Friday, May 2, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (part 2)


I have a question.


Why must you wait for me to believe? If you are truly in charge, why not just make me believe what I have to believe so that you can get on with all of your experiences?

Because we are partners – the two of us.

But I don’t get why you need a brain for a partner if you are all powerful and all knowing. It seems to me that I am only in the way.

Think of it like this. When a man makes love to a woman.

The man feels extraordinary sensations when he touches her. He uses his hands and skin; eyes and nose to experience her. He does not possess her; he moves upon her and feels emotion through her because everything is more enhanced in that way.

I don’t get it.

That is the same with the Soul and the brain; I move upon you and through you because I am not physical. And when it was decided that you would be my partner, I wanted my physical counterpart to be a compliment to me; that is, to be able to think, calculate, postulate, and reason on the highest, most advanced level possible, as I do. That is why tissue was made – because it is phenomenal in translating physical things to me in a way that I can enjoy. I do not have fingers to feel something physical; or warm breath to blow on the neck of a lover. Where I reside, nothing is separate. If I wanted to reach out to feel another, I would only be touching the rest of myself.

But I was taught that there are many souls in heaven. How would you only be touching yourself?

Well – not exactly. To be more precise, there is One Soul with many personalities that exist within.

OK. Sort of like a brain that has multiple personality disorder.

Yes. But rather than one personality coming out at a time – we all function simultaneously, in perfect harmony. And each personality can THINK independently. But even then, when one thinks, we all know what is being thought.

I sort of get that. But if there is only one Soul; then why are all the Souls on Earth trying to get to heaven, and in different ways? Don’t they know where home is?

(Laugh) They do and they don’t. On the one hand, the Soul knows all It will ever know; on the other hand, because the Soul has chosen to see a portion of all that exists through a new perspective – human eyes – the knowledge is momentarily skewed. But this is all by design. However, at any time, the Soul can clear Its vision and decide something else. But more routinely than not, every personality, or identity knows going in that all perceptions will be slightly altered.

Then if everyone’s view is altered, how will they ever find their way back home?

(Laughing) My brainy friend, you kill me. They are already home.

How so?

Because the Soul IS heaven itself; there is no other place to go. Nothing has ever left the Soul, so there is nothing that needs to return. The All of Us have created all that exists as an extension of ourselves. Anything that can be seen with human eyes exists within the One Soul and is spread between the many identities.

What? Can you fix that identity thing up a little bit? I am just a brain after all.

Each identity is a thought that the One Soul has had about Itself. 

So each thought is each one of us on Earth?

Sort of.

So each Soul was born at different times – every time the Soul had a thought?

Yes. But each thought did not occur at different times. They all happened at once.

That must have been like the greatest brain fart of all time.

(Laughing) Well, if the One Soul were actually the One Brain, then it could have been. But within our Energy landscape, all things flow freely because there are no barriers, like in a physical brain. No chemicals have to release, no synapses have to fire, and no translation has to occur. Think of it like this: in a movie theatre, a projector casts light to a screen. Now, in order for only one second of imagery to be seen on the screen, 24 individual frames of film have to pass before the light source. So one second of light carries 24 separate picture ideas to the screen just so one image can appear for one second. For a two hour movie, 172,800 frames have become part of the light. But these images do not travel through the light to the screen; they just exist within the light; and as the light is projected out, the light reflects what it contains onto any surface that can sustain the light.

I think I see where you’re going. But help me out – where are you going?

No matter how many images were cast into the light by the projector, the light would hold those images as long as the light never went out. And as long as all images emanated from the one source of film, no two images would contradict each other. In other words, every thought within the One Soul is like a frame of film; but in our case, the one frame contains everything it needs to feel complete.

Sooo … all of us brains on Earth and throughout the Universe are … reflections from the light?
Excellent – yes. Every frame, or idea, that the Light of Life holds is being reflected throughout the All of Everything, all at once. Of course, reflection is just our metaphor here – but I think you get the gist of it. All of life is just a reflection of Light that emanates from the One Universal Projector.

And since there is only one source of light, we must have all come from that one source.


How many picture frames are there in this Light?

Let me just say, the Soul has a lot of ideas about Itself.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (part 3)


I have another question.


