Saturday, July 20, 2013

When I See Spirit

"When I See Spirit"
-JB Lewis

When I go out to restaurants or crowded places, I often encounter various aspects of Spirit among them. That is, identifiable Souls that have once, or many times, lived as a loved one to someone else right here on Earth. This has been happening all of my life, however, I have kept this part of my existence extremely low key. Outside of the four people in my immediate family, there are only a few others that know about this little thing I do; other than the people I have read over the years. Although this happens on a continual basis, for the most part, most of the time I either do not engage the ones I feel a pull towards, or I am simply too busy in my mind to do the translation justice.

For those who do not believe in what I am going to share with you – that is okay. Belief is not the purpose behind this personal reveal.

Recently, I went out to a fast food restaurant where I encountered Spirit. Even though I can easily say that Spirit is everywhere at once, it is still safe to say that this aspect of Spirit came into the restaurant with two police officers in the vibration of someone’s mother. I was already sitting down eating with my girls, Heather, Holly and Mia, when the two police officers sat at the table next to us.

One officer was white and one was black. This is sort of important for this story; but I will get to that later.

As the officers ate, I had a strong pull to them; or at least to their table area. My mouth wanted to start talking right off the bat, but I resisted because I kept thinking, "They will think I am a lunatic with what I needed to say."

After all, most cops are cynical so that made me un-easy about approaching them. All the while, I continued to be pulled. I kept seeing the word MOTHER in my mind; these mental notions are present in my mind the same as a memory would be; they’re not always clear and sometimes feels like I am trying to recall a fading dream. But in this case, I could see the word MOTHER stamped vertically across my own heart – right through the center – from the Aorta to the Apex. That is how it was presented to me in my mind, yet at the same time; I could feel it in my chest. And it wouldn't relent. Meanwhile, Heather was talking to me from across the table about her day at school, but I could barely pay attention to her.

Now, the white officer was sitting parallel to me and the black one across from him. This is why I didn't know which one to talk to; whose ever mother it was, had no racial identity as a spirit. I presumed it was the white cop's mom because he was the closest to me and the feeling was so strong.

I refocused my eyes on Heather and thought, "I should just leave this alone before I wind up looking like an idiot.” That’s the attitude I take 95% of the time. I don’t think I’ve gotten comfortable imposing on other people’s lives with subject matter that they may or may not believe in. That's when the officer's gun was presented to me in my mind. I knew I couldn't just let this go.

Suddenly, Heather started gathering up things from our table in order to leave. The two officers began doing the same. At that moment, a pull that I can't explain made me feel overly anxious, while a notion in my mind said, "Don't let them get away." So I walked over and stood in front of the two officers while they held their lunch garbage in their hands, and I just began by saying, "You guys are gonna think this is crazy, but let me ask you a question."

I had the full attention of both of them for a moment. The restaurant had several other patrons sitting around so I kept my voice low. I was ready to ask my first question, and the black officer looked like he wanted to make haste to the garbage can with the tray he was holding. I felt an impulse to say to him, “You better hang on a second.” So he stopped and placed the tray on a vacant table next to him.

“Okay, I am ready now,” I thought in my head. I just came right out and said, “Which one of you has the mother that has passed?” They both leaned in a bit; I think not expecting what they heard. So I repeated, “Which one of you has the mother that died?”

To my surprise, the black officer acknowledged this while the white one shook his head saying, “Not me.”

I was sure I felt it with the white one, but as I reflected back on it, I could see that the mother’s energy was simply everywhere around the table. Since I have never been presented with information about the race of a spirit when they were in the physical, I can only validate things after talking with the person that energy is closest to. The black officer moved in a little closer to our small huddle. I continued on.

“I have a mother figure that has been really trying to get me to talk to you. I wasn’t going to say anything with you two being police officers, but I just had to.”

I confirmed with the acknowledging officer, “You understand this?”

He said he did and I went on.

I said, “I feel like this happened recently, within the last 5 years.”

He said yes, “This is the fifth year since her passing.”

I illustrated with a hand gesture to my chest, “Your mom had an issue with her chest area. Do you know what this is?”

He nodded and said, “Yes, yes I do.”

I didn’t ask him any specific details regarding anything he validated for me. I just went on with the last couple of things I felt I had to say. Besides, there is no reason I need to know the personals – as long as it all makes sense to him. I said, “I understand from your mom right now that you’ve never had to use your gun in the line of duty.”

