Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Are We Really Doomed?

Are we really doomed from all that is going on in the world?

Doomed is something that you will never be. It is humorous how humanity envisions itself. Many before and many again will try to have all that there is to have on your little planet in space; but they will ultimately fail and the world will see the light once again. 

It all seems so grim, what with politics being traded for cash and health being traded to acquire power.

Merely tricks of an unsophisticated perspective. From My view, it is all quite entertaining. I tell you this, nothing on Earth can kill you. Not the poisons in the sky, nor the water, nor the soil; for it all came from Me. The only reason the body will fail to exist is if the Soul of you allows it.

But people are getting sick from the air we are breathing. It is slowly killing us.

You crack me up. I have made nothing that will kill you unless the Soul allows it. You, the brain, do more damage to the body with your poison thoughts of what will kill you than the actual things in the air around you. Still, even with your toxic beliefs, the body will continue to function until the Soul says otherwise. The brain can cause cancers and lesions and ailments from its thinking; yet, the body will live on.

But then the Soul will get tired of living in a torn up body and want to leave, right?

Maybe. In some cases, the Soul will direct the brain on how to heal the body with new thoughts. Other times, the Soul may allow the slow disintegration of the tissues simply for the additional experience of it. You may resemble a crypt keeper before the bitter end, but you will still function if the Soul says so.
You all have so under estimated the power of the body in which you live. You are more powerful than anything on the planet. This is by design.

That doesn't make any sense. Then why are people getting sick and dying if we are so strong? Why don't we live healthy lives by default in spite of the poisons?

No one lives by default; you live by intention. Have you ever known of anyone that is on their death bed, but then has a miraculous recovery?

I've heard of it...

The Soul did that. Have you heard of someone being on their death bed - and then dies?


The Soul did that too.

You know, some people don't believe in souls. How do you explain this to them? 

Do not think too much about the word, Soul. All you really are is a form of matter that is aware of itself; energy, as it is referred by some. Words are useless. You ARE that you ARE, and that is all. You were never a body. You are a thing that can never be sick and that can never die because you have never been human.

Then if not a soul and not a human - what are we?

You are that which manipulates anything you think about.

Hold we are only thinking about being humans?

More or less. 

I don't get it. We are pretending to be here? We are only manipulating this dimension of reality?

My dear brain; you are the dimension.


Like I said, words are useless. But think of it like this: the Soul can never leave its own realm, or dimension, because it is the dimension. The Soul cannot become another dimension. Instead, it manipulates other dimensions from right where it is. All other dimensions follow the same natural laws; however, every one of them can seamlessly, and effortlessly intermingle and communicate with each other.

Does the Soul have to travel to other dimensions to do this?

Travel only occurs in thought. No physical movement is necessary. This is quite easy since all dimensions exist within Me. They are Me. All the dimensions, or realms, that exist are all the parts that make Me whole. Without any one of them, I would be incomplete. 


For the sake of simplicity, think of Me like this: one giant thought processor. I put the Awesome in cognitive multitasking.

So, because we are merely pretending to be here, we can never truly be sick or die - least of all from our environment.

Right. The body can be destroyed, but even then, it must remain in its own dimension - the dimension of the physical. Or shall I say, the seemingly physical. We'll get into that later.

The body can never join the Soul. You've said that before.

Yes. That is why the body is tossed out; buried or burned. It rejoins that from which it came...the Earth. That is why it takes two bodies of the same realm to make a baby's body for the Soul to use. A spirit and a physical body can never come together to make a physical body. The Soul must manipulate the physical realm from its own space to manifest something in and of the physical realm. In this case, two physical bodies are used to create a third. Do you understand the example?

You are referring to the virgin birth. I get it. But getting back to the subject, we should not fear the chemicals in the sky or the poisons in the water or food because they are of one realm and the Souls are of another.

You should not. I promise, your bodies can resist them all if that is what the Soul wants and if the Soul and brain work as the team they were designed to be.

I will do my best. 

I know you will. Knowledge is powerful. And now that you know these things, you can go out and live freely as if you have an immunity that even your doctors cannot explain. I promise they will all scratch their heads as to why you, and those like you, are the last ones standing.

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