Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Soul & The Brain

I can see you are thinking.

Are you always watching me?

Uh...yeah...pretty much.


So what are you thinking?

Like you don't know...

Surely - but play along anyway.

I was thinking a lot of things; the origin of humanity on Earth, time travel, space. My mind was afloat on the sea of thought. I would like to learn some solid answers.

Great - let us get to it.

Fine then. I'll play along. How did humans get started on Earth?


Say what?

Immigration. Humans migrated from a place other than Earth. And you were not always called humans; that is strictly an Earthly designation.

So now we are all from some planet in space?

Where do you suppose you are now? In case you missed it, Earth is a big ball of dirt floating around in space.

We have the Garden of Eden.

You do not. You are from the Universe. Your physical structures were already well established as male and female long before the move to Earth millions of years ago. You have family spread throughout the cosmos - even throughout your own solar system.

Hah. That's a laugh. Earth is the only planet that can sustain life.

Hah. That's a laugh. Who have you been listening to? I tell you this: there is more life within your small solar system than you have been told by your scientists.

They lied?

You are surprised?

Let me guess - we are from Mars.

(Laughing) There is life on Mars.

But scientists said Mars is dry, empty and without a sufficient atmosphere. They said if we could find water then sure, there could be a chance that life once lived there.

Rest assured that all the things they say they are searching for, they have already found.

You're nuts - this is crazy. I've seen pictures that NASA has published from the rovers they have sent there. Mars is empty...and ugly.

Not as empty as your head. And Mars is quite beautiful once you see past all the blurring and smudging of released photos.


Mars is not empty. The Space Agencies of Earth have doctored the pictures and covered the truth. But do not take My word for it. Go and research it for yourself. 

If it is covered up by NASA, how can I find the truth?

Because truth will always find an outlet - you must simply look for it. And when you look for truth, it will always appear.

Okay - I will look into it and post any results I find on social media for all to see, but I won't be holding my breath.


Next you will be telling me that I have been time traveling my whole life, right?

Wrong. Time is not real; therefore, you cannot travel by that which does not exist. However, if you alter your perspective ever so slightly, a different type of travel does occur.


Look at it like this: each moment that you reference as time is really nothing more than its own dimension.

Do you realize how many dimensions that would be? Every moment that has ever occurred has its own dimension?

Remember that every moment that has been experienced and every moment that will ever be experienced has already occurred within the all of My Consciousness - it all exists now - sort of like an immense library of moments.

But that is useless to me since I, and no one else, know how to access this huge library of dimensional moments.

Oooh, I like that - dimensional moments. Good one.

Merry Christmas.

These dimensional moments are continually being accessed because that is what Creation Is. Nothing would exist without these moments being played out.

Even ones that have already happened along our human timeline?


Okay. Let's say I want to go back along our linear timeline. How would I do it?

You would access the corresponding dimension that holds that moment, so to speak.

What do you mean, so to speak?

Well, a moment is really nothing but a thought or a collection of thoughts. A moment is no more a thing than time on a clock. It is all thought.

So a dimension would be a thought.

In essence, yes. More accurately, a dimension is a reference point to a thought.

What; like the Dewey Decimal System?


Okay, then how do I access these dimensional reference points in order to access past or future moments?

Through thought.

Through thought? Just like that? I think all day long and I have never caught myself going through another dimension.

Yes you have.

This ought to be good.

One instance is Déjà Vu.

The old Déjà Vu explanation, huh? Déjà Vu is merely the left hemisphere of the brain becoming aware of something a millisecond before the right hemisphere, making us think we've seen something before.

That's good - I like that. But you are incorrect. Déjà Vu is the cognitive awareness of dimensional slipping. But this event mostly goes unnoticed because as soon as the brain detects an interruption in the flow of Expected Data, the brain quickly adjusts and compensates. The brain, in essence, edits the slip that just occurred as if it never happened. Meanwhile, the brain writes it all off as no big deal due to its programming.

As soon as I have Déjà Vu, I tell someone, "Hey, I think I've been here before."

And what does the person tell you in response? It’s usually something like brain hemispheres processing one half before the other half; or maybe some spiritual or supernatural explanation.

That’s right. And then I move on and think nothing more about it. Let's say I am interested in controlling this so-called dimensional slipping. What would I do?

With the specific intention in mind to dimensionally travel, you begin your meditation. You must leave the brain open to this concept at all times, not just when meditating quietly in a room. When you have a Déjà Vu moment, train the brain never to write it off; but if possible, pause your daily life for a moment and begin meditating on what you just (saw) in the mind. Eventually, the brain will become programmed to latch on to these dimensional moments until, at some point; you may travel freely through the moment, or dimension. This is true whether the moment happened in your (past) or will happen in your (future).

