Politicians cannot solve the
problems that exist within the human world today. They do not have the training
or the position to solve anything so they create laws to govern that which they
are unable to control. However, since laws are violated at almost every turn,
it proves that making laws for containment are but a futile attempt to
masquerade as a solution.
The calamities that face us such
as war, homelessness, hunger, poverty and strife are the results of handing
over too much of our own power to someone else (government) who is just as lost
on the subject as everyone else - the blind leading the blind.
There is a solution that could
end all of these deficits in human experience today - Take back what is
yours...you know what you have given up...you can feel what you have lost. But
I will spell it out for you one more time, as I have done before. When people
finally accept that it is We The People that decide what is best for us, not a
few people in government:
1. If you see someone who is
hungry - Feed Them
2. If you see someone living in
scarcity - Clothe Them
3. If you see someone who has
lost their way - Guide Them
4. If you see someone who is
lonely - Love Them
5. If you see someone who is in
jeopardy - Be Their Savior
All of these things are easy to
do because We Are The Ones with the Power. And together we are as powerful as
any force in the Universe. We do not need to wait on the President or Congress
or anyone else to devise a solution for these things. Let me remind you why, in
case you forgot:
You Are Magnificence Expressed.
You Are Brilliance Defined.
You Are Beauty Magnified.
You Are Power in Physical Form.
And Live It..