The officer smiled and agreed, nodding his head, “That’s right. I never have.”

The other officer concurred with this saying, “Neither have I, thank goodness.”

I had the strongest feeling that the mother always disliked the danger that came with the job and him carrying a gun, but I refrained from saying anything. I don’t know why. I try not to edit myself, but I find I often do anyway.

The last thing I felt come through me was this message: “You validating these things is just so you will know that your mother is with you, and purposely makes certain that you are kept out of situations that will cause you to use your gun. Ultimately she wants you to know that she is always with you; even right now while you were having lunch.”

The officer reached out to shake my hand, even though I felt there were a couple of other things I should have relayed. I felt a bit out of place doing a ‘reading’ in the public setting, so I thought I would take that opportunity to end the conversation on that note. I left and the pulling sensation I had been feeling was gone.

Looking back on it, and other readings I have done over the years, I can see that Spirit is everywhere. It is all encompassing, and is always waiting for any open window to pass messages through us to those who need them. In this most recent case, it was like the police officers came into eat their lunch with the mother’s Energy Identity “tagging along” and saw me as an opportunity to convey even the smallest, simplest of messages. The message I gave him may have been trivial to others, but to me it was huge. And I think by the look on his face it was big for him as well. The officers and I parted ways and I felt great for being able to be an intermediary that didn't end up looking like a schmuck.

I suppose the reason I am sharing this with all of you now, is to let you know that Spirit and all of the “Identities” within Spirit are continually speaking to, and through us. The atmosphere around you is thick with Spirit; there are no empty spaces that can be filled with anything else.

I realize that some people are more in-tune with the vibrations in the atmosphere, but everyone in human form can communicate with this same vibration; you simply have to match your mental frequency to the frequency of the Soul. Keep in mind that there is no “One Method Fits All” way to communicate. You have to find what is right for you. The Source of Life is always talking, but there may be things you need to do to unblock your consciousness from things you were trained to believe in the past before the “signal” can come in clearly enough to use in your life. That is, for you to use on purpose, and with a purpose.

Even though you are always in communion with Spirit, ask yourself why you seem to live in silence from the Source. You get all of your information from pages that someone else wrote, and not in your own being. Other reasons can be because your mind is busy with other things. There is too much noise in your life. You haven’t re-trained your brain to be aware that Spirit is talking through you all of the time. Or, you may believe that Spirit only talks to anointed people or that you don’t deserve the ear of the Creator.

The last two reasons are falsehoods; they are 100% untrue. I suppose that is why I am sharing a part of me that I traditionally keep secret; my own birth family does not know this about me. But now I am sharing this with whoever reads this so that you can broaden your horizon too. If everyone could experience the varieties of Source the way I do, it would be the greatest gift I could ever give.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Transform Your State of Happiness

I often hear people of religious thinking say, "We are in the world, not of it." Or they will say, "I can not participate in these worldly things, thoughts and events. I must be like God would have me be."

I suppose that it has never occurred to those thinkers that, this IS what God would have you be. If your Soul wanted to be angelic, the Soul would have never taken a human form. The Soul would remain among the Light Source from which it was made. Do people figure that their Soul was forced into flesh as some sort of punishment or test; or that they had no choice, and now they better strive for perfection or face the consequences? Has it been the experience of Christians that God forces Its way upon all of creation?

Try this out:
God is the Creator of Peace. This Creator never forces Itself upon anything since force is not needed for creation. Nothing that has been created uses force to continue to exist (except for humans); but even humans do not need to be forceful to survive - that is an implanted myth. Grass does not force itself through the dirt. Water does not force itself through canyons, and so on.

God IS that IT IS; that is to say, a being of Conscious Energy, without form. Therefore, God does not ultimately think, act or behave as we have all been trained to believe. God is not form - God is Thought Energy and uses that Thought Energy for Creation. God THINKS, therefore it EXISTS. There is no force involved.

This Source of Life does not need or require your obedience, allegiance, or defense against the likes of me or anyone else that thinks differently than you, in order for God to BE God.

If you think that you are here so you can behave in an angelic manner or emulate a savior or deity, then you probably should have "taken that left turn at Albuquerque," and gone somewhere else in the Universe. If you were to be any way other than Who You Are right at this moment, you would Never have been born into this human world. You would have remained formless, like the One who created your essence.

