Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Soul & The Brain (part 5)

Well, getting back to something You said a bit earlier. Are there really an infinite amount of identities, or Souls, floating around the Universe?

No. That is a misconception, but I can see why things seem that way. From the perception of the human mind, everything outside of you seems immense. Scientists look into the cosmos and see space and time as not having an ending point. They have titled this perception – infinity. And although there are many reflections of Me that emulate infinity, the truth of it is somewhat different.

I’m listening.

Consider My answer from the angle of thought. Everything that exists is nothing more than the result of Me thinking; including every human and every being in the Universe that has ever come into physical form. Now here’s the part that will get you; every thought I have ever had about Myself came into being at the same moment that I came into being for the simple reason that no part of Me is linear. That simply means I am constant and do not move in a timed sequence, such as past, present, and future. Everything is just present. I happen all at once; therefore, everything that I think does so All At Once.

Let me get this. Every thought You’ve ever had happened all at once? So You never think any new thoughts? And what do You mean since You came into being? I thought You are energy that can never be created or destroyed.

And you would be correct. I was not created out of thin air, but I will get to your energy question in a bit. But yes, there are no new thoughts within Myself. There is no need for it since I am complete. I am like the seed in the soil, in that, all that will ever be needed for Me to be all that I can ever be is contained within Myself; including every possible thought.

But I have new thoughts all the time. People are born every day that think of things that have never been conceived before. So You’re wrong, my soul friend. Wrong indeed.

You are thinking too small and box-like, as usual. There are more thoughts within the Soul than can ever be passed through a brain; especially brains that only use five to twenty percent of their potential. But still, you believe that you have thought all there is to think and know all there is to know. That alone will keep you from knowing everything.
You are reasonable to believe that new thoughts are created from sheer will because you are unaware of the reality of Me; but you would be incorrect. It is true that thinking never ends, but even if there were sixty trillion brains thinking a new thought every second of its life for sixty trillion years, only a fraction of the thoughts I have had about Myself would have passed through them. There are enough thoughts in Me that have never seen the light of day, so to speak, to fill every brain that has ever existed in the Universe for eternity.

So it is true; there is nothing new under the sun.

That is right; and still you will never see all that is under the sun in any lifetime you ever live. In addition to the quantity of thoughts available for you to receive from Me, each thought can be postulated upon from as many different angles and perspectives that can be conceived; making what already exists seem new all over again.

So, because of that, thinking appears infinite, when actually it is all just being used over and over again.

Yes. And every brain out there has access to all the existing thoughts any time they wish. Nothing is ever forbidden from you since that would only be Me forbidding Myself. But for the original question; no, there is not an infinite number souls running around through the cosmos since, not every thought I have had has become something physical. The physical aspect is a small portion of the complete Whole. However, the thoughts that have become physical, including the humans, simply get recycled over and over and over. That is their function. The physical part of Myself keeps giving me just what I love.

Which is what?


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