I can remember being
told throughout my life that in order to be accepted by God, I had to first
accept the son of God, which is taught to be Jesus. In religion, Jesus is the
only known son of God. But in spirituality, we know that everyone is a son and
a daughter of God. Not because God is a man and impregnated, by supernatural
means, a plethora of virgins, but because there is but One Supra Consciousness
that delegates levels of itself into subordinate consciousnesses for the
purpose of self discovery.
The paradox of saying
that God is the sons and daughters of Itself, makes sense because God is all
there is; or in other words, God is One Spirit with many levels of awareness
about itself as a whole, so that every point of view can be achieved from a
seemingly outside perspective.
Every level of knowing
is represented in the whole of God. This is true even with those who do not
believe in God at all. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with not believing in
God or a Creator. There is no punishment in this. The non-believer will still
end up, after separating from the body, in the same place the most devout
Christian or other believer will end up. This is because we are already in the
place we will end up, as I talked about earlier.
The belief in God or
not is irrelevant to everything. In fact, it is the non-believer in traditional
religion or the atheist that is closer to the truth, for God is not the God the
vast majority believes it to be. Of course, to proclaim that there is no Creator
is unreasonable since even a non-believer can see that something exists. They know this because they are standing on the
Earth; they are using a body; they can see that things are created. They just
have no idea who or what created it so they resort to
However, they are
correct when they say that the current illustrated version of God does not
exist. Let me just say first that we can create whatever portrait of God we
wish and it will not matter. Spirit will continue to be Spirit no matter what
we consider it to be, but to claim it as the ultimate truth and then persecute
others for not believing in your truth, extremely limits ones consciousness.
There is no one person that is God. God is simply an idea that describes a much larger conception.
People call the name of God and
instantly think of a person, since all of us have names that describe us. And
since we all appear to be individual, and since someone told us that we were
created in the image of God, whenever someone says the word God, the mind
believes it to be the representation of the single, most powerful being that
ever dug a canyon, filled an ocean or painted a sky blue.
But in reality, the
word God falls short of just how grand everything we cannot see really is. It
would actually be more accurate to say that God is more closely related to a
community, rather than a single being. God, to put it as simply as possible, is
comprised of everything that has ever existed and that ever will exist. And it
all exists right now, as a community, operating together in perfect synchronicity.
As far as a name for
the Creator goes, it could be changed to Jim, or Bob, or Francine, or Jennifer.
The name absolutely does not matter, and it absolutely does not describe things
as they really are. That is why the best vernacular to speak of God is – I Am
That I Am.