Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Time Travel

Right now, per an application on Google, I am listening to an FM Radio station LIVE from Australia - The beauty of it is, Australia is on the other side of the International Date Line, making it Tomorrow down under.
So, I am listening to the same thing Australians are listening to tomorrow, today. So the question is; is the FM radio signal time traveling to the past so I can hear it?

Now, if we follow our belief that everything must follow a time line, and bearing in mind that Australia is 24 hours later than the United States, it would seem that I would have to wait 24 hours to hear the same radio broadcast in the states that they are hearing now in the land down under. But because radio signals are Not Aware of the time rules that humans have constructed, the radio signal simply exists At All Times, showing that tomorrow and today, are actually occurring AT THE EXACT SAME TIME; thus, making Time Travel, by any means other than the Mind, useless to consider.

TIME is an imaginary postulation of the movement of the Earth around the sun, created by humans. We can realize time is not real because if we stop using the concept of time immediately, the function of the Universe will not change.

Everything that can ever happen and everything that has ever happened is Happening Right Now in One Continuous Moment. There is no Today, and there is No Tomorrow, except in our Imaginations. The observation of night and day help foster the illusion that a scheme of linear time is taking place. 

This had led to such theories as: building a machine that could travel fast enough around the Earth, opposite of its rotation, or sling shot around the Sun at light speed, or using some other quantum leap relocating device, we could disappear here, and reappear into another section of the time line paradigm. But the reason no one has figured out how to time travel for the human body is because, there is no other place to go. Everything you want, and everywhere you could possibly want to be, is Right Here, Right Now. However, in a Spiritual state, there is no limit to when or where you can go. In a Spiritual form, the visibilities of All Things are before you; everything that has ever happened and everything that ever will happen. That is because Creation does not observe time the way humans have organized it. There are just moments existing inside of other moments - and they are all happening At Once. Each moment is unique, but has no barrier separating it from all the other moments. Every event exists harmoniously with all other events, perfectly.

Your Spirit is exactly like that Australian Radio signal, going out in Every and All directions, Right Now, and All At Once, totally impervious to the human rules and road blocks we have all created.

You are unlimited and cannot be stopped, if only you could see yourself for Who You Truly Are. You are boundless, unrestricted, unhampered, and vibrating in perfect harmony with all that exists. The secret is to get the human brain to see it. 

Once you know and accept your unlimited nature, go out and try that which you may have failed at before. I promise things will not work out the same. With your new knowledge, one of the other possible outcomes that are attached to your venture will present itself to you. All it takes to uncover other possibilities is to uncover your true self hidden underneath all the previous beliefs.

You are not on a time clock, a calendar or a schedule to achieve your dreams. 

Here's what you do: 

Change The Way You Believe, and the Change Will Be Unbelievable. 

The Way You Think

When flamingos hatch, their feathers are actually a drab light gray. So what makes them turn that bright coral color?

Flamingos live by lakes, swamps and wetlands, and so they eat mostly algae, insect larvae and small crustaceans, such as shrimp. The red and blue-green algae they consume is loaded with beta carotene, an organic chemical that contains a reddish-orange pigment.
The bird's digestive system extracts pigment, causing new feathers to slowly shift to pink.

Flamingos' color levels vary in different parts of the world, depending on how much pigment they eat. If a Flamingo were to suddenly stop eating food containing these pigments, its new feathers would begin to grow in with a much more pale shade, with its reddish feathers eventually molting away.

If we are what we eat, couldn't it be that we are what we think as well? And if Flamingos can change their color by changing their diet; couldn't it be true that we can change our lives simply by changing our minds?

Change The Way You Believe, and the Change Will Be Unbelievable.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Fear of Love

Think of the greatest, most phenomenal, incredible, magnificent and amazing thing that you've ever seen a human do or accomplish.

What you witnessed was not unique; it was the example. Everyone of us are but carbon copies of the same Source. Therefore, what one can do, all can do. There is no exception to this rule.

"But I am disabled," you may say.
I reply, "I once saw a young woman with both arms and both legs amputated below their respective elbows and knees, swim the English channel, with her coach paddling alongside her in a boat."

So what is your excuse for not experiencing the grandest part of yourself imaginable?

I tell you this:
You are a supreme being walking around in a supreme body, no matter what you may see in the mirror. Since our eyes are so unreliable in defining the true nature of things; close your eyes, and then tell me how you see yourself.
"But I am afraid that I might fail because what I really want seems so big and so difficult to achieve," you may say.
And I say to you, "Fear has no strength, except for the force we give to it. Fear does not reach out for us to stop us from doing something; we silently welcome fear into our lives as to comfort us so that we may relieve our guilty conscience for not trying to accomplish our dreams. Fear does not speak scary things to us; we declare frightening things in the name of fear."
The most reasonable definition of fear can aptly be defined as an emotional experience that occurs when the power of Love is not fully understood.
One who encapsulates Love and rejects everything else, will never experience the emotion of fear. 
We are not born with fear. There is no such thing as innate fear. Everything that has to do with fear has been trained into us.

The children in this video have never been trained to believe that King Cobra snakes are scary, therefore, they are not afraid. On the contrary, many others have been taught to be afraid. These particular Cobras have had their fangs and venom sack removed; but the snakes are still fully flexed in their attack posture. Of course, we learn that poisonous snakes can harm us, so we become afraid of them for fear of the outcome of injury or death. But the point of this video is to demonstrate, that if humans were born fearful, these snakes, in any condition, would terrify young children such as these.

JB Lewis