Friday, July 25, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (excerpt)

Some folks can be so convincing with their near death stories. I have heard of many people who have said they died for a brief time; and while they were on the verge of life and death, they either saw heaven, hell, or a little of both. And when they speak of hell they are completely convinced that the darkness they saw was separation of God, or hell. One story I watched recently was a man who had crashed in an airplane. He died for a brief time and spoke of heaven, bright and beautiful lights, and a river of gold light that made him feel more alive than when he was in his body - and on and on. He said he didn’t see any angels or anything like that – but he said off to his right was this eternal dark area that he could feel was not part of God. He said he simply knew the sweeping dark area was getting closer to him and that it was hell and all of the bad things he had done coming to claim him. But at the last second, he screamed out to God to let him live; so he went back to his body and woke up knowing that when he died for real next time, he would be in heaven. What say you to that, my masterful Soul?

The blackness one would see in an experience like that is not hell. It is a void.

He did say it was an eternal void; void of light and God.

It is void of light and of Me. This is what we spoke of in the last book when you asked Me about expansion.

You said You moved into a nothingness – or at least moved it out of the way. People are calling this black void hell because they say they have a knowing that this is what this place is. I am speaking of, Mickey Robinson, who said he was filled with unstoppable revelations of knowledge; so how could he be confused about what the black void that he saw was? He specifically said it was separate from You. It was hell, to put a fine point on it.

It is separate from Me since the void is nothingness; however, I am not. But it is still not hell.

If the black void of nothingness is not You, or outside of You, how can people like him see it?

I have no walls, no edges, no curves. I am simply everywhere. And unlike human eyes, within Me there is no limit to what can be seen.

How can someone see beyond All That Is? To see everywhere seems like it could be a pretty good distance to me.

To see things within a spiritual state is not like seeing things in a physical state. To you, everywhere seems to take up a lot of space because the brain is trying to calculate just how big everywhere is. But in My realm, you can see everywhere all at once without strain, limitation, or confusion because you are that which is everywhere.

So the guy that saw the void was not confused? The void is indeed hell?

The void can be mistaken for hell by someone in a near death state for the simple reason that they are not dead. That is, they have not let go of their mental processing and understanding of all that they have learned of heaven and hell as a human. They are betwixt – neither wholly in one state or another. This state of in-between-ness is a gift because it will allow a person to capture a glimpse of who they truly are while, at the same time, be allowed to use of their carnal knowledge; and that often leads to a blend of reasoning of what is seen.

What do You mean?

If someone grows with the teaching that there is a heaven and a hell, it is possible that upon having a near death experience, things they view in the spiritual realm will take on the likeness of what they expect to see. Some will see angels. Some will see Jesus. Some will see demons. Some will see bright light. Some will see a hybrid of spiritual things and current physical things simultaneously. Some will see pastures and unexplainable things, but all will feel the love and peace.

They see physical things while in a near death state because they are not really dead and still connected to the human mind?

Hence, near-death. In truth, the language should be restated to call it a near-life experience since your death is really the entrance to life; while the day you are born, you actually have to die just a little in order to be human. Well, not really; but you know what I mean...

I get it; the body has to be somewhat less than the Spirit. But why do some who have had a near death episode claim to have seen God or Jesus? I mean some come up with detailed scenarios of how they walked and talked with God and how God is a man and heaven is a planet.

For each person that gets a glimpse of the spiritual realm in a near death way, their experience will be unique – just for them. There is no one-size-fits-all reception as Identities are briefly welcomed home. If someone feels more comfortable seeing Spirit as an individual man similar to their religion’s beliefs, then that is what they will have. If someone expects to go to hell because they believe they deserve to, they can be greeted with that. If later they want to experience being saved from hell by the savior of their choice, they shall have that as well.


If it isn’t really God greeting them, then who is it?


But in the last book You said You were God.

I am.

But You are also someone’s Soul.

Right again.

So they are meeting God.


But not really…

Yes again.  

You’re really enjoying this, aren’t You?

Right again. (Laughing)

You just wait – pay back is a you-know-what.

Give Me your best shot.

Served cold, my friend; served cold…
