Saturday, July 6, 2013

Implanted Fear and Children

A quick example of how powerful fear can be when administered to a child:

When I was around five years old, my cousins attempted to get me to drink urine from a cup by telling me it was lemonade. They thought it would be really funny. I knew something was suspicious, and then another cousin told me it was pee. Well, I immediately told my Aunt that my cousins were trying to get me to drink pee and they got in big trouble. Of course, they were mad at me for telling, so in an effort to retaliate, they told me that the next time I sat on a toilet, a hand would come out of the hole and pull me in, even illustrating it with their hands, and saying it in a creepy way. Even my older brother was in on it, and I trusted him. Surely this news had to be true because I just knew my brother wouldn’t lie to me. Needless to say, because I was young and didn’t know where that mysterious black hole at the bottom of the toilet really went, I believed them.

For years I wouldn’t go near a toilet with high water. I especially wouldn’t go near toilets with water that I couldn’t see through. That fear eventually morphed into any body of water that looked creepy or cloudy. These days, as a grown-up, I am fully aware that the hole story was false, but even knowing that, I still hate toilets with high water, toilets with cloudy water, and more than anything, toilets that run over the top when clogged. That fear sure had its affect on me. That is because it was implanted into me when I was so young. I didn’t know any better and I had no frame of reference to compare the data to. Then, add the scary and believable way that they told the story to me to the mix and I had no choice but to believe it. I asked my Aunt if what they said was true and she said no, and yelled at them to stop scaring me. But it didn’t matter – the damage had already been done to my psyche. When I went into the bathroom and stared at that hole at the bottom of the calm toilet water, I became afraid. All I could see was the hand coming to get me.

The same is true of devilish tales of demons and Hell. If you fill a little child’s mind with all of that fear, it will definitely hold power over them; even when there is absolutely no basis to the stories except what was read out of a book. And when something is believed wholeheartedly, we make it real in our own minds. Putting images like those into a mind that is still developing its consciousness causes almost irreparable damage; and it is nearly impossible to reverse. Add on top of that, the story coming from a loved and trusted parent, or the trusted pastor of the church that you would never expect to lie, or tell a tale that wasn’t true. After all, the pastor is viewed as someone with a direct link to God in the minds of the parishioners. However, once society stops injecting those fears into its offspring, life will suddenly improve.

Since the base of all fear, religion, will have been removed, children will no longer grow up afraid of their own shadows. They will not believe that they have to get things while the getting is good. They will not believe that a choice with an unfavorable outcome will end in punishment from God. They will understand that to change their prospects, they merely need to make a new choice. Fear will no longer be the driving force of society. And fear is the root cause of:

Greed, jealousy, anger, murder, lack, hatred, lying, racism, and etcetera – I think you get the picture.

People won’t be able to comprehend it at first.  People will wonder what made the change. Then, the wise sages among us will reveal that it was our own change of beliefs that did it. That’s why I say, change the way you believe, and the change will be unbelievable.

- JB Lewis
(from Living In Consciousness)
Coming July 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

Let Go Of Time

When you let go of the idea of "Time" you will find that the ticking of the clock will no longer be an obstinate obstacle for you. Some people chase the clock during their busy work days trying to keep a schedule, only to find they've gotten nowhere fast. This can lead to mental stress, causing short-term memory loss, insomnia, irritability towards those who don't deserve it, and road rage while having to deal with drivers that seem to be purposely driving slower than you on the freeway.

Try this: If you work a job that requires you to "Be On Time", such as FedEx, UPS, or another time sensitive profession, simply forget about the clock. Just peacefully begin your day and move at a comfortable pace. Just for one day, forget about time and pretend you have all the time in the world; really you do since time is but a figment our collective imagination. Don't try to rush home. Don't get bothered at the slower pace of others. They are in their own little bubble and not even concerned about you.

You will find that at the end of the day, you were able to maintain your schedule, while feeling relaxed. Important factors such as your digestion will be better, along with your mood and overall outlook on the day. I have found that when I ignore the clock, the day moves along much more smoothly because I wasn't chasing that imaginary element of time.

This is a conscious approach to daily happiness when it comes to those who have stress laden careers. There are many aspects to a stressful job, and the Illusion of Time is just one of them. The secret is to find what it is about your specific job that is weighing you down and simply remove it from your mind. Yes, it is simple once you take charge of your consciousness, because only you are in control of what enters your brain, and what gets left behind the velvet rope of your mind.

- JB Lewis  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Old Testament Was Written Out Of Fear

Penalties of Death in the Old Testament:

The First Penalty:
2 Chronicles 15:13 ... whoever would not seek Yahveh, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.

