Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Moses & Pharaoh

It’s too bad all those people constantly fighting over the Promised Land in the middle east don’t realize that. What is it with the whole Promised Land thing anyway? Even Moses was forbidden from going there after all that work God and he did to free the people.

That is a good story, but God did not help Moses lead anyone out of Egypt.

But it says so very plainly in the bible.

Indeed it does in Exodus 14; but I did not help him.

Why not? The bible says that You poured one smite after another all over Egypt until the Pharaoh was forced to let Moses’ people go.

And therein lies the problem, doesn’t it.

How so?

I would never force anyone to do anything.

Well, actually, Pharaoh decided of his own free will to let the people go after his first born was killed by the plague You sent through.

Wrong again. If someone is tortured relentlessly until they reconcile that doing the will of another is the only way of reprieve, then that is not using one’s free will. If someone is forced by a more powerful adversary to make a decision that only benefits the adversary, then how is that free? Free will is making a choice that does not involve an ultimatum from an outside source. In that story, Pharaoh did not make the choice that Moses wanted until all other options had been exhausted. In essence, all other viable options were removed.

Then why were the people trying so hard to get to a land they said was designated by You for them to live? And why are people today still fighting over this land?

I tell you this: I do not care on which spot of Earth people live. I am not attached to any of it. The Earth and all its goodness is for everyone.

According to the Israelites, they are Your chosen people and have made certain provisions and guarantees for them.

Everyone has been chosen by Me, if I must use your vernacular. None is greater in My sight than another. All else is hogwash.

Hogwash? Interesting.

For it to be said that Moses led 600,000 people out of Egypt because I said to do so is no less than the best example of the blind leading the blind. I would never smite one to free another.

Why wouldn’t You help people become free from slavery, even if it means using a little force?

Humanity created what exists; I will not come in and clean up your mess for you. You will only mess it up again. Like a child who has a parent that cleans the child’s room – five minutes later the room is destroyed because the child has not learned the value in keeping it clean. If the child is left alone to clean up its own mess, then the child will eventually gain respect for the cleaning process and the work that goes into keeping a clean room.

At some point, humanity will grow tired of living in a mess and will learn the value in not making a mess in the first place. After all, cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Yeah but, the weak are the ones that always get enslaved, and it’s hard for weak people to overcome the strong.

I have created no one that is weak. There is only the belief that one is weak. Enslaved people have allowed themselves to be treated as slaves; but when the enslaved grow tired of it, they will find a way out of it.

Like in the United States? I guess black people got tired of it and began a rebellion. Now there are no more slaves. At least, not legally. There are people held against their will, but that is another story.

No, that is the same story. At some point, the ones held against their will by kidnappers, or black market slave traders, will come up with a way out.

Unless they are killed trying to get out. Then they have failed.

No one ever fails; there is simply no such thing. There is only the unawareness of the true agenda of the Soul. If someone in a situation dies, then that is their way out.

Why would anyone want to lose their blood and guts over dirt? And don’t say experience.


Aren’t You gonna say something?

You said not to say the only appropriate thing. 

If we are all just living for the experience, no matter what, then why are people trying to become more enlightened? Aren’t we all working towards being more than human and more like God?

God is complete so there is nothing that God is working towards. There is nothing for God to do except to live out every conceivable idea in as many ways as possible. Therefore, I do not have anything to work towards, and neither do any of you. You too are already complete. You are already enlightened; you simply have to acknowledge this part of yourself.

If You are complete, then what does all of this experience give You? What is the meaning of all the experience to You?

The act of living gives Me great joy; however, there is no great meaning behind it all. Do you go to a swimming pool or park with a profound agenda? No, you go to swim and play for the grand purpose of having fun. That is what we are doing here.

You know people won’t go for that because the bible and religion have made life seem so serious; I mean people are walking on eggshells out there for fear of Godly retribution.

I am aware. I am also aware that this book will have very little effect on profoundly religious people, if those types ever see it at all.

Why is that?

