Friday, September 5, 2014


I have failed to see how technology has connected everyone on the planet. Instead, it has separated us.

Technology is not to blame. The reason technology has not brought people together is because humans use technology for individual purposes. If people used technology for humanity, humanity would certainly be connected. Right now, humans are only interested in self-service; therefore, technology reflects that.

How can we change this?

Do like highly evolved beings do.

Explain. What are highly evolved beings exactly?

Beings that have come to realize what most beings of the Earth have not.

So we are going to talk about aliens from space now? Oh, great.

Yes, they are from space, as you say, but they are also from this world. I hate to break it to you – but humans are not the first to arrive on Earth.

So extraterrestrial beings came through space to get here? How did they travel through space? They must have traveled a million years.

Not at all. Those beings have realized what space really is; and when space is realized, it is easy to move within it. You see distance between the stars – evolved space travelers do not.

How so?

In reality, there is no space at all. The name is somewhat deceptive of how things really are. Think of space as nothing more than a dry ocean – and within the ocean, there is no place that is absent of water. That is, even where there seems to be nothing, there is something. Space is the same way. In truth, the Universe is the size it is because it is so full of everything. No space is wasted. And just like the oceans, there are currents everywhere; and although the currents are invisible to the human eye, they are still there. The currents of the Universe also merely appear invisible.
Fish have learned to manipulate these currents within their environment to use the natural energy that is built within it – beings that live outside of Earth’s atmosphere have done the same thing. Ask yourself, what is the easiest way to travel in a stream?

To go downstream.

Precisely. There is a natural energy that can carry anything that rides it. In a stream it is the current. In the ocean it is the current. And in space it is the current. Riding these currents requires no extra energy whatsoever. This energy is naturally occurring and naturally flowing. Highly evolved beings have realized that artificial energy, like power plants, petroleum, coal, and other things that humans have learned to channel are unnecessary. There is enough natural energy to propel you wherever you need to go. Fish can use the natural currents of the ocean to travel the entire globe without using any extra energy of their own. Do you suppose the Universe would be any different?

Fish have never used a tire, a car, a bus, or fuel outside of what surrounds them at all times.
The Universe is the same way. In the ocean of the Universe, there are endless currents and downhill streams to take you wherever you need to go faster than you could have ever imagined.

So pushing a ship from behind is a waste of energy? We must follow a forward flowing current?


Our atmosphere does not allow us to follow a current for propulsion.

Of course it does. Scientists believe there is no atmosphere in space; however, there is atmosphere everywhere. It is simply not concentrated in a small area as it is on Earth. Earth’s own gravity pulls natural elements to itself and creates a bubble. Space has this same magnetism and gravity throughout. The same gases that are on Earth also saturate space; it is all simply channeled differently.

Humanity’s problem is, Earth’s atmosphere is not being utilized to its full potential. For example, just as Earth’s atmosphere can carry the waves of radios and such, so can space. Beings that have learned about this do not have to use radios, cell phones or other artificial means of communication. There is actually so much matter in space, it is possible to communicate without such devices. On Earth it is known as telepathy – to evolved beings it is known as emotion; and with emotion words are not necessary.

Are You saying that because there is so much invisible matter in between all of us, we can communicate by sending our thoughts along this invisible, connected material?

Yes. Thoughts and emotion, which are both just conveyances of energy, can travel through this matter. Energy cannot travel through nothing – it must travel through something. If there was no substance between the clouds and the ground, lightening could never travel from one spot to the other. It would, per se, begin in a cloud and end in the same spot within the cloud. Understand?

So if people could connect in this way, we would not even need material things like computers and cell phones in order to talk to each other, right?
Absolutely right. When the day comes that it is revealed that extra-earthly craft have been acquired, ask them what type of communication device they have found inside. The answer will be – zero. Radios would be superfluous and inefficient compared to using the power of the elements around them. The same is true of you.

I am ready to learn how to do this.

Good. Ready? Here we go.