Remember, God is Omnipotent because God created All That Is. This Source already knows "what's up" and how you and all other things will work out. Since God knows this about you, God can never be surprised; and since no surprise can ever take place, God can never be disappointed in any action you partake of. God does not give "Life Tests" for you to pass or fail because God already knows in advance how you will proceed. A test would serve no purpose if the answer is already known by the test giver. A test is to find out what you will do when the test giver does not know what you will do.

You are here to experience that which you cannot as a formless being. There is no retribution for enjoying Who You Are. That would defeat the purpose of being human. Those who will not let go of a hostile, angry, punishing, jealous image of Spirit, will never understand this while in that conscious state.
Change The Way You Believe, and the Change Will Be Unbelievable.
Transform your state of happiness by transforming your state of mind.
Nothing I type can alter your conscious state unless you desire to make a change. This is something only you can do for you.

Be In Peace,
JB Lewis 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Is It Enlightenment That We Seek

From an unaware point of view, the human race would seem to have a long way to go until people realize and utilize their enlightened consciousness and abilities on a mass level. And it would appear that, until religion is 100 percent gone, we will not see an enlightened behavior from Earth’s people on a global scale. That is, of course, if it is enlightenment that we seek. We always have to concede that Earth may not be the place Souls go to experience enlightened behavior. Earth may be known throughout the Universe as the place to be to live the opposite of who we are.

But if you wish to blend a little spiritual enlightenment into a non-enlightened world, religion has to go. Religion was constructed in a way that disallows progressive thinking due to its inability to expand beyond the pages of all respective Bibles. Since no additional Bibles or scriptures, new or otherwise, will ever be accepted into any religion, growth is forever stunted. The loss of expansion leaves the believers at a loss when they experience something outside of the written rules. Religious doctrines lead followers to a plateau, and then strands them there with no promise of experiencing more than the limits set by the scriptures; that is, until a savior comes. In the meantime, an entire life of experience has been missed; unless your journey here was to specifically live a limited reality. In that case, you are right on track.

The absence of religion does not mean the absence of God or Heaven or brotherhood or morality. However, removing religion from the human psyche will allow people to understand the Creator more clearly than ever thought possible since everything about religious ideologies that cause strife, will be missing from our thought patterns. The idea that one god is better than another will not exist. There will be no more competition over whose God is the true one because there will be an understanding that there is no separation between us, and we are all loved equally.

The problem that occurs whenever certain religions believe they are chosen above others is they are mentally training YOU to believe YOU are separate from the rest of YOURSELF. When I say, "Yourself" I am referring to every other living organism, seen or unseen, in the Universe and beyond.  Because everything is connected and interwoven, all things are just an extension of you; hence, the rest of you.

Of course, you can never separate from yourself, whether you are physical or spirit, since we are ALL ONE. But that doesn't stop people from trying to train you otherwise. If you are having trouble with the notion that everything is connected, do not fret – your belief in it or non belief in it does not alienate you. You are part of the family anyway. And since the human brain is the one and only place that we can experience separation from the Whole if we want to, we know that when we cease using our physical brains, we will once again recognize our connection and oneness with everything.

But there is no rush to begin a new spiritually enlightened paradigm. Take as many lifetimes as you need to experience everything that you desire; you are not on a timeline. The Universe moves at once, all together, even though we may all appear to move separately; so every being in existence will gladly wait for you. Every being in the Cosmos is sharing in your adventures with you from an unseen realm; pushing you along where you need it, and stalling you when you need to sit still for a bit. This is all done out of immense love for you.

But still, with all of that said, I must point out that, if we truly wanted to be an advanced society that lived like highly evolved beings, we could do it; we would move in unison as a collective because that is how the Creative Mind of Spirit functions anyway; not with a few independents trying to convince everyone else. That small section of the population who go against the grain, are just the ones that have realized their true nature, and become so excited about it that they want to tell everyone the news. It is a natural drive for us to want to live from the highest thought pattern that can be conceived once we realize our greatness.

In the meantime, enjoy what life has to offer. Appreciate what you have and know that no experience is a waste of time. All things are, and always have been, intended by you. Here is a tip: stop intending things that make you unhappy if you are just going to get frustrated with what you have created and then blame someone else for the outcome. If you decide to accept every outcome that presents itself, no matter how horrible, you will know what it feels like to live enlightened.


