Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Brain & The Soul: Volume Two

With all of the crying, pain, heartache, depression, and other stuff that goes on – why can’t the brain be in on it just a little? Why so much misery just for the sake of doing it?

Because there is no other place it can be done. This is the main show on Earth. Imagine if you walked into a haunted Funhouse on Halloween; you have paid to go through the exhibit for the sole purpose of being terrified from people jumping out and screaming at you. It is the thrill you seek. But then what if someone turns all the lights on? All of a sudden nothing is hidden. You can see their phony costumes and see that they really are not monsters at all, but beings just like you. With the darkness removed, all of the bends and corners can be easily seen. You will not be scared, excited, mystified, or in a state of wonderment of what will happen next. You see my friend; humanity really wants to be in the dark because that is where the fun is. So I have given you the illusion of darkness by taking away your awareness through the use of the human brain. But this is merely temporary, I assure you.

It just seems so crazy that humanity wants to be blind.

Yes. The brain is a tool, a veil if you will; that all identities have agreed would be sufficient for the blocking of the Light.

With the brain we live in darkness – without the brain we live in Light. That is what was meant when You tried to explain in the last book that Light is always around us but is hidden behind our unawareness.

Correct. But now you have allowed a tiny bit of Light to come through. You have opened the brain ever so slightly. So now you all must ask yourselves this question. Knowing that you will one day see the light in all Its glory, do you really want to ruin the endless surprise and mystique of the Funhouse at this time simply because you are a little impatient

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