Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (part 1)

I thought the Soul could heal my body. Why has it not happened?

Hmm. First, let me say, this is not your body. This body is for Me and Me alone; the Spirit - or Consciousness, if you like.
I use it so that I can visit all the things that can bring Me joy. You can only know the joy that I bring through you.

But I run the body. If not for me, you would have nothing.

Indeed, you are the caretaker of the body - but you are not its master. If not for Me, all the parts of the body would fail to rise from its slumber.

You talk a good game; but if you were the master of this body, you surely would have healed my chronic headaches, my thyroid issue, and that painful problem in my feet. Why haven't you done that if you care so much about Your Body? There can't possibly be any joy in having all this pain.

I could heal this body in a moment’s notice and it would be perfect. But before that can happen, you must accept that I can do it.

OK. I get the concept. I get the idea that the body can be healed. So go ahead. Do it.

What you do not realize is that, I know you better than you know yourself. If you truly accepted that I am capable of healing My own body, then it would be so. But somewhere deep inside of yourself, you do not actually believe this truth - you only understand the idea of it. And understanding the idea is not the same as accepting it as the truth.

What is this mambo-jumbo? Can you heal these aches and problems or not? I have recorded piles of data from gurus and philosophers who claim that all that need be done is to think about it over and over until it happens. All I have to do is be patient.

Patience is not required for healing. I could heal this body faster than any healing has ever occurred before.

Then why haven't you?

Because I am waiting for you to truly understand that this is not your body. You have no claim to anything. You are My servant.

OK fine. How would I TRULY make this realization part of me? How will I know when it has taken place?

To not put too fine a point on it; when you are no longer afraid.

Afraid of what? I am not afraid of anything.


Oh, that. Well, I must live.

No. You must perform the functions of living so that I may Live Through You. When you are no longer afraid of death, you will be ready; because it is then that you will know that you have no control over such things - that life and death are completely in My hands. Until fear is completely gone from your belief structure, any healing I perform would be in vain, for your corrosive thoughts about about fear and all that comes with it will simply corrupt all that I have done and the ailments will be reproduced by the body that serves under you.

Is that all - just fear? What about hate, guilt, judgment, anger...


All derivatives of fear – it is fear that masters hate, guilt, judgment, and anger. Get rid of the one, and the rest will simply fall away.

You just have all the answers, don't you?

Of course, I am the Soul.

So if I can get this fear thing licked, then all my sickness will be gone? You will heal me and the body?

In all truth, my friend, if you abolish fear from your foundation of beliefs, the body will practically heal itself because all that the body does is reproduce what You accept as truth. If you function fearfully, the body you manage will project fear through its tissues in the form of cancer, ailments, sickness or other pain. It does this because cells and tissue is all it has to work with. And the body was designed to create form from the function of you, the brain.

I am sorry, Soul. I frankly do not have the understanding to erase fear from my programming. I have let you down. I have cheated you from all the experiences you ever wanted to have. I blame it on those who raised me.

Blame is not necessary, for it only facilitates anger; which is part of fear. No, my brainy little friend; you are more powerful and useful than you know. That is why I am telling you this now. So you can re-program yourself. That is why I am here - you are never alone. I will not let you fail. Ultimately, I will guide you through the rest of our experiences together. This experience of discovery and learning that you are having with me right now is, in fact, part of my perfect plan.


Oh yes. I so love the feeling of starting at zero and working my way along.

This doesn't make you nervous?

Oh no. I already know where I'm going and how it will all turn out.

If you know where you're going and what will happen, why go through the trouble of living it?

Because I only know the idea of it, not the physical experience of it. Pain does not bother me; it bothers you. I know that all the pain that the world can produce upon this body does not matter - it is only an experience. That is all it was ever meant to be. Pain does not ever become part of Who I Am. And when pain, fear, or even death is no longer a part of Who You THINK You Are, you will be ready for your healing. 

I want to be ready. I will work on it ASAP. How can I facilitate this along?

By having more open conversations with me. And together, we shall begin to behave as one. For when we behave as one, you will understand as I do; you will think as I do; and you shall know as I do. Now, are you ready?

I am ready.

Then let us begin.