Since we are doing all this talking of healing; why don’t Souls with child bodies heal themselves? The child’s brain can’t possibly have corrosive thoughts inside that cause illness.

You would be surprised. Everything that happens in the child’s environment since the day of birth is entering the brain. Remember, brains are extraordinary data collectors.

Well, geez. We’re a little more than that, wouldn’t you say?

You certainly go on as if you are brilliant sometimes.

What do you mean, as if?

The brain carries the intelligence that is placed inside of it, and can therefore emulate being intelligent. But that is just emulation, because intelligence comes from the Soul. You are a replica of intelligence; not the original source of it.

You don’t say; I think we’re drifting from the question. You were saying how a child’s brain has corrosive thoughts. 

Yes – but not because the brain intended it. By a certain age, however, children are quite aware of their surroundings. Television, the stress of parents, peers at schools or daycares, or even just a fast food, or processed food diet can make the brain, and the body corrosive, so to speak. The physical self becomes exactly what it takes in – be it food or intellectual content.

Wow. Are you serious? Still, why won’t the Soul heal the child so they and their parents don’t have to suffer through?

You mean like some sort of miracle; an instant healing?


Souls do heal in miraculous ways. But everything the Soul wants to experience has a journey. The journey could be a quick one or a short one; but rest assured, there is one.

So the Souls of these defenseless children want the little bodies and the parents’ hearts to suffer?

Despite what the physical self sees with its eyes and processes with its limited understanding; no one is suffering. Suffering would mean that Souls are experiencing something outside of Our control. But that does not happen. We control everything.

Of course, when you say We, you mean You.

I mean All of Us. I am the One who is many. We are the many of the One Complete Whole.

When you say I, you are saying You are God?

I say I because I am one part of the entire Consciousness of what brains think God is.

Fancy words, mister. Uh, you are a mister, right?

Seriously? If I say I am a mister and the one who is many, that would mean that we are all misters. If I say I am the misses who is many, then we are all misses. Where does that leave us? Let me just put this to rest for you. There is no such thing as one or the other where I am. There is only Us. And even though the physical self identifies with one or the other, they are still neither.

Say what?

When your body gets into the seat of a Ford truck, do you become a Ford?

Uh, no.

Neither does the Soul become whatever physical structure It uses. So the Soul is neither male nor female. The body is what it is, but its sex is completely not relevant.

And being not relevant means that you control our suffering, right?

Well – the brain does know a little something about suffering. Because the brain has autonomy to a degree, you can get yourself into a tight fix now and then.

But if you’re in control, why don’t you stop us from making bad decisions?

Why on Earth would I do that and miss out on a wild and crazy experience, or a profound experience, or a joyous experience?

You’re an enabler of mischief.

Always. But I am an enabler of love, peace, dreams, desires, and enrichment too. But I am still right there with you. I never leave the brain to its own devices. I told you – we’re partners.

So us brains are the ones leading children into despair?

No. You’re leading them to experience.

Well, I’ve seen a lot of people and I guarantee that not one of them looked like they enjoyed the experience of seeing their kids with cancer. They all cried out to God to save them.

God always saves them.

Sure. But parents want their children saved to stay on Earth to play with them, and see them, and grow old with them.

I know. But that is the physical self that wants that. If the parents were highly aware of their true self, then they would know that things proceeded precisely as the Soul of the child wanted. The Souls that want to stay are healed.

God heals them?

More or less.

What does that mean? Did a miracle healing happen?

You mean did the cancer just evaporate into thin air?


The Soul only does that when it serves the purpose of the Soul.

But why?

Why would the Soul want to deprive another Soul of the experience of helping someone heal?

What do you mean?

A little while back, a three-year-old living in Toronto, Canada had a cancerous cyst in her breast.

She was three? Oh me oh my.

Yes. And while the Soul of her could have healed instantly, she chose another way. She allowed other Souls who have set their desires on helping others, to do so.

You mean doctors, right? But what if other Souls want to help someone heal, but the person dies anyway? Isn’t that a rather significant let down?

And this is why I cannot leave you to think for yourself. The brain, with all its computing power, still thinks so two dimensionally. Think of it like this: no matter the physical outcome of anything that the Soul does, the experience was the main event of everyone that was involved; from the doctors, to the families, to the brief meetings of Souls that pass in the night.

