in which pain is perceived in the mind.
It is important to know that you are not sick. Your partner is not sick. The Spirit does not become sick. The body can reproduce any thought pattern that appears. This is why you feel pain. If you feel pain from the result of a drug, stop using the drug and then use your own energy to correct what the drug has caused the body to do. Everything is correctable. If people tell themselves that they are sick or don't feel good, then the human brain believes it and makes the body correspond. Stop telling yourself that you feel bad.
If you do not believe in the power of your own thoughts, then I cannot help you since I cannot thwart the will of any Spirit. No one can. You must be aware of your own power.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Lesson 3: Allowing
Inside the mind of everyone, is subtle inspiration; some call it a voice. This soft spoken voice is what everyone is looking for, but only certain ones seem to find.
I have read articles where people are instructed on how to manifest the desires of their heart directly into the physical; but still, people cannot seem to make ideas on manifestation work.
Why is that?
Often people will believe that they simply are not thinking right about the manifestation process. But consider this instead - perhaps the believer is merely over-thinking the process. I have found over the years that life is less about doing something "right" and more about simple allowing.
So how can you allow and what is allowing?
As I have mentioned in the past - our brains have been programmed since birth with all the things we use today to determine what we accept into our consciousness and what we reject. But this foundation of mental data does not necessarily mean that you are doomed to repeat your programming forever. Remember, the body and brain can never ultimately stop the Soul (which is You) from doing what It wants since the body is designed only as a servant to the Soul. The Soul does not serve the body.
In order to become a more allowing person, one must simply agree internally to stop over-thinking key factors in life: 1. Finding a purpose 2. Regretting past decisions 3. Changing your life's path 4. Concerns about fate or destiny. 5. Feeling empty, alone or abandoned.
The great news is you do not have to consider these factors forever; you can let go of them. Of course, the brain will ponder these things because that is what the brain does; it calculates, postulates and reconstitutes old data in order to move the body forward. These are processes that the human brain cycles through from experiences that have occurred in the past. However, the reason the brain never seems to find a reasonable outcome is because the brain is not in charge of outcomes. The brain can only guess what an outcome will be based off old data, but it truly does not know what will happen.
Knowing is the sole domain of the Soul. But to simply allow the inner voice (which is the Soul communicating through the brain) to become prominent in your life, all you need to do is let go of all the things that bring you angst. Realize that all the brain has is yesterday's news, and force the brain to stop trying to predict the future.
The moment that you notice some over-thinking going on, take a mental step back and see if you "feel" a notion within that you hadn't noticed before. The only way to "hear" the voice is to make everything else as quiet as a mouse. This inner feeling rarely tries to overpower the other noises in the brain. The reason for this is because the Soul is allowing Its experiences to unfold before It since the Soul ultimately knows that the whole journey will turn out fine and dandy, and is not worried in the least. Somewhere at the beginning of all this "life stuff" the Soul knew It would be at this point; a point of seeking more. A culminating point of all the experiences It had created up to this moment in life. The rough and rugged journey was what the Soul was after so that it could experience a little fleshly moment of enlightenment.
This is the same reason we ride roller-coasters; we know the ride will turn out all right in the end, but it's the thrills, ups and downs that happen in between that we are after. The Soul is the same way; It knows life will turn out okay in the end, so the Soul is fine with allowing life to become a bit messy in the middle.
Now you have come to a point where the Soul is reprogramming the brain, or else you would not be reading this. Remember, the Soul, at ALL times, is doing EXACTLY what It intends to do; and no matter what programming is in your brain that tries to resist - the Soul will always win. That is because the body is the slave and the Soul is the Master. After all - Spirit thinks - therefore, the body exists.
Now it's time for the brain to step down a few notches and give way to the Soul - as if it has a choice anyway. The best way to calm a hostile mind is by relaxing it. The best way to relax the mind is by meditation. Meditation is the brilliant art of slipping the conscious mind into a "sleep state" while remaining aware and in control of it. This is when "allowing" takes place. It is also at this point that all you ever wanted to know about Who You Are and what you are really up to can be discovered. The Soul does not, and never has, kept secrets from the brain. It's simply that many have not acknowledged their intuitive side, so life has seemed like a mystery.
As you practice meditating, you will find you ask less and less, "What am I supposed to do with my life?"
When your human brain becomes aware of what Spirit is doing, (because the brain has begun to listen to the voice) the brain will then contain information of things the Soul is bringing into Its experience at a "future" time. The brain will automatically believe itself to be the one desiring the future event since the brain will not recognize the Soul as the source of data, because the Soul delivers Its information from an unseen place, and isn't processed through the normal, physical channels.