Can I meditate on past memories and slip into these dimensions and remain physically conscious?


What about the future? How can I meditate on things that I cannot conceptualize because my brain hasn't seen the moments yet?

Everything that exists, including you and your brain, does so in thought. You are but an idea. Therefore, you must use thought to achieve any and everything. Begin by meditating into a conscious state that is almost sleep like; then, meditate that you no longer have a body. As you meditate yourself out of your physical state, you will (see) before you the Consciousness of Me. Remain calm and steady in your thought until you have a firm grasp on the amazing things you see and feel. Stay in control of your thought. At that point, decide what type of moment you would like to experience or see and Consciousness will deliver it to you instantaneously.

How will I know which year I have traveled to?

Dimensional moments are not categorized by Earth's linear time measurements. These moments that are waiting for you have no individual consciousness; they are like inactive idea shells. Your consciousness, or Soulful Identity, has to arrive and bring life to these moments life in order for them to play out in your experience. These (future) events that you view may not occur on Earth's timeline for fifty years; but that is completely up to what the Soul of you has already worked out. Through meditation, the brain can see (right now) what is to come. That is time travel.

Can I add any new future moments to my life that I saw when I meditated?

Remember, the brain does not add or subtract to what the Soul hath made. When you meditate on the (future), you are simply (traveling) to a dimension of moments that are part of the Soul's journey. By meditating, the brain is allowing, if you will, the Soul to easily display all that is waiting for the trinity – the body, the brain, and the Soul. However, the Soul can add to or subtract from its journey at any time. And by meditating, the brain can be privy to it.

That seems like more of a spiritual explanation. Can the physical body travel to any place in the future by accessing these dimensions?

Yes. Physical dimensional travel happens all the time; but it is not necessarily future or past travel.

Now we're sounding a bit science-fiction. I can't wait to hear it.

The twist is, you have more truth in your science-fiction than you have in your science-fact.


The environment that you consider your reality right now is a dimension constructed of nothing more than a conglomerate of thought shells, to which all conscious beings have added life. To say it simply, before Soulful Identities traveled into the dimension of Earth, the entire human timeline was but a collection of motionless thoughts of what could be. All dimensions began this way. But as Consciousness expanded, dimension after dimension became occupied with Soulful Identities that gave life to more and more ideas; thus, forming their respective realities.

Go on…

In some dimensions, physical bodies, or what some call vessels, were made to assist the Soulful Identities in experiencing their newly formed realities. In other dimensions, astral bodies were made.

What is an astral body?


And…what is supersensible?

That is to be above or beyond perception by the senses of a physical state. As a physical body can sense its physical surroundings, a supersensible, or astral, body can sense its astral surroundings. Each environment is as real as it needs to be for the Soul that is involved within it.


Upon maturation and control of the physical mind, the physical being can evolve to travel between other physical dimensions.

Would I take the body I currently have?

Since the body is merely a vessel for the Soul, Souls can interchange between bodies at will. This is true whether it is an inter-dimensional reality or within your current reality.

Say what?

When a physical mind has reached the appropriate control and understanding of its capabilities, you will be able to use your own thoughts to instantly leave your current dimension and slip into the vessel of another that exists within an alternate dimension.

Would the other Soul be aware that I have slipped into their vessel?

Of course; at that level of consciousness, there are no secrets. The other Soul will simultaneously slip into your current vessel as well and live as you since no two Souls will simultaneously use the same vessel.

How will the other Soul know I am coming?

There are no disconnects between Souls no matter which reality or dimension they exist within. Highly evolved beings communicate effortlessly and continually.

That doesn’t make any sense. If I change places with another Soul in another dimension, people will realize that my body is not acting quite like it’s self here on Earth.

This just shows why you are not at that level of understanding yet. Those who slip through dimensions and trade vessels for particular amounts of time have full knowledge of all that is. That means, when you trade vessels and dimensions with another, you will live life as they lived it while in their dimension; however, you will continue to know that you have another vessel in the Earthly dimension waiting for your return – should you and the other Soul ever decide to slip back. Your memories stay in-tact of all the dimensional traveling that you have done and may do.

So there is no limit to how many places we can slip?

There is never any limit to anything any of you can do once you have evolved to the appropriate understandings. You may travel astrally, dimensionally, or physically wherever you wish.

Wouldn’t I be interfering with someone else’s life? I mean, it would be like, “Hey you; get out of that vessel. I’m moving in.”

It does not work that way with highly evolved beings. There will always be someone that will trade with you. Think of it like an endless supply of exchange students located throughout the Universe. There are no applications or bartering. Decisions are made faster than instantaneous.

If my Soul trades with another, will I still look like me?

You will look like whatever vessel you slip into; however, you may still act like your old self if you choose since the Soul of you will remain the same.

