Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Little Conscious Training ...

How hard would it be to face a foreclosure on your home? Your spouse is worried sick about what will happen while you try to shield your children from what is really going on. How stressing is it to not bring in enough money to get caught up, because your job falls short or you are unemployed? 

It seems impossible to close your eyes and feel absolutely at peace about the entire calamity, doesn't it. And once you've engaged the roller-coaster of emotion that comes with those circumstances, and ridden that wave for months, it feels impossible to simply shut down the emotional peril and believe everything will be just fine somehow.

Perhaps you feel you just can't sit around and be at peace while your life falls apart.

But how far have you gotten living the way I have just described? Do you feel like your mind cannot stand one more piece of bad news? Can you literally feel the cancer cells of worry germinating somewhere within your body? Has worrying added one single support beam to the already crumbling structure of your existence?

The same can be said about any other conceivable circumstance; wrecking your car, the death of a loved one, or even just feeling depressed and not knowing why. These things well up inside of you without a remedy because your mind does not know how to process things as they really are. It may not have been given data on how to respond to these types of outcomes, so the brain remedies them as crises and becomes confused and panicked. 

REMEMBER: The mind only Knows what it has accepted as Truth.

Your mind is working off of the limited data that it has been using for years. Your mind, because of training, actually does not understand that the world it perceives is nothing more than an abstract reaction to what we have put into it. It does not know how to process world events in an abstract way. When cornered, or without sufficient data, the mind will process worldly events in your life as a direct attack, and go into fight or flight mode. That is, it struggles, hastily recalling anything it can from its past deliberations on how to solve the problem at hand. When all on-board resources are exhausted, the mind fatigues, and sometimes gives up.

But listen to this:

There will come a time during your crisis that you will realize that you simply are unable to produce the effect desired to make your life better. You will feel like an empty gas tank, running on fumes. This result is not because you are unqualified, or not intelligent enough to do it. It is not because you didn't work hard enough, or that you wronged someone in a previous life, and are now reaping bad karma. It is because you have taken life too personally, and as a result, skewed your perception of it.

Let me ask you this. Have you ever played a video game with multiple levels, only to get near the completion and fail? Did you become agitated, angry or frustrated because you have to start the level all over again, until at some point, a friend who has already played the game and won had to help you pass the level?
Your friend has already understood how to process the events and circumstances of the game that are being thrown their way. Well, life is like that – once you teach your conscious mind how to react to what comes its way, life will feel like it is no big deal. Everything will seem achievable, even in the midst of turmoil.

Understand that everything that has happened in your life was completely constructed by you. The things you've accumulated and the towers you've built are just inanimate objects. They are made of millions of pieces of wood, brick, steel or plastic. These things have no opinions. They have no ideas. They do not become angry or happy. They Do Not Have Minds. They are not out to get you. Your diamonds do not care if you toss them into the garbage, and your house will not be aware if you rip it to the ground.

These things seem obvious, but when life is falling down, visions become blurry. To shrink these monstrous problems back down to size, you must believe that your home, job, possessions and status mean absolutely nothing. You have to treat everything that is collapsing onto your head as an "easy come, easy go" situation. Yes, it all has to mean that little to you. Do not let your ego tell you that you've worked hard for all you have and that you are going to hold onto to it with all of the strength you can muster.

"How can I get to this point?" you may ask. I shall tell you. If you wish to place your mind in this frame of thinking quickly, imagine that you are only a few minutes from your death. That's right. Pretend that I just told you that you will die in the next five minutes. With this new knowledge, picture the things that really mean the most to you. Is it truly your house? Your car? The money you wish you had? Your prestige in the community?

You know you cannot take anything from your current life with you into the coffin, or the crematory. You will absolutely go your last mile with exactly what you arrived with - yourself. So why hold on so dearly to anything you’ve acquired? Are you leaving it all to your children? Are you attempting to create a legacy so you can be remembered?

Believe me, those who care enough to remember you, will. Your children will be their own adults and make their own way because they came to this physical world through you to experience their own choices. Your family is not unable to acquire their own things, so what are you doing?

I promise that if you lose all of your possessions, you will not die. If all that you think you are vanished before your very eyes, you will survive. That alone tells you that the things that are tearing your mind and heart apart right now are harmless artifacts. They are only as overwhelming as you allow them to be, because they have no power of their own. 

The secret is - you must find a way to let these things go. You must decide that they are worthless and suddenly you will not mind if they are absent from your life. You must absolutely be one hundred percent okay with having nothing; but in the process of not needing anything, you will find even more. This is not just a great perception, it is true. Teach your conscious mind that you do not care about possessions. Make your brain understand that you do not love material items, and that you were thinking of starting fresh anyway. Until you can walk away from the disaster that you created, and accept that you created it, you will be trapped under it.

