Thursday, March 3, 2016

"The Soul & The Brain"

Okay. You can take me now. I am ready to go.

Where should I take you?

You that place...that place people go after.

After what?

Good grief; after death. Now you're just being goofy.

(Laughing) Just to be straight - you're a brain. A part of the physical realm; so you are not going anywhere. The problem is, you are speaking as if you are a Soul.

I feel like I am making decisions like a Soul. But okay, I remember all of our previous conversations. I serve you and will decay and turn to whatever after the body is put to rest.

Right. But for the sake of discussion. Where would I take you if you could go?

You know; the place where Souls go...Heaven.


Why do you mock me?

Heaven, you say? What makes you think you are not already there?

Have you had a look around? This is NOT Heaven.

On the one hand, you are right. But on another, you are not.

Ahh brother. Okay. What?

I will say it so that you can construct an image. The life you call a human physical experience is happening within a specific dimension; a sliver of All That Is. Let us just say that every moment has its own sliver.

Every moment that has ever existed exists independently?

Collectively independent, yes.

Apparently you've never heard of oxy-morons. That would be an almost infinite amount of dimensional slivers.


But how can the Universe contain all of those slivers from every being that has ever existed in the history of creation?

Because there is no such thing as a Universe. That is merely the name humans have given to that which they have yet to fully understand.


When something is given a name, it has been presumed that this named thing has borders and limitations - like a box. As if there is somewhere, no matter how large, that this thing must absolutely end since, something without end seems impossible to the human mind. Such a state of mind is taught, not inherited from Consciousness.

But scientists say the Universe is expanding. So for something to expand, there must be a point by which they can measure how far it has moved since the last measurement.

(Laughing) You're cute. The Universe, as you call it, is not expanding. It is shifting. The space around you is in a state of constant flux. It moves in and out; it breathes, if you will. It digests itself and gives birth of itself over and over again. Anything you notice as a space, emptiness or a void is really just Consciousness in a state of motion.

But you said before, in another conversation, that you move into that which is not, and make it that which is. Wouldn't that be you moving into areas that are outside of You?

Nothing is outside of Me. In fact, nothing is outside or inside of Me since there are no borders that would indicate where I stop or where I begin. Sometimes it is necessary to explain things in a way that the human mind can accept and understand. But after a while, it is important to move beyond that smaller comprehension.

You're building blocks; or steps that lead to a larger view?


But what you are saying means that every thought of every being, animal, human or other life form, would exist within its very own dimension. To me, at least, it is incomprehensible how large a space would have to be to contain all of this information.

That is because you are thinking as if Consciousness is some sort of computer server or something - storing experiences in gigabits or terabits. I tell you this: no space is required for every single experience or thought to exist. Every single moment that has ever occurred, even where no beings are present, is a dimension. All That Is, Has Been, or Ever Will Be, exists at all times - and it exists freely without borders, restrictions, or conditions - and is accessible at all times.

It simply exists?

Yes. I am not a computer or a matrix. I am that I am and that is enough. I exist everywhere - and everywhere is really nowhere-in-particular. And when I say I, I mean all of us.

But wait. If everything I have ever thought and done each has its own dimension, I would occupy an enormous space. 

I see that you still cannot get beyond your physical perception of Who and What I am. So to go along with your ideology; yes, if you had a size to measure, you would be your own Universe complete with stars and galaxies. You would move throughout the All of Everything as if you were a person in a much larger community. Just like a person in a big city, you could move without ever touching another Universe, if that's what you chose. Or you could mingle and merge with other Universal Consciousness the same as you do when you are having a dinner party. Yes, you are enormous; yet, you are just a twinkle in the All of Everything.

Okay. When a Soul moves on from the body, there is really no Heaven to go to. Is that what you're saying?

I am saying, you Are the Heaven you seek. You are the Universe you observe. You are the glory you praise. You are the gift the Soul has given to Itself.

So what really happens when the Soul leaves the body?

When the Soul leaves the body, the Soul remains what It has always been. It does not change from one form to another since the Soul never became a body - the Soul merely manipulated parts of a physical dimension while remaining right where It has always been - in Its own dimension. Upon death, as you call it, the Soul simply turns Its focus from one dimension of the All to another. In a near-death-experience, this shift seems like a new place; but it is really just the Soul's old neighborhood, if you will.

Hold on. Wait. I'm thinking. I have to recap. There is no Universe as we have been taught, just the limited perspective from one of infinite dimensions. Everything exists freely. The Soul is larger than a brain like me can comprehend. Did I get it right?

More or less. But I never said you cannot comprehend it. You are comprehending it right now. You just cannot experience it. The experience of it is beyond what the realm of the physical can reproduce. That is because this dimension was designed that way. That is why Souls come here, so to speak; though this is not the only place Souls like to visit for experiences. Souls reach into other dimensions in order to feel what things are like there. In your case, it's the experience of being human. When a Soul is done with that, a shift occurs and the Soul refocuses, as it were. Your realm sees this as death; but the Consciousness, previously known as your Soul, never stops. It does multiple things at once. Visits multiple dimensions at once. Lives multiple lives at once. Think of the most amazing thing you think the Soul can do and multiply it by infinity. That is what the Soul is doing all of the time.

All the time?

Even while I am having this conversation with you.

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