Friday, June 27, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (excerpt from Volume Two)

I do have another question.

I thought you might.

Every time I hear of someone dying, I always wonder what they see when they die. You know – the very first thing. I wonder what people like Hitler, child abusers, fiercely religious, or other people that we have all labeled as crazy or extreme see right when they die.

Why do you wonder this?

I don’t really know. I think I would just like to be there as they remember or realize the truth of all things. After being submersed in a lifetime of human beliefs, surely the first sights after leaving the body would seem phenomenal. I would like to be a fly on the proverbial wall for certain individuals as they cross-over. Maybe it’s so that I can say to them, “You see, you wasted your whole life on that messed up way of living.”

Messed up?

I know, I know. You say nothing is messed up because the Soul intends all that happens. But c’mon – the Soul has surely intended for some pretty messed up things to happen.

The Soul does not intend every single thing. The Soul intends some things, and then allows other things that may not have been on the immediate agenda. And yes, if the Soul wishes, It can see what is coming whether directly intended or not; and yes, the Soul is all right with everything that comes. The Soul will never say, “I wish I had never experienced that.”

I often wonder about people like Jim Jones; the religious leader that poisoned the kool-aid and killed nine hundred and nine of his followers in Guyana in 1978. I would like to have seen his expression, so to speak, as he saw that he killed all those people for nothing.

Why do think they died for nothing?

Because they were brainwashed – deceived – misled. They didn’t know what they were doing when they drank the poison.

Hmm – on one level, sure, that is true. On another level it is not. They had a purpose in revealing something to future followers of religious leaders.

Like what? What being stupid looks like?

Think of it like this: if Jim Jones had only been able to kill three or four with his poison punch, would that have made as big of an impact on society? If he had killed a hundred, what then? People would have seen it as a tragedy and then moved on. But more than nine hundred died and that really left its mark in the history books for all to see. A marked example of what can happen when a person gives all of their power and thinking ability away to someone else.

But why nine hundred? The same example could have still been made with even one person being killed.

Honestly, would we be talking about it now, in the year 2014, something that happened in Guyana in 1978, if one person had been killed? Even if five had been killed?

Probably not.


Right – because to make more of a lasting impact for all future people to see, a grander statement had to be made.

So the Soul is into making statements?

The Soul is into giving tools to others to help them on their journey. Everything that happens in life serves something or someone. As you are a servant to someone else, someone out there among the population is a servant to you. Even I am a servant to the needs of humanity. In fact, everyone is a servant many times over to the act of humanity. Therefore, from now until the end of life, anyone that is thinking of giving away their power and thinking ability to a religious leader, or anyone, can see what the result will be.

But people still do it even though Jim Jones, and others, has killed many in the name of God.

Yes – but the examples are still there. Followers cannot claim that they were unaware of what complete surrender will do.


You said, “Will do.” Does that mean a person cannot give up their power or thinking ability without disaster occurring?

Disaster will always occur when a person allows another to think and act in their place.

But people surrender themselves to God all the time. As a matter of fact, they say You command it.

I would never command such a thing. Why would I? I do not need humanity to surrender the free will I have given them back to Myself. That would defeat the entire purpose of the creation.

Yeah but, who will the people follow? Won’t they be lost without God or a servant of God leading them?

Being lost does not come from following. Lost comes from looking for something that does not need to be found; and they are all looking for Me – the most un-lost being in the Universe. I am the pair of glasses that are on your head when you cannot find them. I am that pencil in your hand when you are looking for something to write with. I am your keys that you sat on the mantle five seconds ago and have since forgotten where you put them. I am that close and closer to you at all times. I am right before you, behind you, and inside of you. Stop searching for Me, for it is in the searching that you are lost.

JB Lewis, The Soul & The Brain: Volume Two (Coming Soon)

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