Exodus 22:20; whoever sacrifices to any god, except to Yahveh, shall be utterly destroyed.

Deuteronomy 13:6-9 If your brother, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your friend, entices you secretly, saying, 'let us go and serve other gods’, you shall kill him;

The Third Penalty:
Leviticus 24:16He who blasphemes the name of Yahveh shall be put to death; all of the congregation shall stone him.

The Fourth Penalty:
Exodus 31:14-15 … You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you; everyone who profanes it shall be put to death; … whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death.

The Fifth Penalty:
Leviticus 20:9 … For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall be put to death;

Deuteronomy 21:18 … If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son, who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother ... Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones.

All of these Laws telling the people not to kill. But then we have this:

The Sixth Commandment:
Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17
You shall not kill.

The Sixth Penalty:
Exodus 21:12 … Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death.

Leviticus 24:17: … He who kills a man shall be put to death.

So here we have all of these laws declaring death to law violators. Since God does not do the killing, humans have to do it. But then the writers of the scriptures turn right around and say, do not kill, for if you do, we will have to kill you. So then do the ones who killed the killer get killed too – since they killed the killer? I mean, which one is it? Do we kill or don’t we? Does the reason for death really matter – take a look at the reasons listed in the Bible so far for killing someone.
These contradictions are no doubt the best reason for writing a New Testament. It isn’t like advocators of the old law could just say, “Ignore what you’ve just read; check out this New Version instead.” Oh but actually, that is just what they did – in the New Testament. The New scriptures were written in a way to validate or fulfill the old laws so that the entire Old Testament wouldn’t have to be scrapped.     

The Seventh Commandment:
Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 5:18
You shall not commit adultery.

The Seventh Penalty:
Leviticus 20:10 … If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.

Obviously, these are man-made laws, utilized only by man-kind, otherwise, who would carry out these deathly sentences? An all powerful, omnipotent, Creator does not need human hit-men to kill.
I am sure the Source/Creator of our beings could easily extinguish us without using stones if these laws were intended to be true by the Creator. But of course, not even God can destroy that which is eternal, because God cannot contradict God’s self; that is to say, an eternal being can never contradict being eternal. We were created eternally so we must remain eternal – since that is what eternal means.
1.          Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning
2.          Valid for all time; essentially unchanging

Deuteronomy 22:22
If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die; the man who lay with the woman, and the woman …

Having multiple wives, or keeping concubines, or having sex with prostitutes, is not adultery in the pages of the Bible; adultery in the Bible consists of creating doubt about paternity, i.e. having sex with another man's wife.

The Eighth Commandment:
Exodus 20:15, Deuteronomy 5:19
You shall not steal.

The Eighth Penalty: For stealing slaves…
Exodus 21:16 … Whoever steals a man, whether he sells him, or is found in possession of him, shall be put to

Obviously, this passage was meant to use God as a fear tactic to prevent other believers from stealing property – the property being slaves, or other material things. 

Do you not suppose that the One who created you can see beyond what human-kind can see? Do you suppose you could come up with something that the Creator of your being did not see coming? The Source of all Life has seen your every move and your every thought from before your physical birth. You cannot surprise God. Every adulterous encounter, theft, murder or deviate thought your skin has experienced was known in advance. That is why we are not punished by the Creator; God is not disappointed in you for something God knew you would already do; we are only punished by others who are living a life just as blindly as we are. The human part of us is continually surprised and uninformed of the Soul’s intentions, so that leads to a gross level of misunderstanding about what humans believe we should be doing here on Earth.
However, if you read the “Commandments” closely, you will be able to see just how self serving they actually are. For example; if one doesn’t believe in the same religious doctrines as the writer of the scriptures, you must die. If you have a rebellious son, the son must die. If your wife has sex with anyone else, the other two must die. If you steal something from the writer of the scripts, you must die, and on and on. Do these things really strike you as something God, who is lacking nothing, would be concerned with? God is not fearful, and all of these commandments are written in the language of fear – the writer was afraid to lose something or be out of control of something. That is to be expected from humans, with such a limited perspective on the whole of things.

Sure, your Soul has the same unlimited vision as the Creator since there is no separation between them, although the human experience has been deprived of this glorious information, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live like you can see something glorious about your life. If you live your life by the fearful ideas of others, you have doomed yourself to repeat their life. Why not live your own life? At the very moment that you think you are going to behave out of a feeling of fear or anger, try to imagine reacting out of love instead. There are too many examples to list, but you know what circumstances usually draw these emotions out of you. Next time, pause and take a breath, and refocus your reaction onto a loving one – just to see how it all works out. After the event is over, review it in your mind and consider, “This must be what it is like to think on an enlightened level all of the time.”