Then when the future event presents itself in reality, the brain will believe that the thoughts it contains, actually manifested the event. When in reality, the brain was merely made aware of what the Soul was already going to bring forward.
The brain will then be reprogrammed to believe it gets whatever it thinks about. This is what people have come to call, The Law of Attraction. In actuality, nothing is being attracted to you. This is because the Soul does not need "vision boards" or "concentrating time" for Its desires to exist. It works like this; the Soul thinks, and at the speed of thought, the desire is reality. There is no delay.
1. Sometimes we feel like we get what we want.
Answer: This is when the brain has allowed the voice of the Soul to announce what is on the agenda, and the brain retains it within its cellular structure.
2. Sometimes we really want something, but it never shows up.
Answer: That is because what the brain thinks is needed, was never on the Soul's agenda. The brain would have known it wasn't on the agenda if only a little allowing had been exercised. The result would have let the brain know that the Soul already has all the bases covered. When we allow, and keep the brain informed of the Soul's intentions, the brain does not conjure up disappointing outcomes on its own.
Because of allowing, "future" data now exists within the brain, and the person will be able to share that data with others as ideas; and when the ideas come to pass, others will say, "That person gets everything they want. She told me she would do such and such, and sure enough, she did."
1. Boom, the ideas appear "out of the blue"
2. The person will speak of it to others believing that the brain conjured the idea (and most people believe the brain runs their lives)
3. Shazaam! The event will manifest
4. Everyone will be amazed that you get or become that which you think about
5. Books will be written on how to manifest
6. The books won't include what I just told you
7. People will feel like failures because they tried to manifest by sheer mental will and concentration, and nothing happened
8. People will become frustrated and give up, still having never heard that voice within
In closing, relax in the knowledge that the Soul is going to "drive" Its body exactly to the place It desires so that It can achieve the experiences It desires. All you have to do to be a part of the joy of the journey is to listen to the Soul, and enjoy the ride.
JB Lewis
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Allowing II: Reprogrammed
received an email from a reader that was a bit lost on my Allowing
post, and wondered if I could re-state it better. I realize this is a
different type of thinking, so I opened my mind and let Spirit do the
"Allowing II: Reprogrammed"
In efforts to
manifest, people have been told to concentrate, make vision boards, and
think the same thoughts over and over until, at long last, the desire
becomes reality.
This is the way information is presented from
people who live life solely from a physical perspective. Over time,
people have noticed that when they have a specific thought on their
mind, the thought seems to appear as a solid reality and they cannot
explain why. Other times, thoughts come and go without any production
into the physical. This whimsical manifestation process has bewildered
people, so some have attempted to come up with logical sounding
explanations on how to force Thought into being.
The problem
is, Thought cannot be forced. Thought simply IS. Thought goes out into
every direction, leaving nothing untouched; but cannot be forced to be
one place or another; or restricted from one place or another. And since
Thought is everywhere, there is no need to try and Attract it to you,
as movies like, The Secret, suggests. Everything you need is already
there, all around you.
The confusion comes when people see
something in their physical world that they haven't experienced yet;
then they think something new has been created. And for the sake of
simplified understanding, it is okay to believe that the brain created
something new, however, in order to progress along this different line
of thinking, at some point the curtain will need to be pulled back just a
bit so you will understand why sometimes what you think about shows up,
and why sometimes it does not. It isn't blind faith that makes you
aware, but knowledge.
Now, this is where you may need to put on
your "Contemplation Hats" because this may sound a bit odd. But what
Thought really is, is Spirit. There is no separation between Thought and
Spirit. They are, in fact, the same thing.
The problem with
this is that people often get hung up on words. Too much emphasis is
added to words like Spirit, Soul or God. And the moment those words are
altered, yet describe the same things, people reject the knowledge. Even
the words to describe this to you are limited and leave out many
aspects. It isn't that God is trying to be mysterious; it's just that
the language isn't there for the translation.
Spirit does not, and
never has, kept secrets from the brain. Therefore, the understanding has
to come from another place. This place is the realm of Thought (another
limited word, but we'll simply have to go with what we have to work
Thought comes from an unseen place, passes through the
brain and is captured. The new ideas are then added to the brain's
cellular structure. Of course, the brain is certain that the Thoughts
originated within itself, but that is merely the ego reasoning things
Just to put things into perspective, you cannot create
anything. You cannot manifest anything. Creation is already complete.