You will begin to feel invincible. Suddenly, your fear level will drop and things that never used to happen for you will rain down into your life. You will feel blessed, but this time, you will know you are worth every blessing. The more you come from your highest possible thought, which is love; you will then know just how great your worth is. You could die right at that moment and have no regrets. That’s what living the good life is all about.
Go and live like a superstar ... believe in your own worth ... Stop waiting for the world to end ... Be in peace.
- JB Lewis

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What You See Isn't Always What You Get

Do you believe that what your eyes see is real?
Does your vision reveal the truth of things to you?

Take a second to consider 3-D movies. Have you been to see a 3 Dimensional film lately? I know if you have, you have pulled down your 3-D glasses to see what the picture looks like without the aid of the glasses only to find a giant, blurry, double-visioned image projecting back at you.

Apart from the glasses, the brain cannot decide on its own that it is viewing something that is being incorrectly presented. The human brain simply believes what it is given until rules are developed for the brain to understand the image needs adjusting. Although, no matter how long you stare at a 3-D image without glasses, the picture will never get better even after the brain understands that the image is distorted from what it normally processes. Since the rules of vision have already been established in the mind from birth, the mind will constantly attempt to adjust any unfiltered 3-D image it sees; and since it will fail, a headache or eye strain will eventually ensue.

The reason is, the rods and cones in each eye are identical and do not have the ability to appropriately block the different left and right images or colors on the screen as 3-D glasses do. The 3-D glasses block the left eye from seeing what the right eye needs to see and vice-versa - that way each eye is getting the appropriate image and nothing else. Then, because our eyes are spaced apart, giving us stereoscopic/binocular vision, our brain can calculate depth, causing a 3-D effect because the images were corrected to match the rules of vision set in the brain.

But it is all still just an illusion. Just because an image is being fed to the brain doesn't make the incoming data true. Simply put, an outside source has been created to manipulate what the brain thinks it knows. The mind is constantly being manipulated by the world around it because the mind does not know what is true or false until rules of true and false are created for a particular idea or notion.

With this in mind, what makes you think that anything you see on a daily basis is true at all? Is it because you are familiar with what you see? Is it because we have been trained and conditioned to accept certain things as fact?

If what you can see is reality, then how can a simple infrared lens on a camera see through the plastic bag on the image below? To a human eye, and a non-filtered lens, the bag looks solid. However, in truth, nothing in the Universe is solid - not even rocks. Just have a look under high magnification and you will see how far apart the molecules that make up things on Earth really are. You have been deceived since your arrival on Earth. This is in part by design, and in part by unawareness.

There is so much going on around you that you cannot see; the brain accepts what it receives as all there is. That is why you should rely more on your intuitive nature for what is real than anything else. Our eyes are extremely limited: In terms of what is available to be seen, our visual ability is akin to being blind.

Imagine how illuminated your world would be if your eyes could reveal just a little more of the light spectrum. This is a simple way to show how easily the mind can be tricked, and that the human brain only knows what is implanted into it.
Try this: Find a quiet place to retreat - perhaps at bedtime - and close your eyes. Begin to see yourself as you've always imagined. Forget what you remember seeing in the mirror because we now know that that reflection is not the truth of you. Your own eyes have been lying to your brain all of these years because the brain thinks that what it can see, touch and feel is authentic. 

What the brain never sees through the eyes is that, interwoven with the image in the mirror, is a you that is so beautiful, the mirror couldn't reflect it back to you. The best secret ever kept is just how beautiful you really are. If only there was a lens that could see Who You Really Are, you would stop chasing the perfect body. If you had True-Vision, you would no longer pursue someone that needs to meet special, physical criteria in order to have your heart. Material things like clothing would no longer concern you because you would realize that there isn't a garment in existence that could enhance your true identity. 

It is as good a time as any to let yourself go - release any preconceived ideas about your outer image, or who you believe you are as a person, since we all know your brain has been left out of the loop. Your eyes have sheltered you from your greatness. Now it is time to see yourself as the magnificent being that you are by using the eyes of the Soul.

Tonight when you go to bed, lie on your back - hold a finger to your lips, and with true passion for yourself, give it a kiss and say, "I love you" - then touch that finger to your heart for a few moments, imagining that the kiss is penetrating your very being. This kind of self love may cause your heart to beat a little faster.

Here is another little secret just for you:
The more you love yourself - the better the reflection will look in the mirror when you do use your physical eyes to see.

Now Go In Peace and Be In Love

- JB Lewis