Will I live the life they had planned for their body?

The body does not create reality, no matter which dimension it exists within or which Soul previously utilized it. The new body will function for the new Soul since all bodies are made to serve the Soul.

People will notice if one day I am a banker in x-reality and the next day I want to be a gay chef. That may cause problems, wouldn’t you say?

They will notice, but that will be for them to ponder on. You may tell them you dimensionally traveled if you wish, but they will likely not believe you. Instead, you may want to let them think you have simply emerged from the proverbial “gay” closet and changed career paths. But truly, you will not be bothered by such concerns; for Souls at that level of understanding and evolution that slip between dimensions almost always surround themselves with others of the same attributes. Mostly, you will blend into your new dimensions flawlessly.

Then this type of thing must be going on all around us all the time unnoticed.

Correct. A Soul that slips through dimensional realities often knows from the onset of their life that they are an altered being of consciousness and will be dimensional slippers, if you will. But that does not mean that other Souls cannot begin as mere mortals (laughing) and then move onto a greater understanding, such as you are now.

You are suggesting that I am learning to travel through dimensions just by communicating with you now.

I am not suggesting it – I am saying it aloud.

I figured something like this would be one of the great secrets of the Universe.

A secret? What is that?

Monday, November 3, 2014

JB & The Soul

I don't know what to think about all of this junk going on in the world.

I can tell.

I honestly think I would be better off if I didn't have to live in it. Sometimes I really look forward to leaving the Earth.

Hmm...that's not what you said before you came to be who you are now. You were excited to be born and to live the adventures of what experience could bring.

Well, there's no way I could've predicted the world would turn out this way.


What's so funny?

You knew perfectly well what the world was going to do. You and I watched it all unfold from afar through Consciousness.

Say what?

Yes. You saw it all and still wanted to come into being.

This is not helping my case.

I always love how you make me laugh.

Great. I make myself want to cry. Why does all of this crap have to exist? I went and put my girls back into public school only to find out it's fairly worthless. Idiots with more finances than brains are doling out their version of how the world should be. What happened to my bubble?

The brain of JB, as usual, has not listened to the Soul and has failed to understand what the Soul is up to. But that is okay. Your lack of understanding will not hurt you or your children since your Soul is in charge. And I assure you, all is well.

There is just too much stuff. Some of the stuff going on needs to be sucked back into the Universe somewhere, don't ya think?

Think of all the stuff in this way: all experiences that are possible must exist at all times. They must be accessible and allowable at all times.


Because I exist at all times. In order for me to exist at all, I must exist in my completeness. No part of me can divide from itself; therefore, all of me is everywhere at all times. And since all experience emanates from me, all of those experiences must exist undivided, accessible, and allowable to be had by every Soulful Identity that exists through me and because of me.

Every experience has to be available?

Yes. That is why when people cry out, "Why did my son have to be murdered, or my daughter have to be raped?" the answer is, "It had to be so, for I cannot restrict any part of myself from existing and creating."
Murder and rape are not creative, they are destructive.

Even out of rape and murder, something arises that was not experienced by those Souls before. It is, in fact, another way to create that which the Souls involved desire. How the experience is perceived by the limited training of the brain is another issue of understanding all together.

That is a terrible line of reasoning on your part. "I can't help myself," you say.

If I am not complete in my nature, you are not complete in your nature. If I am inhibited in any way, you will be inhibited in every way. All of me must be allowed to exist without limitation, or you cannot exist at all.

Geez, I guess you didn't want to put too fine a point on things, did ya? I really do get it. I get that you are the way you are so that we can be human and experience things. But now I feel like the Soul of this body is dragging me into this world of information that I hate and turned away from years ago because it was so disturbing. Does my brain have any say at all in what the Soul is putting this human consciousness through? Even my dreams are being affected.

No, the brain does not get to choose because the brain is arbitrary to the Soul's ultimate experience. The brain processes the physical aspects of the Soul's desires while it is upon the Earth. This journey has never been one of the brain, but one of the Mind - the Conscious Mind of the Soul, that is.

So the brain, which should know what the Soul is doing, just has to go along and feel the frustration and craziness of life? That is like a co-pilot being strapped to his seat while watching the captain nose dive the plane into a wall; the co-pilot gets feel all the fear, emotion and physical part of the crash, but can't do anything to change his situation.

Now you are getting it. The brain cannot change what the Soul is doing. The brain will process all the emotion and all the physicalness of life FOR the Soul and ONLY for the Soul - never for the brain. Just like a computer does not serve itself - it serves the user. But do not worry; if you sit back and observe what the Soul is doing, you shall never be disappointed. You will, in fact, be fully alive with a front row seat to the best, most exciting, turbulent, joyful, and amazing event in all of history.

What is that?

Your life.