Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Jet-Stream of the Universe

There is a jet-stream in our atmosphere that is always moving and its path is always fluctuating. There is a current in the ocean that is always moving and its path is always fluctuating. These currents completely circumference the Earth. There is also a current within the field of energy that we know as life. It is always moving and its path is always fluctuating. This current completely fills the Universe.

Besides the constant movement of these forces, the one thing that is the same of them all is, not one of these flows ever goes backwards. And the secret seems to be, if we get into the middle of any of these movements, we can travel effortlessly to any point that current passes. Fish do this in the ocean; they do not have to swim because the current carries them without consideration of what species they are. Birds do this in the sky; they do not have to work, but simply glide on what nature has given them regardless of bird type.

The same is true of the Universal flow of energy. We are welcome to ride the current regardless of race, upbringing, financial status, or belief system. And contained on the route of this electrical flow are all the things we could ever want. All that is needed from us is to reach out and grab it, mentally speaking, claiming it as our own.

But how can one tell if they are riding the wave of life? It all comes down to this simple question. Does your life feel difficult, or does it feel easy? If it feels easy then you are riding the stream. If life feels hard then you have stepped out from the flow and are fighting the current.

So how does one get into, or back into, the jet-stream of the Universe? This may sound impossible but, no matter what you are doing, you must stop. No matter how much you believe you must continue on with your current agenda, you must stop. If the job feels wrong, you must stop and change it. If the relationship feels wrong, you must stop and change it. No matter what the thing is that is going on with you, you must stop and do something else. If you are unwilling to take the chance to make a change, then do not complain that you are not going to where you believe you should. Remember, everything in life is our own fault. The best way to know what to change your life to is to let go of life as you know it; that is, simply turn your back on it. There is no other way. If you quit your job, do not look back in regret. Just be glad in your decision. Do this in everything because that is how the expression of (letting go) works.

You should know this as well: there is nothing about life that is trying to stop you from living freely, or being prosperous, or successful, or being loved. The flow of life is ever moving and has no opinion about you. The flow is progressive and only knows how to create. The only thing preventing anyone from being more today than they were yesterday is what is believed mentally. As my mom always says, "Can't never could."

I've watched people born with no arms learn to drive with their feet, comb their hair, brush teeth, take care of children, and type out a novel with feet faster than some can type with fingers. I have seen a man with no feet or arms become a professor, a motivational speaker, write multiple books and become published, and even marry the love of his life. His name is Nick Vujicic. Look him up on his website: http://www.attitudeisaltitude.com/about-nick-his-story.

These people did all that they wanted because they believed they could. So what is your excuse for not being the person you envision? To find the answer, there is only one place you need to go - the mind.

It is time to ask yourself, "What do I believe?" Are you a Can Do thinker, or a Can Not thinker? This is something only you can answer and change. And more than likely, only someone with a "Live Life Fearlessly" mentality will be able to uproot their current existence and make such a change, but what do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

The jet-stream of life is waiting for you all, my friends. I'll catch you on the wave!

JB Lewis

Beam Me Up

One of my favorite images is of the Earth, looking back from space. And I realize this next statement will sound strange, but I love it because I cannot see the people on the surface, which makes everything just seem peaceful.

Meanwhile, down on the surface, millions of activities are going on. Billions of people are moving, fighting, struggling, killing, building, destroying, and reshaping the surface of the globe. But from space, none of that is visible. It is just a quiet planet floating in space. 

Then, as I stare longer at the picture, I cannot help but notice that, from space, Earth looks like one giant cell – just like the ones in us, except Earth is a cell in the body of the Universe. And humans resemble that of a destructive virus, moving all over it, devouring the cell wherever opportunity exists and without regard to itself. The virus simply seeks out the next thing it can latch onto, take it over and consume it until that thing is depleted.

I often wonder what we would look like to other beings in the Universe that just happen to be cruising by the Earth in their 2014, top of the line, candy-apple red UFO, with curb feelers, a built-in navigation system, and some fuzzy dice hanging from the anal probe, looking down at us in observance. Would other beings in the Universe consider us to be a good neighbor? Would other beings even want us as a neighbor?

This is how I see things – this lovely blue planet is nothing more than a shared dwelling where all of us humans are, more or less, roommates. And in the vein of being roomies – we all share the electric, the food, the space, and even the same blanket of stars. 

There simply is not enough room upon our small domicile to live comfortably with each other as long as we act violent, angry, greedy, entitled to power, jealous, murderous, envious, and the like? I mean, would any of you actually put up with a roommate that behaved in those ways? Probably not – you may even ask them to move out because these are the most non-progressive ways in which we can live. Nothing good ever comes from such behaviors; no unity, no Utopia, no peace, no lasting prosperity, and no real understanding of what love is. And one does not have to be a psychic, a prophet or a messiah to figure that out. 

I have found myself going out at night, looking up at the stars and jokingly saying, “Okay, I’m ready for the Mothership to come and beam me up now; I’ve had enough.” But the stars just wink back at me and carry-on about their business while I let out a sigh and secretly wish people on Earth behaved all the time as they do when guests come over for a visit. That is polite, caring, generous, loving, and happy.

Still, even though we don’t see beings from elsewhere in the Universe parking on our front lawns in their 1957 rag-top flying machine for a visit; wouldn’t it be nice if, as a collective, we behaved as though we were receiving company at any moment?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Mental Percentage

It has been said that humans use between 5 and 20 percent of the mind, and I can see how this conclusion has been made. It is not that we cannot use more, but that we were never given a chance to.
From birth we have been told of everything that we cannot do; everything that we should fear; everything that is impossible. Had we been shown precisely the opposite, we would be doing things in our everyday lives with the power of the mind that would make life on Earth the Utopia authors have always written about.

We write about such things, not because they are fantasy, but because there is still a part of us deep inside that knows we have these extra-sensory and super-human abilities built within us - they are simply dormant. But they are still with us because these abilities are programmed into our DNA.

We were programmed this way because of how magnificent and powerful the Soul is. Our bodies were formed as a direct compliment to our Souls. The brain was built to comprehend and carryout anything the Soul gives it, while the body was designed to comprehend and carryout anything the brain gives it. Anything less would be like putting propellers on the space shuttle; the two just would not compliment each other.

You are more powerful and magnificent than you may have ever been told.
You may read these words and believe they are true, but can you feel this truth deep inside?
You are a brilliant Soul, and you did not inherit an inadequate body. 

Wheelchairs, paralysis, handicaps, illnesses, obesity - these are not the limitations of your physical structure, for I have seen a girl dance from a wheelchair; I have seen a quadruple amputee swim the English channel; I have seen illness laden bodies on the verge of death be rebuilt; I have seen overweight beings reform their bodies into a picture of health. I assure you that nothing has ever been put on Earth that can stop you from being yourself unless you allow it.

It all depends on how much you are willing to Think into any given situation.

For example:

A five percent thinker believes nearly everything is impossible. A twenty percent thinker can build a craft that can go into space and back. A fifty percent thinker can manipulate almost everything in a physical environment with only their mind. A one hundred percent thinker is unstoppable.

So - tell me - how much of your brain power are you going to use tomorrow?

JB Lewis