Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"The Soul & The Brain (Volume Two)" excerpt:

You know, I was just thinking – I mean, naturally I was thinking – I’m a brain. But I was thinking of our entire conversation and how You are always talking as if You are not connected to me; like I am my own being.

We have to do it that way for the sake of a conversation that involves words and writing. One of the main points of this is to illustrate the differences between a physical brain and the Soul. Having differences does not mean we are disconnected, however. It simply shows that the body is a tool that plays a role for the Soul. Another important point of our dialogue is to help transition Soulful Identities that are deeply seated into their physical act to a more aware state.

You have often said that I do not do what I want; that I only can do what the Soul wants. But I surely feel at times that I am wishful for things. Sometimes this body and brain become so tired with the physical that I really wish that I just wouldn't function any longer.

You mean suicide.

Yeah. Sometimes I feel tired beyond words at having to contemplate and figure things out that the only thing that seems to make sense in order to have rest is to stop being whatever it is that I am – a brain, a human, a servant. And since the Soul can’t possibly become tired, being pure Energy and all, then the idea of suicide must come from the brain.

You are right to postulate that the Soul cannot tire. And you are right to reason that it is the brain that rationalizes giving up when the circumstances of life have been battle-some. But those thoughts of surrender happen because the brain has been taught that surrender is a possibility.

Suicide is a learned behavior?

Yes. Have you ever heard of a five-year-old committing suicide? 

No – at least not with the intention of doing so. Maybe they shot themselves because they were playing with a gun or something that shouldn’t have been left out.

Age ranges on suicides vary, but you can agree that suicide is only considered by some after certain comprehensions about life have been reached. That means they learned death from television, movies, the internet, or from someone that has already done it. The brain will log this information for a possible later date, but it is the Soul that allows or disallows the process of self-termination to take place. Many brains contemplate suicide, but not all engage in it because of the Soul’s ability to shift that brain’s life course.

The Catholics claim that suicides go to hell; but of course that can’t be right since You say there is no hell. So where do suicides go? Do they bounce around in the spiritual realm not knowing where to go?

They do as they would do even if they had died of old age after living an exemplary life, since in both cases it is the Soul that has made the decision to leave.

So nothing is different? It is just business as usual at the pearly gates?

If there were pearly gates, sure.

The bible’s pages contain the stories of seven men that committed suicide. It reads as though six of them, being ungodly men, deserved it because they were in disgrace and desperate. The seventh, Samson, sacrificed his life as a martyr, killing thousands of enemy Philistines, so he is regarded as a hero.

I tell you this: there is no man, woman, child, or being of any kind that is ungodly. Even though someone may feel ungodly, desperate, or disgraced; they are not so in My eyes. Whether someone dies by plane crash, car crash, heart attack, the hands of another or even suicide; it is not a matter that I concern Myself with in the ultimate scheme of things; for all the ways of death that humanity can conceive has already been approved by the caretakers of those actions. All things are right in the view of the Soul.

The bible doesn’t say anything specific about suicide, punishment, or forgiveness of it.

Because it cannot since there is no need for punishment or forgiveness.

Then where do churches get the notion of eternal damnation from for suicides?

Their own imaginations.

People might say that they are not making up rules on suicide because if they did You would get angry and smite them.

(Laughing) I do not care what religions teach their flock, for it does not injure Me. Feel free to say anything you wish about Me. Feel free to conjure up stories of an afterlife when you still don’t know what this life is all about. Feel free to put words into My metaphorical mouth so that you can continue to control the masses through fear and fables so that you may exert power over them.

Are You angry right now?

No. I am showing you how little all of those things mean. You can do all those things and more in My name and I will not be bothered one little bit. Nor will I conform to fit your images of Me. But nevertheless, when the brain has ceased and the Spirit regains Its memory, It will still be delighted beyond words, even though what you have taught your masses does not match the truth.

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