Friday, June 13, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (A Conversation) (Continued)

Someone told me once that all women were men in previous lives; then they evolved. I guess I haven’t evolved into womanhood yet.


(Laughing!) Do you want to be a woman?


Apparently I don’t know what I want – I am just a brain.


Very good. You’ve been listening. That’s a good joke. But the truth is everyone has lived as something else at some point. Well, not you personally; as a brain, this is your first time. But you know what I mean.


So JB has been a woman?


He wasn’t JB then.


Oooh – that’s not good – is it?


Why would it be bad?


I don’t know. It just seems weird.


Remember that the Soul does not have a gender. The Soul does not have a race or a species, or even a religion. 


Souls aren’t religious? So when white people go to heaven, they will not still be white? Or when Jewish people go to wherever they go in heaven, they won’t be Jewish? What about the 72 virgins that Islamic people get when they die?


As you can ascertain, coming across a virgin may be a problem since there is no gender in the heaven of which you speak.


If Souls have no gender, then how do they know how to be male and female when they are born?


They don’t. They learn how to behave in their gender roles from the society they are born into. You know that.


Then explain why some guys are born with a bit of a flare to them. You know, they swish and hiss like a woman would do without even trying.




So You are saying that gayness is learned?


No – I am saying the mannerisms of gayness are learned. Having being attracted to the same gender is not learned.


Then gay people are born that way?




Then that means that Souls have gender – ha – gotcha.


Bodies have gender, Spirits have frequencies.


Then why does a perfectly normal male or female want to have sex with the same gender? Where does the desire or attraction to the same gender come from, if not the Soul?


The desire and attraction does come from the Soul.


But You said…


I said the Soul does not have Its own gender. But the Soul does have Its own desires. However, the body does not have its own desires because that would conflict with the Soul. There cannot be two sets of desires controlling one organism.


I think you just explained religion in a nutshell. That’s why so many people feel as if they are being pulled in opposite directions with religion; especially when it comes to being homosexual. But You say homosexuality is not condemned.


That’s right. We went over that in the previous book discussion. Do you need to talk about it further?


Well – explain what You meant when You said Souls don’t have a gender, but are still born gay or straight, as the sayings go.


When a body is created between two other humans, that body is neutral. It is nothing more than a shell. The fetus is completely reliant on the mother for its power. That is, not even the heart would beat without the mother’s life force giving it a jumpstart. After a Soul has determined to use that fetus for Its adventures in the physical, the fetus can then survive without the mother.


Does a Soul move-in to the fetus inside of the mother or after?


It happens both ways. Sometimes the Soul does not claim the use of the body of a baby until minutes or hours after the baby is born.


I’ve heard of babies that are still born and then come to life later. One baby girl was dead for four hours before coming to life. The only reason the parents knew about it is because they weren’t ready to let the baby go and were passing her around to let different family members hold her; all wrapped up as if she was alive. Another baby was declared dead and was sent to the hospital’s morgue. The baby spent ten hours in a box in the morgue before her father came to collect the body. That’s when a morgue attendant noticed signs of life with small movements and soft cries. Other than having under developed lungs, there was absolutely nothing wrong with either baby.


And there wouldn’t be because the body will respond and live, repairing anything about the body that needs repairing, in order for the Soul to progress forward. Know this: if the Soul wants to use that body, the body will be used. If the body did not require the life force of the Soul to live, neither baby would have been declared dead even though no Soul was present.

The body does not do its own thing. If the body is having sex with another body of the same gender, it is not because the body wants to do it – it is because the Soul requires the body to do it.


Then what is that guilty tugging feeling people talk about when they first discover gay nature? If the Soul is making all the gay decision, why is there a feeling of wrongness inside the person?


That feeling of wrongness is in the brain as a product of environmental conditioning. A gay person realizes their same-sex attraction at a young age, perhaps even before they understand what they are feeling. But religious ideas and condemnations about those feelings are implanted by those around them and cause the conflict; as gayness is only a conflict of mind and not of the Soul. 


Okay, but let’s be frank, if we may. If men were meant to have sex with men, why don’t they have something other than a bunghole in which to have sex? The anus was certainly not made to take in objects – that is an exit only portal. Strange things can happen when doing that; and shouldn’t we take care of our bodies and not abuse them?


Indeed the anus was made for the body to purge all the things it does not need and not for sex. But you humans have been creative. As strange and unfitting as you may think anal sex is, I do not judge that any more than I judge those who smoke carcinogens into their lungs or inject drugs into their veins. You humans keep waiting for a judgment that will never come. The Soul can do with Its body whatever It wishes and nothing that has been created will ever get in the way of that. 


Cancer of the lungs will get in the way.


Seriously? Do you know how many people are diagnosed with lung cancer that will continue to smoke?


I’m thinking there must be a lot.


You would be right. Everything that the Soul, brain, and body embark upon will have a set number of outcomes. Something will result from the actions taken and the Soul is aware of this. Still, the Soul goes on because the Soul knows that the body will continue to function as long as the Soul wants it to. Cancer will not kill a body. Gunshots will not kill a body. Nothing has been created that can override the will of the Soul; and if the will of the Soul is to continue on in Its current body, then that will be the way of it. When a body with cancer dies, it will only be because the Soul finally allowed the body to succumb. 


I’m thinking You might be right. I just learned not long ago of a farmer in Fruita, Colorado in 1945 tried to behead a chicken for dinner, but it did not die. Instead, the chicken that became known as Miracle Mike lived for 18 months by being fed milk and small bits of corn through an eye dropper through his esophagus -though he eventually chocked to death one night on a piece of corn. That’s strange that an axe couldn’t kill the chicken, but a small piece of corn did.


The corn didn’t exactly kill the chicken. The energy back of the chicken allowed the corn to choke it.


Wait. Are You telling me that Mike the headless chicken had a Soul that kept him alive?


Of course. All living things have intelligent energy back of it.


But it’s just a mindless bird.


There you go thinking like an egocentric brain again. Do you suppose that you are the only organic creature that is backed by intelligence? Just because you do not speak the language of the foul, you think it is ignorant.




You don’t speak Japanese either – does that make them ignorant because you do not understand them?


But wait – chickens just walk around pecking the yard all day long – they aren’t out doing important things. They just run off of instinct. First of all, why would any Soul want to live as a chicken; and secondly, why would any Soul want to keep living as chicken with its head cut off?


Keep in mind – a Soul does not occupy a body, whether it is a chicken, goat, lion, or human. The Soul moves upon and through the body, therefore, the Soul is not bothered that some part of the physical structure is missing or impaired, for the Soul is always one hundred percent functional. 
The Soul manipulates all of Its bodies like puppets from the space of spirituality, not physicality. And as I said before; a Soul can manipulate multiple bodies at one time.

In the case of Mike the chicken, the Soul allowed the body of the foul to continue living to illustrate the power of life; though few humans fully understood what was going on there. Even now, the story stands as a testament to what the Soul can do simply by deciding to do so. You should also know that there is no such thing as a dumb animal. To believe so only make you the dumb one.


I've been accused of being dumb before, so I better watch my step. But I have a question of something You brought up. Why would a Soul want to use more than one body at a time? Are you really suggesting that one Soul can live as more than one human at a time? Or even as a human and an animal simultaneously?




Oh, I can’t wait to hear this.