Because religion is completely mental. Although they believe they are seeking heaven with their Souls, they are not; otherwise, they would have found heaven by now. The brain can barely process the intangible, like an invisible heaven and God, so it seeks to find something that the senses can see and touch. That is reasonable to a brain. But the Soul deals with the unreasonable with ease.

How can someone who believes so deeply in religion find any truth in these words?

There is only one way. Anytime something new is encountered by the brain, the Soul will tell the brain how valid the data is by passing a slight intuitive blip through the brain and body. The very first feeling about something will tell a person all that they need to know.
A person has to pay close attention to their own feeling or they will miss it. Most thoughts beyond that first one will be the brain processing the pre-programmed belief structures in an effort of validation. If the Soul has determined that now is the time to re-program the brain’s data, the Soul will pass the intuitive feeling that something isn’t right through the brain and body over and over until how the brain is living begins to feel less and less true. That is when the questioning of one’s faith will begin. Those questions will lead to more research that will lead to meeting more people that will lead to new revelations. And all of that will lead to the reprogramming of old religious beliefs.
Ultimately, the Soul will succeed because the Soul is ultimately in charge of the body and brain.

All of that doesn’t seem forceful to You?

The brain is not being forced because the brain does not have its own free will. It serves at the pleasure of the Soul. Even still, the introduction of new knowledge is very passive. The Soul uses subtle inclinations to encourage the brain to seek new answers.

Well, one would think that Moses would have felt these types of intuitions since he was always talking to God.

Try not to put so much power into the story of Moses.

Why exactly?

I will say it this way; I would never trample one group of people to give rise to another group. I have never picked one group of believers over other groups of believers. I have never laid claim to a specific religious party and given them rights over land or other Earthly things. Anyone believing so does not understand Me at all. It would not serve Me to support one person’s experiences, yet crush and void out someone else’s. The only one who would truly suffer from such a paradigm is Me. Only men who are unaware of Who I Am would write scriptures that imply such a thing.

You are saying that the story of Moses is not true.

I do not declare what is true for humanity. I observe what you have done.

You can surely tell if something is false or not, can’t You?

I cannot; for the only things that are real are what are held in the consciousness of each individual. What is real to one is false to another.

Are You telling me that everything is neither true nor false?

Correct. Even if a story is written on a page, then it is real since it exists on the page. Whether the written event happened physically beyond the page does not matter. The pages have made it real.

But it’s just a story.

And such is the way of all creation. It is all a story where we pick the parts we love and discard the rest.

What are You saying?

The story of Moses at the very least took place in the mind of the writer; in that way, the story is real because it came from Consciousness.

So whatever takes place in our Consciousness, whether physical or not, is as good as actually happening?

Yes. After all, I am pure Consciousness and all that takes place within Me is as real as My Consciousness can make it. To have something happen physically is simply an extension of what has already occurred consciously; even within humanity.

Well that is just not the answer I was looking for. From your perspective, we are all living in some sort of fantasy that we can live as reality or not – either way it’s all the same.


You are actually avoiding the question. Did Moses physically lead people across a body of water by splitting it in half? You can surely answer that question, can’t You?

Yes I can. But I am not going to tell you.


Because I will not crush or invalidate one group of people’s beliefs to satisfy another group of people’s beliefs. If you were not there to validate or invalidate it for yourself, then it really is of no consequence to you. It was obviously not part of a path you were taking.

You just answered the question though by saying You would not invalidate or crush a belief. That means that if You made a statement, it would indeed be the crushing of the Moses story. Got ya.

I said I would not crush one to validate another; that goes for you as well. If I say the Moses story is untrue, millions of believers are invalidated while you are raised up. If I say the Moses story is true, you are invalidated while the Christians are raised up. I will do neither. I do not declare right and wrong; I merely observe.

Well that’s just fine and dandy.

If you want Moses to be real, then do it. If you want Moses to be fiction, then do it. Either way is okay and will serve the purpose that needs to be served.

You’re a real piece of work, you know…