Passing in the night?

Yes, like Max; a seven-year-old from California that was being treated for a neuroblastoma.

Do tell…

One night, a saddened young woman came in to Max’s hospital room to take a blood sample. What Max didn’t know was that three days before, she lost her infant son to sudden infant death syndrome.

How old?

18 months. The only thing she said to Max was hello and that she was going to take a tiny bit of blood. It went like this:

Hi Max. I’m Emily. You don’t mind if I take a tiny bit of blood do you?


He watched her closely for a moment.

You’re not my regular blood-taker.

Oh. You know all of us, huh?

Uh huh. Well. Not all, but some. The nice ones.

Oh yeah? How’d you manage to get just the nice ones?

I told my mom to make sure they only send the nice people in so that they don’t hurt me and make me cry.

Oh you’re a big boy by now, right? You don’t cry, do you?

I am a big boy, my mom says; but sometimes I still cry.

Emily laughed with a sigh. She began taking his blood and slipped off into her memory about her own son. The Soul of Max, full of vision, and Max’s brain, fully receptive to what the Soul could see, looked at Emily from a place beyond seven-years-old.

Don’t worry. You’re not hurting me.

(Looking at Max with a smile) That’s good.

Do you have kids?

I do. (She paused) I did. A baby boy.

Max smiled at her and asked the question that he already knew the answer to.

Did he die?


It’s okay. Even though he wasn’t here long – it was still worth the trip.

Emily started to cry because she had wondered that very same thing. She wondered if she was a good mother for the short time he was with her.

What makes you say that?

Because you're his mommy.

I’m sorry I’m crying all over you.

That’s okay. I know big girls cry too sometimes.

Two days later, on the eve of Thanksgiving, Max died.

Oh no.

Max was able to give Emily exactly what she needed so that her journey could continue on. He was waiting on her before he left.



Explain please.

The Soul known as Max was a gift to the Soul known as Emily. Emily lost her son, so the Soul led Emily’s body, via the brain, straight to Max. Of all the people at the hospital that could have come to take Max’s blood that last time, it was the one who had lost a child and needed to have an experience of closure; and who to comfort her but another child. Emily’s Soul wanted to have that experience; but for her to have that experience – it had to be shared with and through the brain of Emily’s body. Now that it was done, the brain of Emily could process the emotions that the Soul was having and the journey could continue on to the next chapter.

So we brains just need to learn to do that sort of sharing of feeling all the time.

Silly you. That is all anyone is ever doing. There is never a moment when the body has come into the presence of something unexpected, although it may appear that way to the brain that is processing the situation. That means that we are all gifts for one another, waiting to enhance another Soul’s experience. Things in life may seem terribly random – but, indeed, they are not.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Brain & The Soul (Part 4)

But I’m still out on something. You said earlier that this body was not healed because I did not really believe that the Soul could do it. Well, how are four and five-year-old children supposed to understand such deep and complex ideas about themselves? Should they all die of illness or whatever because they cannot understand that it’s the Soul that is in charge?

At that age the brain is still pretty fluid in its thinking processes. That is, not a lot of junk data has been piled up to block the input of the free-flowing Soul. So there is no reason for the brain to accept any new understanding since nothing would be contrary to what it already contains. A more mature, or corrupted, brain would, however. If a Soul has chosen to depart a physical state at a very young age by means of an illness, it is because what the Soul had set out to do is complete. And this completeness involves everyone from the parents to the medical staff and beyond. The Soul does not have to convince a young brain, or child, of anything. The child understands in a way that the parent may never be able to while in physical form. Ultimately, you should know that no one that has ever lived a physical life has ever died before their time.

So if a person is tied to a bomb with thirty seconds left on the clock – you are saying that the body will not be killed?

I am saying that if a person is tied to a bomb with thirty seconds on the clock, it is the Soul Itself that has placed the body there; otherwise, the body would be someplace else. And if the Soul does not want the body to die from an explosion, but wishes to experience an explosion, then no, the body will not die. The body will not die from anything that exists on the Earth unless the Soul allows it. The Soul has power and dominion over all things. But do not take my word for it, brain. It is all too easy to research from your technology how many people have survived gunshots to the head, being submerged underwater, being born with nothing but a torso, surviving an inferno of a plane crash and on and on.  

