Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Art of Creation

It is said that God is unchanging. In one way that is true since God cannot stop being God. But the part of creation that is always changing is the progressive art-of-being.

It is also said that God created humanity in Its own image. But instead, it is the other way around. That is to say, the certain uniqueness of our individual identities is what makes up the likeness of God. Without the infinite array of personalities spread throughout all of creation, the whole of God would be bland and stagnant. It is our own spicy, yummy, intricate, and beautiful image that we each keep that makes the image of God so colorful and full of life. God can see Itself more clearly by looking at us.

And the image and personality you see in the mirror every morning is specific to you. No one else is like you - and this is absolutely by design.
The Spirit of Creation did not and will never intend a cookie-cutter civilization with no ability to expand its consciousness. The creation of robotic drones in permanent redundancy is not how an organic creator behaves.

The entire point of your life is to go out and be unique; to be individual while you can; to express things in a way that no one else does; and to not live in fear of retribution for actions that your very own Soul (or your part of the collective identity) has created for Itself.

There is too much experience to be had for Spirit to simply devise a clone of Itself in order to serve Itself. You do not have to single yourself out as a servant of God, for everything that you do serves the Whole already. Every experience you have is seen and understood by all within the Collective Consciousness. And even though the personal emotion of the experience is just for you right now - once you have left your body alone on the Earth to return to the elements - everything you have ever felt in your heart will be absorbed into the All of Everything for every Soul that has ever been created to enjoy. Therefore, it is important to take as many great and emotional experiences with you as possible when the time comes.

Don't sit around and wish you had gone out and lived a great and fearless life. When you (return) home, make sure you have plenty of pictures to take with you.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Leader and The Follower

The Brain: The data collector and processor of data.
The Soul: The source of original data and experience entrepreneur extraordinaire.

Unless these two elements work together, life will seem as if it is being pulled in multiple directions. Now, the Soul will never keep any data from the processor, since that is why the processor exists in the first place. However, if the processor is corrupted by fictitious data brought on by superstition and fear; then the processor, and its super powerful autonomic ability to translate, organize, and utilize the information, will send the physical body out - misdirected. In addition, the mental processor, per the corrupted data, will reason that any new information that makes an attempt to be integrated, and is contrary to the originally implanted feed, will be some sort of trickery, such as a demonic entity, since that is what the processor was instructed to believe.

That is because the brain (processor) has been programmed with such ideas during the most vulnerable of the learning stages - youth. And with nothing else to compare the data to, is forced to accept the belief structure as fact.

As much, during adulthood, many brains that were implanted with such programming will feel as if they are being pulled in ways that go against their better feeling of judgment. That emotional feeling is the Soul making attempts to reprogram the data that has been entered into the processor, for the one thing that can never be programmed is emotion. That is because emotions are not produced within the body; the body merely reacts to these emotions, causing chemicals and hormones to be released; which in turn, makes the body correspond. Emotions are the very breath of the Soul and a very effective form of communication to the body. Emotions are the Soul's backdoor entrance, and inner voice to the physical mind.

If given a choice between a set of circumstances, one giving you pause while the other giving you assurance; the one that feels better is the one the Soul is conveying to you. The one giving you pause is the one the processor has chosen, usually based off of its limited, corrupt, or superstitious data.

Do not misunderstand - the human brain is not weak, useless, or incompetent. The brain is, perhaps, too powerful for its own good, considering what type of data, we as humans, have determined should be programmed into it. The secret, of course, is for the mass at large to realize just how powerful the human processor is, and its necessary symbiotic relationship to the Soul. When these two aspects of life are finally synchronized, our understanding of all that the Universe has to offer will flow freely through us; which, in turn, will cause the joyful experience of life to magically appear right before our eyes.

When the brain is finally aware that it is not the creator, but the listener, life will no longer seem to pull you in ways that you truly do not wish to go.

In other words, life will be grand when:
The Soul Leads and the Brain Follows.

JB Lewis

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Unforced Healing

When the Spirit heals Its body, the process is always unforced; no bargain is reached; no compromise is made. The body simply performs the functions of healing because that is the desire of the Spirit. 

You too, as a physical being, can experience this type of unforced bliss. Begin to teach your mind how to ask questions about itself. Teach the mind how to be curious about itself. Peacefully tell the mind that it is all right not to know the answers right now. 

Remember, the Spirit has no questions to ask since nothing is hidden from It; all questions that arise are mental in nature. Begin to allow questions about all of life to emerge, and then let them float freely in your imagination. Do not try to force an answer to come. Instead, allow the answers to appear for you within a natural flow. When the answer comes, that will be the Soul talking to the mind. Teach your mind to be still and get to know the Soul that keeps such close company.

The Soul does not live in a state of force. Why should the body and mind?

Monday, April 14, 2014

What Is The Truth

Sometimes - when it comes to what we believe - we are willing to hold onto that belief simply because we do not wish for the world as we know it to fall apart; for what would we hold in our hearts to make us feel complete, safe and loved?

We must have our imaginative stories because they are what give us hope, pleasure and reassurance that we are not alone in the Universe.

When we get right down to it, once a child is no longer a child, we would never try to maintain the idea that the Tooth Fairy is still out collecting teeth and leaving money under pillows; we would never try to convince a teenager that Santa Claus is making his way to Cleveland in a flying sleigh that is pulled by nine reindeer; we would not try to prolong the notion that the Easter Bunny is a six-foot tall jack rabbit with an Australian accent - unless, of course, we were just telling a fantastic story for our imaginations to absorb.
The same is true of other amazing stories that have survived in our human culture for centuries. And in some ways, our adult minds still crave that child-like storytelling and belief structure that makes us wonder in amazement on how such things could have ever happened. Just like when kids think that Santa and the Elves actually build toys that will be under the Christmas tree soon, only to discover one day that Santa is only a story - even a legend. And for a short time, the child's world falls apart. But for a time, nothing is more real to a child, simply because they believe it is real.

But we must ultimately realize that these beliefs we hold dear are not truths, but merely stories, for the truth would never have us kill in its name. Murder and destruction is the domain of all that is false. Truth needs no defense while falseness can offer no reason for its existence. Truth offers nothing but peace since no part of its purpose can be called into question, while all that is false elicits anger to compensate for what it cannot explain.

Still, storytelling has been built into the culture of humanity, and it is okay to know that some things in life are just stories and not real. If every single thing were real, there would be no need for imagination; and imagination fills us with wonder, proposes that there is magic in the world, and gives birth to creation. We simply have to know the difference between what is the truth and what is a story.

Here's a tip:

If any murder, destruction, conquering or separation has ever occurred under the guise of any story, then the story is false, no matter the source of the story, for the truth of any matter is self-explanatory and leaves no confusion or misinterpretation of itself behind that can lead to such travesties. Falseness masquerades as truth but is filled with incompleteness; it is this incompleteness that leads to multiple interpretations of the story, confusion, doubt, arguing, and ultimately the ousting or annihilation of those who believe otherwise.

JB Lewis