Saturday, February 22, 2014

Letting Go

I have found that every time I have worried about something, it generally came to pass. And since worry is usually brought about over something that troubles us in some way, having the event fulfilled is certainly not a good thing in our eyes.

But as I grow older, I notice that every time I let go of my feelings toward an undesirable circumstance, the event seems to pass over me quietly, having no real effect on me or my life.

What is letting go? How does one accomplish such a mental thing when the entire mind seems to want to replay the stressful moments of life over and over again?

This replay of thought is just the mind's way of role playing every possible outcome it can until a solution is found. However, if the stressful thing is something that the mind has no reference for - that is to say, no previous experience or knowledge to draw from - then no suitable outcome will likely be found. That is where Letting Go becomes useful.

To me, letting go of any undesirable situation is the act of turning off my emotions about that situation. That is, I have no perspective on the issue one way or another; I do not care how that particular thing turns out - I am all right with the outcome no matter what.

I know this may feel impossible, and yes, it will take practice to discipline your mental state to this degree; however, it is worth the effort. I say that because the act of a mental release will free up mental processing power that was previously being consumed by worry or stress. This in turn brings peace, and being filled with peace allows new ideas to flow effortlessly.

To begin practicing the art of letting go, you may want to start with little things where the outcome would truly not matter significantly in your daily life whether you let go of it or not. That is because the action of saying, "I let it go" aloud is monumental. Then, do not think of what you have let go of again in any real capacity. If the thoughts cross your mind during the day or night, simply answer the thoughts with, "I have already let that go." And then breathe deeply, exhaling slowly.

Soon, you will be able to do this same thing with the grandest of circumstances. And as you watch those troublesome things appear in your life, they will have little power over you; and you may have even come across a solution by then because your mind was at peace and able to postulate what the Soul has been trying to tell it.

And the Soul is trying to tell you that no matter what happens in your life - it is not the end. You will not fall over a cliff from your perils, since perils only exist within your thoughts. Thoughts give events power - so in turn, thoughts can take away that same power and make your perceived troubles cower before you. Know that in this very moment, you are all right.

Still, should everything you hold dear suddenly disappear, you must be okay with that; you must be okay with having nothing. Are you okay with having nothing? To find out, ask yourself this: Am I okay with dying today? Am I okay with leaving this life behind right here and now?

If someone puts a gun to your head today, you must be okay with them pulling the trigger and taking you from all that you think is real in your life. If the thought of this makes your heart pulse faster or gives you pause then you are too attached to that which does not matter, and letting go of the other trivial things in your life will be difficult.

When you are okay with the ultimate outcome of death, you will be a master of life. But it won’t be until you are okay with the outcome of unpaid bills, broken relationships, or all the uncertain things of life, that you will begin to feel peace and in control of your life on a daily basis.

For now, let us start small by saying this aloud,
“I let everything go that does not bring me joy.
And so it is.”

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Reflection

Do you suppose that the body You see in the mirror would have still been born if You, (the Soul), had not taken it? Of course it would have; but perhaps some other Spiritual Identity would have used it, making the personality of the body completely different. Remember that You are not the body; the Soul is simply the user of the body seen in the reflection. The Soul is an Identity that is known throughout all creation, while the body is merely Its physical alter-ego. And You, (the Soul), have been many egos along the way. 

But because You are here, now, and using the body You are in; I know for certain that You are here on purpose - or else, the body You are using would be someone else. Yes, the body would still appear the same in the mirror, however, every action of that body would be different all together.

Would the name of the body still be John, Jeff, Stephanie, Lindsey Nancy, or the like? More than likely, it would, since the parents named the body, not the Soul. You are not the name of the body; that is not who You are at all - it is simply Your secret identity in the flesh. You already have a name that all of heaven knows You as. All of the Universe also knows every name ever used by You.

The things done on Earth may seem like a secret; things may appear as if no one can see You; there may not be an obvious point to Your life, but I assure You, there is. Otherwise, You would be someplace else, doing some other thing, living as some other identity. But You are not - You are here now, living life on purpose, with a purpose - and that is why we love You and cannot wait to see what You and Your reflection are going to do next.

JB Lewis

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love Thyself

It is not necessary to FIND love. This is because we carry love with us wherever we go. When you meet someone and "fall in love" with them, it is not love that you have found; each of you are simply acting as mirrors, reflecting back to the other, their own understanding of love; and this pleases the Soul. The mind projects the idea of your love onto the one you have met and creates the illusion that the other is responsible for your love and the creation of your happiness. This is disadvantageous since, should that person ever leave you, you will feel as if they have taken your love with them, leaving you feeling empty and unhappy. But if You realize that You are the bringer of love, and Your mate is the bringer of love, then no separation of being could ever take love from You. Think of it this way; the Soul does not know how to love another more than It loves Itself because, it is known throughout the Universe that, every Soulful Identity is already filled with the same Absolute Love. That is to say, no other Soul can give You anything to make You more complete than You already are. Until the human mind realizes this, it will not be able to experience love greater than that of its own understanding of love. That is why it has been said that, "People cannot love another more than they love themselves."