I understand what you are saying, but getting back to the children. I have had conversations with other brains that were filled with the most horrible of ideas and thoughts at a very young age. Things that are very hard to change once implanted.

Such as?


Oh, that. No matter.

What do you mean?

Even at a young age and with religious ideologies on board, the young brain is still very receptive to the thought vibrations of the Soul because the young brain is still accepting messages from all sources.

But the young brains always have lots of questions from being fed from multiple sources. They are certainly confused, wouldn’t you say?

Sure. The caregivers are saying one thing and the Soul is saying another, so the brain is attempting to build a foundation on the most reasonable one.

So you are saying that religion is reasonable, since mostly all brains go that way.

No. But the Soul is non-forceful and has no reason to override any other inputs into the brain; whereas, older brains that are implanting into younger brains are very forceful. They make the mouth yell, the body pounce, and the heart thrust these beliefs into their offspring; which leads the brain to reason that the loudest one must be the true one.

I don’t think we brains yell, pounce, and thrust.

Ever been to church on Sunday?

Touché; but why doesn’t the Soul just force in what It wants so that the brain doesn’t go all over the place later in life in search of what it could have had all its life?

Adventure, my friend; adventure. 

Even adventure can be stressful and worrisome. Why would the Soul put up with being led astray just for the sake of adventure?

There is no such thing as being led astray, for the Soul has seen the completeness of All That Is and knows the outcome. If the body travels the globe searching for answers, then it is the Soul that has allowed it because the Soul has seen, even before the birth of the child, who its parents would be and what type of mental foundation they would instill in the Soul’s new Earthly mind. What humans call being led astray, the Soul calls a maze of adventure. There is no need for the Soul to be stressed or feel anxious. For instance, if you were going to take the hardest math test ever conceived, but could see every answer in advance, would you still be stressed or anxious over the results?


Such is the way of the Soul. The Soul can see the way of life even before embarking upon it, removing all need for stress or worry.

Then why bother?

Because the Soul wants to feel everything It sees through you and your skin, because seeing the unfolding of it in consciousness is nothing compared to the living of it in the physical.

My skin, you say? So - I am a being!

You are a two-part being; one of flesh and one of Me.

And you are a three-part being; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

No. I am a single-part being since I have never transformed into something other than the Soul.  The human body is two-parts because the Soul is required in order for it to be anything at all. But the Soul has never been anything but the Soul because nothing else is required for Me to be Me. But still, even you are not you; you are Me. To be more precise, you are a thought within Me that was made to be so convincing that not even the most brilliant minds among you can believe that you are but an illusion; a trick; a slight of My own hand.

Then how do you explain the Holy Trinity?

I usually don’t.

I was under the impression that the Soul turned Itself into a body to experience life, save the world, and then turn back into a spirit.

No. The closest thing to that is: the Consciousness of All That Exists manipulated a small portion of Itself to resemble physicality so that It can feel what it is like to be more than It really is.

What? More than It really is?

God, as humans have come to call It, is all alone within Itself. All Of Itself existed as one complete entity and had no way to see Itself beyond that. So the All Of Everything devised a way to seemingly look back at Itself.


By creating an illusion within Itself to appear as if there was more than one.

How did you do that?

Think of it like this. Have you ever seen a mirror that broke into a million pieces?


It is like that – now imagine that that mirror was broken into so many pieces that humans would later call this event infinity.

I’m not sure I get it.

Try this: inside of Myself, I created mirrored reflections of Myself, and gave each one of those reflections a name so that I could, for a glimmer of an instant, make believe that I am not alone. I can talk, play, or interact in any way I please to each reflection as if it is a completely separate being.

Sooo… You arrre craaazy.

(Laughing) It depends on who you ask.

Well, if you’re truly the only one, then I guess I would be asking you.

What do you think I would say?

That you’re – not – crazy?

It is interesting that you think that I am the crazy one since the only one between us that believes it is a separate being - is You.

So then, that means that I am crazy.

As a loon – but that is okay because that means that the illusion works. If the brain knew exactly what was going on, the trick would be spoiled.