Then let it all go, and move on in peace.

-      JB Lewis

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Beauty of The Unknown

Religion has a cause that they repeat generation after generation - believers in these doctrines believe so wholeheartedly in these traditions that they never stop to evaluate what they are being told. Still, that is okay since no one will ultimately engage in something that their Soul does not wish to experience. It may seem, to people outside of other people's experience, that those who practice particular religious ideologies are following a useless path, when in fact, they are following exactly what the Soul desires. There is no way for the human mind to circumvent the Soul. The human brain cannot contemplate on the level of the Soul, so that makes the Soul the master and the mind the slave. Although, the human ego refuses to believe what I just said is true. No matter how crazy a religion seems to be, the Soul knows precisely what it is doing while it participates in it.
Everything I write in my books and on my blog or Facebook is just a message. Someone's Spirit, knowing exactly what it wants its human mind to see, may direct the physical mind to the words I type simply as a spark to set the consciousness on the desired path. There is no coincidence that a person would read something that I write. There is no coincidence that many people will never see what I write. The Soul knows right where to go to feed information to the brain that the brain needs to see; especially when the mind has been trained, all of its life, to understand things in a specific way - like from a religious standpoint.
All of this religious misinformation and interaction was planned by the Soul. The Soul first wanted to experience life from one aspect so that it could then discover something new and live from that new aspect. The struggle to accept new information amidst the current belief structure is something that the Soul wants to experience; otherwise, there would be no struggle, since the Soul can have whatever it wants. No religion and no person can stop this process. Whatever way that you view life, God and the Universe is precisely the way your Soul wants to live it. Your life is grandly designed and lived very much on purpose. There is a lot going on behind the scenes that the human mind may not be aware of. This too is by design. If you knew all that the Soul was up to, the purity of the unknown experience would be spoiled.

- JB Lewis

Change The Way You Believe, And The Change Will Be Unbelievable"

If something is alive then you are connected to it.
You are connected to every living thing on this planet and any other planet in the Universe.
It does not make any sense for you to hate any living thing because you would only be hating a piece of yourself. Love everything and you will feel the love of everything in return. Use you body for love and love will lead you. Stop listening to what everyone else is saying is possible because they do not know what is possible for you - they barely know what is possible for them.
Your body was made for exploring, so go explore every part of the Earth that is humanly possible. Explore other people; explore yourself. Don't waste a moment. Don't spend your life making plans for someday. Set your ideas in motion right now, because that is all you really have anyway.
Don't believe for one second that you do not have the resources, because you do. Think of all of the things you bought that you paid too much for that you really didn't need. You can do it. Refocus your finances for the passions of your life.
Stop blocking yourself right this moment. You are the only reason your life is the way it is, and if you are not happy with it, then only you can change it.
Change the way you believe, and the change will be unbelievable...

-JB Lewis

The Church Marquee

I passed by a church marquee today that read: God Hates Disobedience. Obey Now or Suffer the Consequences.

So now God is hateful? Just what kind of god do these people worship?

Tell me this - God can continually create everything you see, and that which you cannot see, including your eternal self - and yet people believe that God requires obedience. What purpose would this serve for God? And then there are consequences?

What you do not know is that the Soul is always obedient to the Source of Life, so no requirement is necessary. This Spiritual obedience is autonomic because the Soul's Awareness is already One with All That Is. For example: your arm obeys the mind because it is connected to the mind and does not have the ability to work separately from its Source - not because your arm fears retribution from your mind.

How narcissistic must these church goers believe God to be? I think people have displaced their own vanity into an image of God. Man has created God in its own image.

God uses your humanity to express and receive expression, but God does not control or limit your awareness and God does not require you to be obedient or suffer the consequences. You know this doctrine is false because consequences are 100% fear based, and God never ever emanates from a realm of fear.

- JB Lewis

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Why Haven't You Won The Lottery?

People often disagree with me because they are convinced the soul is just a benign entity that God controls, and their human mind is the master. They will say, “Oh yeah, well, I want the lottery. Why haven’t I won? I play religiously. I watched the movie, The Secret, and did everything it said.”

That is when I say:
If the actual you, which is a soul, wished to experience the winning of the lottery, the soul would direct its body to the exact store, on the exact day, and at the exact moment the winning combination of numbers is to be printed. This is easy for the soul to do because it can already see the completed reality that the winning lottery numbers already exist within.