All that you desire has already been manifested in Thought, and this
Thought is All encompassing and All consuming. This Thought is, in fact,
The Rest of Who You Are. If you wish to experience this overly abundant
Thought in the physical, you simply must allow it to be so. The
illusion is that the human brain believes itself to be the Creator. The
brain is only just now coming to the understanding that it is not the
Creator - it is the receiver and the translator. It receives data, and
translates experience back into a frequency that the Soul can
understand. That is to say; Thought moves from one frequency into a
physical frequency, and is translated through our tissues back into a
Thought frequency. It is a perfect circle of communication; it is a
perfect circle of communion. It is, all together, perfect.
But for the sake of simplicity, I will continue to designate our human identities as Soul or Spirit.
The Soul has already arranged what it wants to experience. An open mind
can receive this information in advance and know what to expect. A
closed mind will receive the same information from the Soul, but will
not be aware of it. So when you get an idea in your head, (out of the
blue), know that the Soul wants to experience that idea; the brain
simply captured the idea, and became aware of the Soul's intentions. At
this point, a well trained brain knows exactly what to do - just as a
great butler would know how to serve its master.
If you believe
that you never get anything you want, then you just need to change your
perspective on things - then you'll see you have always received
exactly what your mouth said you would get. And your mouth only said it
because your Soul put it there. The brain may not believe it gets what
it wants; but the Soul always gets what It wants - and that is the only
part that matters.
When you start to speak differently, it
won't be because you are tired and want a change. It will be because the
Soul is ready to move on to the next part of Its experiential agenda,
and has placed the idea for change in the brain of Its body. Now you
find yourself reading articles on how to change (reprogram) your
thinking so you can have the things you want. But in reality, it is the
Soul that is making the change and making Its body read these things
because the Soul is in reprogram mode.
As I have said, the body serves the Soul, not the other way around.
JB Lewis
Lesson 4: Death
Death is
simply - letting go of the body. That is it. There is nothing else going on.
Letting go of our flesh is not the result of a supernatural punishment. All of
the rituals and emotions that surround the departure of a familiar body have
made death a painful mystery for most. But let us see if we cannot clear up
some of that mystique.
This is an
area of conversation where pain and grief can lead to mental and emotional
blockage. It may help your understanding of death if you are able to see beyond
the body. I am going to repeat a few things I have said in the past, but only
because it is related here. And this subject matter, above all, is where you
should really consider Who You Really Are.
Sit calmly.
Take in a deep breath. Say aloud, “I am not a physical body. I am Energy
that is conscious of Itself; and that Energy is using this body for Its own
reasons. This body does not control itself. It responds to instructions on what
to do from me, the Soul in charge.”
How did saying
that aloud make you feel? Did you believe your words? Once you have
incorporated this simple truth into your physical mind’s protocols, every
experience that you encounter from that moment on will be different than
before. The realization that you are a Soul expressing a physical form will set
you free. You will even view death differently because you will know that
nothing is truly lost.
“But I still
miss my loved one,” you may say. And I say, of course you will. You love them
even as they have let go of their body. You want to see them, laugh with them
and share all the experiences that are yet to come. But you should know that
your sadness and feeling of loss is part of our programmed response to the
event we've labeled as The End; for the Soul does not understand how to
miss someone. The Soul has never, and can never, experience loss. We were never
taught to celebrate death as a change of state. We were taught death is a
tragic, unnecessary trauma. However, you, the Soul, know precisely where
your loved one’s “departed” Soul is. There is never separation. The only way
for a Soul to experience the emotion of loss is through the flesh. That is why
you have come here; to add something tangible to what was only a conception
before. And every death that occurs is one hundred percent intended. The
reasons for these intentions are infinitely varied - some Souls want to feel
what sadness is like to that degree. Other Souls do not have an interest in the
feeling of sadness, but have another experience connected to death that they
want to have. Perhaps they wish to see what sadness feels like to you when you
experience their death.
This is
important to understand.
Have you ever
heard someone say, “I was just about to get on that airplane that crashed, but
at the last moment, my boss called and said not to go.” Or maybe they said,
“…at the last moment, I got a funny feeling not to get on the plane.”
Things like
that - those funny feelings, or interruptions that prevent an event from taking
place – is the Soul moving Its body out of harms-way because the Soul already,
and always, knows what is going to happen. The Soul can never be surprised. And
if a Soul does not wish to experience an occurrence, or does wish to experience
it, then there is nothing in the Universe that can thwart that decision.