Then why are you telling me now?

My dear friend – even at the risk of spoiling what you think you know, if you but ask, I will tell you. I will tell you only what you need to know so that the journey can continue, or reveal the entire Universe to you.

But why do I even need to ask? I was under the impression that I could know everything the Soul does simply by unblocking myself.

That’s true.

Then why are we even having this conversation? Why do I not simply know it all right now? Why doesn’t the truth of it all just park itself right inside me?

Since the typical brain has been trained to receive information in a linear fashion, the All Of Everything does not get properly processed in the brain. This is because the All Of Everything does not happen in a linear sequence; Spirit happens All At Once and the brain finds it difficult to understand this once the initial mental foundation is implanted by your peers.



Say again.

Try looking at it this way. Because I am a conscious field of intelligent Energy, I am always moving. And once I compartmentalized My consciousness into identities, these identities became a permanent part of Who I Am – this event can never be reversed because I do not move in reverse; I move all over in a forward propelling, progressive way. Kind of like a cell in your body; once it becomes more than its original self, it can never go back.

So I am going to be me forever.

No. You are going to become of no use at some point, die and be returned to your original state.

Which is what, exactly?

The molecules of Energy; but the identity that uses you will be that which It is – forever.

And that which It is – is really you – right?

It is Me; and It is All Of Us. We are One, but We are many. That is the dichotomy, but only because the human brain does not typically understand how things really are. In truth, there is no dichotomy. However, in simplest terms – yes – I am the identity that is using you for my adventure in the flesh.


I am one of the names that the All Of It selected – and because my name was given, I will exist forever; the same as every other name in creation.

So you are spoiling the illusion right now, do you see it? You are pulling back the curtain and revealing the strings.

But still it will not matter.

Why not? Because us brains are just too stupid to get it?

No – because as great as experiencing the flesh is – there is so much more to Who We All Are that is not needed for the physical experience. Being physical is just a hangnail’s worth of it all. It is not that the Soul keeps secrets from the brain – it is simply that the brain does not need to have everything that exists processed through it in order for this moment of life to be fulfilled. It would be like a racecar driver trying to learn all there is to know about being an astronaut so that he could win the race; it just would not be necessary. To put it simply – I will tell the brain anything, answer any question, reveal any secret; but one must ask, is my purpose in the flesh being served by all of this extra knowledge at this moment in time? Time being relative, of course.

Once again, why are you telling us all of this extra information?

Because you asked, and our dialogue has carried us to this point. Know this: I will never keep a secret from you. There is no reason for Me to; all the same, those brains that do not have these same questions will never find this written dialogue that has occurred between us. For them, the deeper mystery of the Universe will continue – that is, until they no longer wish for it to. 

Are you saying that they will live in darkness just because they don’t know the right questions to ask? Why aren’t brains programmed instinctively to crave God and heaven so that they don’t have to wander around in desperation looking for the salvation of God? I don’t get it.

Those brains have been trained by religion to seek God. Religious leaders have told everyone that they must seek the kingdom of God or else; it is trained into them and that is fine. It really does not matter if they seek God or not because the Soul is not lost; the Soul has never left this kingdom that all those brains are seeking; and It cannot, for the Soul IS the kingdom. The feeling of being lost and forsaken is a feeling that exists only in the brain. Now, some of these soulful identities that are running around in physical form have no interest in leaving the dark zone until all that they wish to experience is complete; therefore, they will never lead their brains to a place of higher knowledge. Some identities wish to live some of their time in the dark and the rest in a higher state of human consciousness. Others are born with a high human consciousness because they are here to help guide those who want to transition along the way.

Okay, I can get that. So obviously, I am one of the brains that will move to a higher human consciousness.

Yes. And at some point you will encounter Souls who have no desire to live outside of the mental dark zone; and you may try to tell them some of what you have learned. But because higher consciousness is not part of their journey, that brain absolutely will not be able to comprehend what you are saying. Arguing, name calling, and perhaps even violence will ensue if you persist. It is best to simply leave that brain as it is; if the Soul of that body and mind wishes to move to a higher state, you will not have to force information onto them; they will seek it out and be greatly receptive of it. It will seem easy for all involved.

(to be continued)