(The Soul does not need your Human eyes in order to "see" how the choices, or paths chosen will work out. )

You cannot concentrate on winning the lottery and make it happen for you. Concentration has nothing to do with it. The human mind may have seen that the lottery is offering money, and based on all of the data previously logged by the brain, such as bills, vacationing in paradise, or the envy of other people’s riches, the brain will postulate the lottery as the logical choice to solve all of those scenarios. The brain has been trained to believe, and operate off of, the notion that money is the solution. So the brain knows that to acquire that money, it has to play the game by buying a ticket.

But after months and maybe years of playing and not winning, the brain cannot figure out why the money hasn’t come, and then frustration sets in along with a basic contempt for being able to create other things that it believes will remedy whatever situation is at hand.

What the brain does not know, is that the soul is in charge of making decisions; and the soul may not be seeking the type of reality that comes along with receiving lottery money. All the human brain sees are dollar signs. But the soul can see all of the things that particular reality has to offer, all the way to its completion.
Perhaps the lottery comes with relatives popping out of the woodwork to harass you for money. Maybe people call you up that you don’t even know to try and take money from you. Someone may wish to harm you for the money. Or perhaps the Soul simply does not wish to experience wealth in that way. There could be many other unwanted events tied to the lottery reality that the soul has no interest in experiencing. But all of those reasons are missing from the human mind’s database, and therefore, cannot formulate a proper understanding as to why the lottery money has not arrived.

This creates frustration and people usually just give up. Since you cannot see if the lottery is on the path or part of the choice of reality you have chosen, simply play the game with an absolute feeling of calmness and then let it be. Make sure you play the game out of the enjoyment of entertainment; let the mystery of winning excite you, not frustrate you. Do not feel like you need the win to feel complete. Be in peace.

The Conscious Mind Connection

 The subconscious is where our root or sponsoring thoughts are kept; the part of you that is set in its way and refuses to change. The conscious mind pulls the data from the subconscious mind and then, based on different factors, determines what the truth of any given situation is. This truth can change as the situation changes. The conscious part of your mind is where the rigid rules are kept on what is acceptable and what is not.

The subconscious does not judge, or make right or wrong assertions. It simply submits to what is being asked of it. It is the storage of all the raw data you have ever received in your life. The subconscious is the area of thought that accepts everything it is given; it never forgets anything. It is the place where your dreams manifest. The subconscious plays out the information as it exists; that is why dreams can often make little or no sense. Because it isn’t playing the data the way that it “believes” it should be played. The subconscious acts like a compact disc, playing out all that it contains.

Then, in the morning, the conscious mind may not remember the dream, remember only a portion of the dream, or the dream quickly fades after waking. Sometimes, if you try to describe the dream to someone, it will make absolutely no sense and seem to have no apparent sequence of events; just random snapshots of the dream. That is because the conscious mind has not yet set up any specific rules for the replaying of that particular data from the subconscious. The rules for replaying data exist in the conscious where a logical sequence is applied – if possible.

But then, there are the dreams that you can remember. They tell a story. You can remember them vividly. There are sequential happenings and purposes. That is because the conscious mind has already set up pre-existing rules and guidelines for the data that is in the subconscious regarding those details. Perhaps it was from the news and it was a deeply profound story or tragedy. Or maybe an event that is weighing heavily on your mind for a prolonged period of time, so the conscious mind has time to build a set of acceptable and reject-able rules to follow.

Once this secret is realized by the conscious mind, you can then begin to understand the dreams (data) that you are receiving. You must learn and train yourself not to operate apart from your subconscious, but in synchronicity with it. It will be at that juncture that the messages from your spirit, which are always processed through the subconscious, will become clear in your conscious life.

Your spirit passes its messages through the subconscious because that is the one area of your human mind that will accept everything it receives without judgment or ruling. Only the conscious mind would ever object.

I can tell you something and make it sound believable, even presenting some “false facts” and, having nothing else to compare the data to, your conscious mind will believe it. It will have made a “decision” of acceptability based on the pre-existing rules it already has. And until your conscious mind is given a new set of rules to judge by, it will continue to believe that specific way.

But the secret is: a bridge must be built between the subconscious and conscious mind so that your spirit can communicate more clearly through your sub area to your alert area. This is the best way of tossing out the old rules and programming your mind has created, and letting the Soul guide you instead. The Soul does not provide rules with its messages because it does not need them; your Spirit provides only the truth, and if you follow the truth of Spirit, you will never need rules again because the source of information is faultless.