Sunday, September 14, 2014

What's In A Name

I believe there may be a lot of people waiting on You to come down and exert your authority over the matters of Earth.

I do not have authority over you. You have all built up the idea that someone or something has to lord over you - but it simply is not true. Things are absolutely not the way you think they are.

But You have referred to yourself as God during our conversations.

No - you have referred to me as God because humans needed something to call me. I merely agreed with you that I am whatever you think of me to be. You are the one capitalizing the words (You) and (Me) when you write the dialogue. I realize it is for some sort of reverence.

I don't really know. I think it was to give you a proper name in place of not knowing what your proper name is; you know, because proper names are capitalized. Should I go back and remove those capitalized words?

There is no need because it makes no difference. No name is required for anyone in the All of It to know who I am. Everyone is known by their frequency.

But you said you gave each identity a name.

Not a name like Bob or Sara. Those are human-type names. The names I gave out are not spelled with letters and sounded out with syllables and vowels. The name I gave to you is the essence of who you are; and it is known by every part of me that has ever existed. The names I have given to you all are those which can never be spoken by tongue. Your names incorporate the All of It; you and I are one and the same in that, You Are That You Are - and I Am That I Am. We are that which cannot be named.


Our names are only understandable in the spiritual realm?


Yes. But even if there were no spiritual names, I would still recognize you from your unique spiritual Identity. Each one of you are unique beyond what your Earthly self could ever imagine.


Why do you speak as if you are the one in charge if you are the same as the rest of us? You gave us names, you did this and you did that?


That is just semantics. In truth I am talking to myself in the third person for the purpose of educating a brain that is semi-self aware, so that it can better participate in the experiences that I am giving myself through each one of you.

What the what?

(Laughing) Do not worry - go and think on it and you will understand. Perhaps you, the brain part of us, should go back and read the first book.


Think of Spirit in this way. If you hold a large mirror up to a source of light, it will reflect an exact copy of the light back towards the source. However, if you fracture that mirror, but do not break it completely, there will then be millions of individual sized pieces of the one mirror; except now, each individual piece will reflect its portion of the light back to the source in a unique way because its orientation will be slightly skewed. Now, because of this slight alteration of the Whole mirror, everything that is reflected back to the source of light (appears) fresh and new because the reflected light is no longer an exact copy of the original light. And because each piece of the mirror remains part of the Whole mirror; each piece can be easily recognized by all the other pieces by the individual way it reflects light from itself. Understand?

I think I need a beer...