“It isn’t my fault the economy failed,” you say. But it is your fault that you went to work in a field that was affected by the failing economy. No one forced you at gun point to work in that marketplace. Every choice you have made has put you here. The issue isn’t whether you could have foreseen an economic fluster in the beginning of your career. The issue is can you accept responsibility for all of the choices, for all of your life, from the very beginning that led to the outcomes you see before you now? You could have chosen something else all those years ago, and been virtually immune to Wall Street’s impositions.

Here is what you do now:

If recovering what you have built thus far is unrecoverable, let it go. It is important to understand that letting it go, and being okay with that decision, will open up new doors. When you let it go, and do not want to have a panic heart-attack, you must believe that everything will benefit you somehow. You may be blind to what is around the corner for you and your family, but when you feel as peaceful about the unknowing as you did when you thought you knew everything, you will have unleashed your power.

Do not allow your mind to feed on doubts. Remember that your mind is working with what it does not know, so it will naturally be doubtful. Your peace of mind has to come from another place – your Soul. Tell yourself that everything you need will arrive – be at peace with telling yourself that – and then mentally let it go.

Take in a deep breath. You are almost there.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Key To The Mind ...

It’s easy to falsely validate fears if you use the same literature for validation that introduced the fear to you in the first place. To investigate the things you question by that method will always yield the same result, making things seem true, no matter how the data is spun. The only way to find out if something metaphysical or spiritual is true would be to question it through meditation. The only way to visit a non-physical realm, while using a physical body, is through the mind, via a deep sleep state, coma, or near-death-experience, or meditation where the conscious mind is relaxed enough not to reject new intuitions. It will be during the meditative state that the subconscious can apply new data, since the cognitive areas of the conscious mind that have been trained to reject such information, will be subdued or even paralyzed, temporarily. 

If you are new to meditation, it is not a magic trick or witch doctor voodoo. It is a non-invasive, peaceful way to put your thinking mind to sleep, while continuing to be aware of your surroundings. The subconscious part of your mind is where all of your core beliefs are retained. The conscious part of your mind is where those core beliefs are processed and put into practice. The subconscious mind is simply a storehouse; it does not decide what data will be kept there. It simply retains. The conscious mind is the guardian of the subconscious and rejects or accepts new data based off of the information already stored in the subconscious.

That is why religious beliefs are so hard to shake or disbelieve as an adult. Those stories, whether of Heaven or Hell, were embedded in most of us as children when our subconscious minds were fresh, containing no previous data on the subject of religion. We accepted it because the conscious mind already had a few things programmed. First, we trusted the ones unconditionally that gave us the information, and we had no other data to compare what we were being told to. 

We had no reason not to believe it. But as adults, when we are given new data that the conscious mind determines is a contradiction to the current data stored in the subconscious, the data is rejected as false. The only way to reprogram your subconscious is to circumvent the conscious, since the conscious mind only knows what is given it from some other source.

Let me remind you – the conscious brain does not create new thought. It is a processor. The conscious brain formulates, calculates, processes, re-processes, re-directs and evaluates all new data against stored data. However, the conscious mind does not store information; it only processes. Hence, whatever is retained in the subconscious is what you will believe. That is why no matter what an adult is told, and no matter how convincing the evidence is, they will not believe it unless it does not clash with current standards of belief.

So, in order to learn to control your mental processes, it helps to know where all new spiritual data comes from; and that is the Soul. The Soul feeds everything you will ever need to know straight through your mind and into the subconscious. Your Soul has the override key to bypass the conscious guardian, and the conscious mind is none the wiser. The conscious then pulls the new data from the storehouse as if it has always been there and considers it true.

At that point, you can hear a spiritual speaker, see a book about the Soul, or even have someone tell you that Hell isn’t real, and your conscious mind will be accepting of it. The only clash will be that there is still the older data that was planted there when you were a child that contradicts the new data. This confuses the conscious mind because of the conflict, but because your Soul personally implanted the new data, it too is trusted, making your journey to explore and expand your mind even that much easier; which was the plan of your Soul all along, once more revealing that the Soul is in charge and can always have its way. Why do you think you are reading this now?

Now you may ask how one erases the original data if you do not want it in your storehouse any longer. Think of it in terms of a hard drive in a computer. The best way to overwrite old material is to continuously record new material over it. Do this again and again until the old stuff is a distant memory. Overwrite it until it no longer feels true for you. You will not have to force the overwrite, because when the Soul is making a change, all of the new material you need for the process will automatically pour through you.

You will notice the same happenings will continue to arrive on the scene in your life. A song with a specific message will be everywhere, or television shows will be covering a certain topic that will seem to come out of nowhere. Or perhaps, people will come into your life with all of the tools you need to accomplish that one thing that keeps popping up. An unaware mind will believe these happenings to be coincidence; this will be the case until the realization comes that there are no coincidences, and that your life is happening very much on purpose.