For example:
If you’ve had a husband, wife, son or daughter that was killed while in the
military; then know that their Soul was already aware and okay with the way
they departed, or else they would not have been killed. All the ones that came
home from war alive did not do so by luck; it was intended because those Souls
have more on their agenda. Even if they were permanently injured – the Soul was
okay with that outcome, or it would not have taken place. The body does not "Forrest
Gump" its way around the globe. The body, at every moment, is
precisely where the Soul has placed it. Every moment of life is intended by the
Soul. Remember, the body has no will of its own. If it did, no Soul would be
required. The body could walk around and continue to thrive after the Soul lets
go of it. Bodies all over town would be leaving morgues to go do as they
please, saying, "Thank god that annoying Soul left. I thought I'd never
get a chance to do my own thing."
If you know
someone that has left by suicide; then know that the Soul allowed the
experience to happen. The brain and body do not have the authority or ability
to alter the agenda of a Soul, no matter how depressed the brain may appear to
be. The Soul makes every single decision that the body will reproduce. The
brain can determine that death is the right thing to do based on the condition
of the data that it has, but the Soul has the final say on what is ultimately
allowed or not. The brain does not negotiate with, or override the Soul. And possibly
more significant, there is no eternal punishment waiting for a suicide.
This is the
area of belief for most where the religious training implanted in the brain
since birth will make the brain want to reject the information. But let me
assure you that the notion of certain hell for those committing suicide is
strictly, and solely, the creation and domain of religious doctrines. Let me
furthermore assure you that religious doctrines, or religion in any of its
forms, are not the authority on Souls, or the humanity in which we occupy.
Just as your
private home is your dominion where no one can punish you for your choices; the
spiritual realm is also your dominion where no one lies in wait for you to make
a decision they do not approve of – only to swoop in with the most extreme
consequence conceivable.
Keep in mind –
all that exists apart from physicality, is Thought. Thought is more than what
it may appear to be. Thought is the Father and Mother of all creation. Thought
can become anything; that is why it is said, “If you can conceive of it,
then it can be done.”
Thought cannot
be contained in any one structure – it is limitless and expandable to
Have you ever
created something that did not begin as a thought first? No you did not – for
if you are not aware of a thing, you cannot create that thing. So if a
particular thought never occurs, then what ever it is that is missing will
never be created. Everything that exists began as a Thought; and Thought is
everywhere. But the one place it is not – is locked in your physical mind.
Thought merely passes through your brain because Thought comes from an unseen
I am
illustrating Thought here to explain that the only type of hell one could enter
into is one created by the Mind. If you have any ideas of hell in your
Spiritual Mind, then that is the hell you can experience. Thoughts of hell in
the physical brain do not matter since that tissue dies and turns to dust;
having no effect in the Spiritual Realm. And because hell is the product of
Thought, hell will only last until you change your thoughts about it.
Because you
now know that thought cannot be contained by walls or skull bones, it is
self-evident that any actual hell could only exist outside of the Conscious realm
that we are able to exist within, thus, making any real trip to hell
Perhaps think
of it this way:
The Spiritual
Realm has turned portions of Itself into all of us. One infinite Consciousness
has sectioned off portions of Itself, and customized these portions to resemble
individual beings; we call these “individual beings” Souls. We are all
collectively the One Spiritual Realm; and we cannot separate from ourselves;
meaning, the Spiritual Realm would not exist without all of us - because we are
the sum total of all Its parts. So if there is a hell within these parts, it is
because we have placed it there because we have imagined it into place. And it
will only be in place until we imagine something else. Thought is eternal; but we are not eternally thinking the same thing.
Do not worry,
your loved ones that have left by their own hands, are not in hell.
No matter how
a Soul lets go of their body, know that the Soul allowed it. The secret to
being at peace in life is to know that You are the one in charge of Your
I have said
this before – you have only read this far because the Soul wants Its body’s
eyes to take in this data so that the brain can be reprogrammed. If your human
brain had any say so, the religious programming would have taken over and
restricted the reading of this lesson. Of course, the ego of the human psyche
will fervently disagree – but we don’t leave things up to our egos any longer –
do we?
Go now and
live the rest of this day with the knowledge that you are still in your skin by
the choice of Soul; and this will be the case until the Soul says otherwise –
no matter what you do to your body. Smoking will not kill you. Cancer will not
kill you. Bad diet will not kill you. A car running over you will not kill you.
Not even a bullet to the head will kill you. If you don’t believe it, look up
survivors for gunshot head wounds, or hit and runs, or cancer survivors that
received no medical treatment, and so on. All these things are powerless
against the Soul.
The most these
conditions can do is make your body feel miserable. But a simple change of
thinking can heal your body as if you had turned back the clock.
Be at peace
because you are not on a timeline to get things in your life done; that is your
brain talking. If the Soul wants to get things done, it will without fail. Turn
your mind off, and go with the flow, because the flow is waiting for you.
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